- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
dt |AverageTemperature |AverageTemperatureUncertainty|City |Country |Latitude|Longitude
1963-01-01|-5.417000000000002 |0.5 |Karachi|Pakistan|57.05N |10.33E
1963-02-01|-4.7650000000000015|0.328 |Karachi|Pakistan|57.05N |10.33E
1964-01-01|-5.417000000000002 |0.5 |Karachi|Pakistan|57.05N |10.33E
1964-02-01|-4.7650000000000015|0.328 |Karachi|Pakistan|57.05N |10.33E
1965-01-01|11.417000000000002 |0.5 |Karachi|Pakistan|57.05N |10.33E
1965-02-01|12.7650000000000015|0.328 |Karachi|Pakistan|57.05N |10.33E
我必须将其解析为 POJO 并根据以下问题陈述计算平均增量:
Use the Streams API to calculate the average annual temperature delta for each country. To calculate delta the average temperature in 1900 would be subtracted from the average temperature in 1901 to obtain the delta from 1900 to 1901 for a particular city. The average of all these deltas is the average annual temperature delta for a city. The average of all cities in a country is the average of a country.
我的 Temperate POJO 看起来像下面有 getter 和 setter
public class Temperature {
private java.util.Date date;
private double averageTemperature;
private double averageTemperatureUncertainty;
private String city;
private String country;
private String latitude;
private String longitude;
Map<String, Map<String, Map<Integer, Double>>> countriesMap = this.getTemperatures().stream()
(t -> {
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
return calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
为了计算增量,我们必须计算差异对于 Map<Integer, Double>
Stream.of(10d, 20d, 10d) //this is sample data that I that I get in `Map<Integer, Double>` of countriesMap
.map(new Function<Double, Optional<Double>>() {
Optional<Double> previousValue = Optional.empty();
public Optional<Double> apply(Double current) {
Optional<Double> value = previousValue.map(previous -> current - previous);
previousValue = Optional.of(current);
return value;
如何一次性使用流计算增量或如何对 countriesMap
要将问题陈述缩减为更小的 block ,您可以研究的另一种方法是通过 year
正在处理它。尽管必须对 Map<Integer, Double>
Map<Integer, Double> unitOfWork = new HashMap<>(); // innermost map you've attained ('yearToAverageTemperature' map)
unitOfWork = unitOfWork.entrySet()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e1, LinkedHashMap::new));
// the values sorted based on the year from a sorted map
List<Double> srtedValPerYear = new ArrayList<>(unitOfWork.values());
// average of deltas from the complete list
double avg = IntStream.range(0, srtedVal.size() - 1)
.mapToDouble(i -> (srtedVal.get(i + 1) - srtedVal.get(i)))
进一步注意,这只是一个 City
的平均值<Year, AverageTemperature>
的记录,您将不得不遍历所有 City
keyset 和类似的所有 Country
进一步将这个工作单元移动到一个方法中,遍历整个 map 的 map ,这可能会完成为:
// The average of all cities in a country is the average of a country.
AtomicReference<Double> countryValAvg = new AtomicReference<>(0.0);
countriesMap.forEach((country, cityMap) -> {
// The average of all these deltas is the average annual temperature delta for a city.
AtomicReference<Double> cityAvgTemp = new AtomicReference<>((double) 0);
cityMap.forEach((city, yearMap) -> cityAvgTemp.set(cityAvgTemp.get() + averagePerCity(yearMap)));
double avgAnnualTempDeltaPerCity = cityAvgTemp.get() / cityMap.size();
countryValAvg.set(countryValAvg.get() + avgAnnualTempDeltaPerCity);
System.out.println(countryValAvg.get() / countriesMap.size());
double averagePerCity(Map<Integer, Double> unitOfWork) {
unitOfWork = unitOfWork.entrySet()
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue, (e1, e2) -> e1, LinkedHashMap::new));
List<Double> srtedVal = new ArrayList<>(unitOfWork.values());
return IntStream.range(0, srtedVal.size() - 1)
.mapToDouble(i -> (srtedVal.get(i + 1) - srtedVal.get(i)))
Edit1:哪个could be improved further as :
// The average of all cities in a country is the average of a country.
AtomicReference<Double> countryValAvg = new AtomicReference<>(0.0);
countriesMap.forEach((country, cityMap) -> {
// The average of all these deltas is the average annual temperature delta for a city.
double avgAnnualTempDeltaPerCity = cityMap.values()
.mapToDouble(Quick::averagePerCity) // Quick is my class name
countryValAvg.set(countryValAvg.get() + avgAnnualTempDeltaPerCity);
System.out.println(countryValAvg.get() / countriesMap.size());
double avgAnnualTempDeltaPerCity = countriesMap.values().stream()
.mapToDouble(cityMap -> cityMap.values()
.mapToDouble(Quick::averagePerCity) // Quick is my class name
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