- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我想从节点“a”和节点“o”获取所有 LCA 节点。
import networkx as nx
def calc_length(Graph, node1, node2, elem):
length1 = nx.shortest_path_length(Graph, node1, elem)
length2 = nx.shortest_path_length(Graph, node1, elem)
length_sum = length1 + length2
return length_sum
G = nx.DiGraph() #Directed graph
edges = [("a","b"),("b","c"),("b","d"),("a","e"),("a","h"),("e","f"),("e","g"),("e","i"),("h","l"),("h","m"),("g","j"),("o","p"),("o","n"),("n","m"),("n","l"),("n","k"),("p","j"),]
G.add_edges_from([(e[0], e[1]) for e in edges])
preds_1 = nx.bfs_predecessors(G, "a")
preds_2 = nx.bfs_predecessors(G, "o")
common_preds = set([n for n in preds_1]).intersection(set([n for n in preds_2]))
common_preds = list(common_preds)
dic ={}
for elem in common_preds:
length_sum = calc_length(G, "a", "o", elem)
dic[elem] = length_sum
min_num = min(dic.values())
for k, v in sorted(dic.items(), key=lambda x:x[1]):
if v != min_num:
print k, v
这里有几个问题,我已经在评论中指出了其中的一些问题。部分问题在于命名法令人困惑:最低共同祖先(as defined on wikipedia 并且大概在一般计算机科学中)真的应该命名为最低共同后代,以符合 networkx(以及任何理智的网络科学家)使用的命名法据我所知)。因此,您的广度优先搜索应该真正跟随后代,而不是前辈。下面实现这样的 LCA 搜索:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.ion()
import networkx as nx
def find_lowest_common_ancestor(graph, a, b):
Find the lowest common ancestor in the directed, acyclic graph of node a and b.
The LCA is defined as on
This definition is the opposite of the term as it is used e.g. in biology!
graph: networkx.DiGraph instance
directed, acyclic, graph
a, b:
node IDs
lca: [node 1, ..., node n]
list of lowest common ancestor nodes (can be more than one)
assert nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(graph), "Graph has to be acyclic and directed."
# get ancestors of both (intersection)
common_ancestors = list(nx.descendants(graph, a) & nx.descendants(graph, b))
# get sum of path lengths
sum_of_path_lengths = np.zeros((len(common_ancestors)))
for ii, c in enumerate(common_ancestors):
sum_of_path_lengths[ii] = nx.shortest_path_length(graph, a, c) \
+ nx.shortest_path_length(graph, b, c)
# print common_ancestors
# print sum_of_path_lengths
# return minima
minima, = np.where(sum_of_path_lengths == np.min(sum_of_path_lengths))
return [common_ancestors[ii] for ii in minima]
def test():
nodes = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p"]
edges = [("a","b"),
G = nx.DiGraph()
# plot
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos, labels=dict([(c, c) for c in 'abcdefghijklmnop']))
a,b = 'a','o'
lca = find_lowest_common_ancestor(G, a, b)
print "Lowest common ancestor(s) for {} and {}: {}".format(a, b, lca)
if __name__ == "__main__":
关于python - NetworkX 的所有最低共同祖先,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39946894/
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下面是我的代码: import networkx as nx for i in range(2): G = nx.DiGraph() if i==0: G.add_ed
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我希望 networkx 在我的定向中找到绝对最长的路径, 无环图。 我知道 Bellman-Ford,所以我否定了我的图长度。问题: networkx 的 bellman_ford() 需要一个源节
我在图中有一个节点,它充当一种“临时连接器”节点。我想删除该节点并更新图中的边,以便其所有直接前辈都指向其直接后继者。 在 networkx 中是否有内置功能可以做到这一点,还是我需要推出自己的解决方
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我有一组起点-终点坐标,我想计算它们之间的最短路径。 我的起点-终点坐标有时位于一条长直线道路的中间。但是,OSMnx/networkx 计算的最短路径不会考虑中间边到最近节点的路径。 OSMnx 或