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Java 使用合并排序对数字数组进行排序

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 03:52:19 27 4
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我正在尝试在 Java 中使用合并排序来对数字数组进行排序。在这种情况下,数组是 numBars。我制作了一个由 30 个数字组成的小数组,并附上了控制台的输出。我跟踪合并方法以了解为什么我遇到索引问题。我相信我在某个地方偏离了 1,但似乎无法弄清楚我的逻辑哪里出了问题。

public void mergeSort() {
mergeSortHelper(numBars, 0);

public void mergeSortHelper(int[] theArray, int leftIndex) {

//split the list in half
int mid = theArray.length/2;
if (mid < 1) {
} else {
System.out.println("Left Index is originally: " + leftIndex);
int[] left = Arrays.copyOfRange(theArray, 0, mid);
int[] right = Arrays.copyOfRange(theArray, mid, theArray.length);
//sort the lower half
mergeSortHelper(left, leftIndex);
mergeSortHelper(right, leftIndex + left.length);
//merge them together
merge(left, right, leftIndex);
System.out.println("Left Index is now: " + leftIndex);
System.out.println("Right Index is now: " + (leftIndex + mid));
left = Arrays.copyOfRange(numBars, leftIndex, leftIndex + mid);
right = Arrays.copyOfRange(numBars, leftIndex + mid, leftIndex + mid + right.length);

public void merge(int[]a, int[]b, int leftIndex) {
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int result = leftIndex;
while (i < a.length && j < b.length) {
//System.out.println("Comparing from A: " + a[i] + " Comparing from B: " + b[i]);
if (a[i] < b[j]) {
theCanvas.eraseRectangle(graphWidth + i * barWidth, graphHeight - barScale * numBars[i], barScale, barScale * numBars[i]);
numBars[result] = a[i];
theCanvas.fillRectangle(graphWidth + i * barWidth, graphHeight - barScale * numBars[i], barScale, barScale * numBars[i]);
} else {
theCanvas.eraseRectangle(graphWidth + j * barWidth, graphHeight - barScale * numBars[j], barScale, barScale * numBars[j]);
numBars[result] = b[j];
theCanvas.fillRectangle(graphWidth + j * barWidth, graphHeight - barScale * numBars[j], barScale, barScale * numBars[j]);

//System.out.println("First Loop, Comparing Size" + Arrays.toString(output));
while (i < a.length) {
numBars[result] = a[i];
//System.out.println("Second Loop, Finishing A array" + Arrays.toString(output));

while(j < b.length) {
numBars[result] = b[j];
//System.out.println("Third Loop, Finishing B array" + Arrays.toString(output));


Left Index is originally: 0
Left Index is originally: 0
Left Index is originally: 0
Left Index is originally: 1
Left Index is now: 1
Right Index is now: 2
[10, 50, 55, 99, 18, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53]
Left Index is now: 0
Right Index is now: 1
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53]
Left Index is originally: 3
Left Index is originally: 3
Left Index is now: 3
Right Index is now: 4
[10, 55, 50, 18, 99, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53]
Left Index is originally: 5
Left Index is now: 5
Right Index is now: 6
[10, 55, 50, 18, 99, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53]
Left Index is now: 3
Right Index is now: 5
[10, 55, 50, 9, 46, 99, 18, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53]
Left Index is now: 0
Right Index is now: 3
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53]
Left Index is originally: 7
Left Index is originally: 7
Left Index is originally: 7
Left Index is now: 7
Right Index is now: 8
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 37, 80, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53]
Left Index is originally: 9
Left Index is now: 9
Right Index is now: 10
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 37, 80, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53]
Left Index is now: 7
Right Index is now: 9
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 35, 69, 80, 37, 77, 34, 53, 53]
Left Index is originally: 11
Left Index is originally: 11
Left Index is now: 11
Right Index is now: 12
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 35, 69, 80, 37, 34, 77, 53, 53]
Left Index is originally: 13
Left Index is now: 13
Right Index is now: 14
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 35, 69, 80, 37, 34, 77, 53, 53]
Left Index is now: 11
Right Index is now: 13
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 35, 69, 80, 37, 53, 53, 77, 34]
Left Index is now: 7
Right Index is now: 11
[10, 55, 50, 99, 18, 9, 46, 77, 34, 53, 53, 80, 37, 35, 69]
Left Index is now: 0
Right Index is now: 7
[10, 55, 50, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53, 99, 18, 9, 46]
[10, 55, 50, 80, 37, 35, 69, 77, 34, 53, 53, 99, 18, 9, 46]



} else {
System.out.println("Left Index is originally: " + leftIndex);
int[] left = Arrays.copyOfRange(theArray, 0, mid);
int[] right = Arrays.copyOfRange(theArray, mid, theArray.length);
//sort the lower half
mergeSortHelper(left, leftIndex);
mergeSortHelper(right, leftIndex + left.length);
//merge them together
merge(left, right, leftIndex);
System.out.println("Left Index is now: " + leftIndex);
System.out.println("Right Index is now: " + (leftIndex + mid));
left = Arrays.copyOfRange(numBars, leftIndex, leftIndex + mid);
right = Arrays.copyOfRange(numBars, leftIndex + mid, leftIndex + mid + right.length);

最后,当您将值从 numBars 复制到 leftright 时,这是完全没有意义的,因为它们会消失之后立即进入范围,并将被垃圾收集。

在调用者中,应该排序的数组保持不变。您需要将合并后的值从 numBars 复制到作为参数的数组 theArray 中,这样当调用者合并时,它会合并排序的数组。

所以将 else block 中的最后两行替换为

for(int i = 0; i < mid; ++i) {
theArray[i] = numBars[leftIndex + i];
for(int i = mid; i < mid + left.length; ++i) {
theArray[i] = numBars[leftIndex + i];


但是,如果您将应该放置合并结果的数组作为参数传递给 merge,那么代码会更简洁。

关于Java 使用合并排序对数字数组进行排序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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