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python - 将 Minimax 转换为 Negamax(python)

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 03:37:10 27 4
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我正在制作黑白棋玩家,并实现了一个带有 alpha-beta 剪枝的极小极大算法。然后我在网上对最好的算法进行了一系列研究,并不断听到他们都使用的“negamax”算法。似乎大多数人认为 negamax 比 minimax 快(我认为是因为它不会在最小玩家和最大玩家之间切换?),所以如果不太困难的话,我想将我的 minimax 算法变成 negamax。

我想知道人们是否知道使用 negamax 的速度有多快,以及关于如何将我的 minimax 代码转换为 negamax 算法的任何提示或代码,我们将不胜感激!


def minimax(Board, maximizingPlayer, depth, count):
# maximizing player has 'B' and minimizing 'W'
if maximizingPlayer: player, opp = Board.player, Board.opp
else: player, opp = Board.opp, Board.player

moves_list = Board.get_moves_list(player, opp)
best_move = (-1,-1)

# base case
if ( depth==0 or moves_list == [] ):
best_score, parity, mobility, stability = Board.evaluate()
best_move = (-1, -1)
return best_score, best_move, count

# maximizing player
if maximizingPlayer:
best_score = float("-inf")
for move in moves_list:
new_board = deepcopy(Board)
new_board.play_legal_move(move[0], move[1], player, opp, flip=True)
the_score, the_move, count = minimax(new_board, False, depth-1, count+1)
best_score = max(best_score, the_score)
if (the_score == best_score):
best_move = move

return best_score, best_move, count
# minimzing player
best_score = float("inf")
for move in moves_list:
new_board = deepcopy(Board)
new_board.play_legal_move(move[0], move[1], player, opp, flip=True)
the_score, the_move, count = minimax(new_board, True, depth-1, count+1)
best_score = min(best_score, the_score)
if (the_score == best_score):
best_move = move

return best_score, best_move, count

因为我收到了询问我的 Alpha-beta 修剪的回复,所以这里是:

def alphabeta(Board, maximizingPlayer, depth, count, alpha, beta):
# maximizing player has 'B' and minimizing 'W'
if maximizingPlayer: player, opp = Board.player, Board.opp
else: player, opp = Board.opp, Board.player

moves_list = Board.get_moves_list(player, opp)
best_move = (-1,-1)

# base case
if ( depth==0 or moves_list == [] ):
best_score, parity, mobility, stability = Board.evaluate()
best_move = (-1, -1)
return best_score, best_move, count

# maximizing player
if maximizingPlayer:
best_score = float("-inf")
for move in moves_list:
new_board = deepcopy(Board)
new_board.play_legal_move(move[0], move[1], player, opp, flip=True)
the_score, the_move, count = alphabeta(new_board, False, depth-1, count+1, alpha, beta)
if (the_score > alpha):
alpha = the_score
best_move = move
if beta <= alpha: break

return alpha, best_move, count
# minimzing player
best_score = float("inf")
for move in moves_list:
new_board = deepcopy(Board)
new_board.play_legal_move(move[0], move[1], player, opp, flip=True)
the_score, the_move, count = alphabeta(new_board, True, depth-1, count+1, alpha, beta)
if (the_score < beta):
beta = the_score
best_move = move
if beta <= alpha: break

return beta, best_move, count


我认为现在您已经实现了 minimax,这已经足够好了,但是您需要在 minimax 中实现最重要的优化,即 alpha-beta修剪,这将是对您的代码的简单更改,并且速度会有非常显着的提高。


注意到您已经使用了 alpha-beta,因此您可以实现 negamax,但您认为它不切换的想法是不正确的,但它减少了 minimax 的代码(我怀疑速度有显着提高)。这里的想法是,一个玩家的移动点数始终是另一个玩家的 -ve 但相同的幅度允许您计算 max(a,b) = -min(-a,-b)。


score = -negamax(depth-1,-player)
best = max(score,best)

这些只是使用 negamax 评估 minimax 的行



这在速度方面不是很重要的优化,但使代码简单易读,因此值得,但不幸的是,您需要删除大量代码才能将代码转换为 negamax,所以我建议不要这样做。

关于python - 将 Minimax 转换为 Negamax(python),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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