- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我刚刚用 Python 编写了一些代码,用于在给定无向图的情况下进行拓扑排序。
G = {
7: [11, 8],
5: [11],
3: [8, 10],
11: [2, 9],
8: [9],
2: [],
9: [],
10: []
class GraphException(Exception):
def __init__(self, str):
def has_incoming_edges(g, a_node):
Return True if it has incoming edges,
False otherwise.
for each_node in g:
if a_node in g[each_node]:
return True
return False
def remove_edge(g, start, end):
Removes the edge start->end in g.
edges = g[start]
def edges_exist(g):
for each_node in g:
if g[each_node]: return True
return False
def do_topsort(g):
S = [] # list of all nodes that have no incoming nodes
L = [] # topordering
for each_node in G:
if not has_incoming_edges(g, each_node):
while S:
a_node = S.pop(0)
print "Popping", a_node
x = g[a_node]
backup = g[a_node]
for each_connected in backup:
print ">>>", backup
print "Removing edge", a_node, each_connected
# Remove the edge from a_node to each_connected
remove_edge(g, a_node, each_connected)
print g
if not has_incoming_edges(g, each_connected):
print "Adding", each_connected
if edges_exist(g):
print g
print L
raise GraphException("Graph has cycles")
return L
def main():
global G
topsort = do_topsort(G)
print topsort
if __name__ == '__main__':
Popping 3
>>> [8, 10]
Removing edge 3 8
{2: [], 3: [10], 5: [11], 7: [11, 8], 8: [9], 9: [], 10: [], 11: [2, 9]}
Popping 5
>>> [11]
Removing edge 5 11
{2: [], 3: [10], 5: [], 7: [11, 8], 8: [9], 9: [], 10: [], 11: [2, 9]}
Popping 7
>>> [11, 8]
Removing edge 7 11
{2: [], 3: [10], 5: [], 7: [8], 8: [9], 9: [], 10: [], 11: [2, 9]}
Adding 11
Popping 11
>>> [2, 9]
Removing edge 11 2
{2: [], 3: [10], 5: [], 7: [8], 8: [9], 9: [], 10: [], 11: [9]}
Adding 2
Popping 2
{2: [], 3: [10], 5: [], 7: [8], 8: [9], 9: [], 10: [], 11: [9]}
[3, 5, 7, 11, 2]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "topsort.py", line 80, in <module>
File "topsort.py", line 76, in main
topsort = do_topsort(G)
File "topsort.py", line 71, in do_topsort
raise GraphException("Graph has cycles")
请注意,在输出中有一行 Popping 7
。它表示 7
是 for 循环 for each_connected in backup:
中正在处理的节点。我们可以看到 7 连接到 11
和 8
。但是,该循环似乎只运行一次并删除边 7-11
。节点 8
for each_connected in reversed(backup):
for each_connected in backup[:]:
您还可以从类中删除 init 方法:
class GraphException(Exception):
关于python - 拓扑排序 python 实现中的错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30854328/
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我面临这样的挑战: 检索按字段 A 排序的文档 如果字段 B 存在/不为空 . 否则 按字段排序 C. 在 SQL 世界中,我会做两个查询并创建一个 UNION SELECT,但我不知道如何从 Mon
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我制作了一个用于分析 Windows 日志消息编号的脚本。 uniq -c 数字的输出很难预测,因为根据数字的大小会有不同的空白。此时,我手动删除了空白。 这是对消息进行排序和计数的命令: cat n
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有没有办法在 sql 中组合 ORDER BY 和 IS NULL 以便我可以在列不为空时按列排序,但如果它为null,按另一列排序? 最佳答案 类似于: ORDER BY CASE WHEN
我有一个包含 2 列“id”和“name”的表。 id 是常规的自动增量索引,name 只是 varchar。 id name 1 john 2 mary 3 pop 4 mary 5 j
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