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c - 合并算法在合并时对两个字符串数组进行排序

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 03:19:40 26 4
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我编写了一个包含两个字符串数组的程序。 list 1 和 list 2。它们未排序。



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define BIG 42
int main()
//initialising variables and the arrays containing each of the four groups.
char *list1 [10] =
"Ant ",
"Donald ",
"Mark ",
"Paul ",
"Steven ",
"Andrew ",
"George ",
"Joshua ",
"Kevin "
} ;

char *list2 [6] =
"Frank ",
"Brandon ",
"Greg ",
"Samuel ",
"Patrick ",
"Alexander "
} ;

int length_list1 = 10 ;
int length_list2 = 6 ;
char *big_array2 [BIG] ;

//This is a bubble sorting Algorithm. It sorts list1 & list2 in order and then prints the sorted arrays out.
for (int j = 0 ; j < length_list1 - 1 ; j++ )//This loop takes the top number off every time the algorithm repeats to save time,
for (int i = j + 1 ; i < length_list1 ; i++ ) //this loop goes from 0 to the length of list1 and will do everything within the braces.
if( strcmp( list1[j], list1[i]) > 0 ) //strcmp is a function that compares the strings to see which is alphabetically closer to a.
char *temp = list1[j] ;//temp stores one of the strings if a swap needs to be done.
list1[j] = list1[i] ;
list1[i] = temp ;
}//end if
}//end for
}//end for

for (int j = 0 ; j < length_list2 - 1 ; j++ )//This loop takes the top number off every time the algorithm repeats to save time,
for (int i = j + 1 ; i < length_list2 ; i++ )//this loop goes from 0 to the length of list2 and will do everything within the braces.
if( strcmp(list2[j],list2[i]) > 0 ) //strcmp is a function that compares the strings to see which is alphabetically closer to a.
char *temp = list2[j] ;//temp stores one of the strings if a swap needs to be done.
list2[j] = list2[i] ;
list2[i] = temp ;
}//end if
}//end for
}//end for

//Printing the sorted arrays out using for loops.
printf( "\n\nlist1(in order) :\n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < length_list1 ; i++ )
printf( "\n%d) %s", i + 1, list1[i] ) ;
printf( "\n\nlist2(in order) :\n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < length_list2 ; i++ )
printf( "\n%d) %s", i + 1, list2[i] ) ;
//This is a merging algorithm. It merges list1 &list2 into the array big_array2.
//intiailising variables that will be used for while loops.
int i = 0 ;
int j = 0 ;
int index = 0 ;

while( i < length_list1 && j < length_list2 ) //This while loop will continue while i is less than the length of the first array
{ //and j is less than the length of the second array.
if( strcmp( list1[i], list2[j] ) > 0 ) //This if statement uses the strcmp function and compares the n elements of the two arrays.
{ //If list1 is alphabetically closer to 'a' then it will be added to n spot of the big array.
big_array2[index] = list1[i] ;
i++ ; //Now 'i' will be incremented by one so in that array it moves on to the next number for comparison.
}//end if

else //If list2 is alphabetically closer to 'a' then it will be added to n spot of the big array.
big_array2[index] = list2[j] ;
j++ ; //Now 'j' will be incremented by one so in that array it moves on to the next number for comparison.
}//end else
index++ ; //Now 'index' will be incremented by one so the big arrays position will increase by one so another comparison between
}//end while // the two arrays can be done.

while( i < length_list1 ) //This is a while statement incase that j reaches its length before i. then it will assume that i has to take the rest of the spots in the big array.
big_array2[index] = list1[i] ;
i++ ;
index++ ;
}//end while

while( j < length_list2 ) //This is a while statement incase that i reaches its length before j. then it will assume that j has to take the rest of the spots in the big array.
big_array2[index] = list2[j] ;
j++ ;
index++ ;
}//end while
printf( "\n\n\n" ) ;
for ( int index=0; index < 16; index++)
printf("Merged %d is %s\n", index+1, big_array2[index]);
return 0;
}//end main()


  list1(in order) :

1) Andrew
2) Ant
3) Donald
4) George
5) Joshua
6) Kenneth
7) Kevin
8) Mark
9) Paul
10) Steven

list2(in order) :

1) Alexander
2) Brandon
3) Frank
4) Greg
5) Patrick
6) Samuel

Merged 1 is Andrew
Merged 2 is Ant
Merged 3 is Donald
Merged 4 is George
Merged 5 is Joshua
Merged 6 is Kenneth
Merged 7 is Kevin
Merged 8 is Mark
Merged 9 is Paul
Merged 10 is Steven
Merged 11 is Alexander
Merged 12 is Brandon
Merged 13 is Frank
Merged 14 is Greg
Merged 15 is Patrick
Merged 16 is Samuel



if( strcmp( list1[i], list2[j] ) > 0 )

符号应该是<而不是 >

试试这个代码行而不是前一个代码行,它会起作用。您正试图找到从低到高的字符串,如果条件是找到更高的字符串,您要说的是什么。因此,首先 if 条件没有给你想要的结果。

if( strcmp( list1[i], list2[j] ) < 0 )

关于c - 合并算法在合并时对两个字符串数组进行排序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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