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我目前正在学习 Alfred V. Aho 和 Jeffrey D. Ullman 合着的“数据结构和算法”一书中的 C# 递归。 Link
We are given a labyrinth with a rectangular shape, consisting of N*M squares.
Each square is either passable or impassable. An adventurer enters the labyrinth from its top left corner (there is the entrance) and has to reach the bottom right corner of the labyrinth (there is the exit).
At each turn the adventurer can move up, down, left or right with one position and he has no right to go outside the binderies of the labyrinth, or step on impassable square. Passing through one and the same position is also forbidden (it is considered that the adventurer is lost if after a several turns he goes back to a position he has already been).
一个二维字符数组代表迷宫,字符' '(空格)表示可以通过的位置,'*'表示不能通过的位置,'e'是迷宫的导出。
数组“path[]”用于存储和打印我们通过递归算法找到的路径,每个方向都这样记录(L – left, U – up, R – right, D – down ).
class Program
static char[,] lab =
{' ', ' ', ' ', '*', ' ', ' ', ' '},
{'*', '*', ' ', '*', ' ', '*', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '},
{' ', '*', '*', '*', '*', '*', ' '},
{' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', 'e'},
static char[] path = new char[lab.GetLength(0) * lab.GetLength(1)];
static int position = 0;
static void FindPath(int row, int col, char direction)
if ((col < 0) || (row < 0) ||
(col >= lab.GetLength(1)) || (row >= lab.GetLength(0)))
// We are out of the labyrinth
// Append the direction to the path
path[position] = direction;
// Check if we have found the exit
if (lab[row, col] == 'e')
PrintPath(path, 1, position - 1);
if (lab[row, col] == ' ')
// The current cell is free. Mark it as visited
lab[row, col] = 's';
// Invoke recursion to explore all possible directions
FindPath(row, col - 1, 'L'); // left
FindPath(row - 1, col, 'U'); // up
FindPath(row, col + 1, 'R'); // right
FindPath(row + 1, col, 'D'); // down
// Mark back the current cell as free
lab[row, col] = ' ';
// Remove the last direction from the path
static void PrintPath(char[] path, int startPos, int endPos)
Console.Write("Found path to the exit: ");
for (int pos = startPos; pos <= endPos; pos++)
static void Main()
FindPath(0, 0, 'S');
for(int i = 0; i < path.Length; i++){
Found path to the exit: RRDDLLDDRRRRRR
Found path to the exit: RRDDRRUURRDDDD
Found path to the exit: RRDDRRRRDD
基本上,我的理解是每个递归都使用相同的全局变量 (path[]),为什么每个递归都不会覆盖方向,我们如何能够始终从 path[1] 开始打印完美的方向?
在进行这些递归调用之前,position = 1。您可以将堆栈想象为:
想象一下,为了找到导出,程序进行了 3 次递归调用。那么堆栈是:
此时position = 4.
打印结果后,方法调用返回,但在此之前它们将位置减 1。
并且位置 = 1。
关于C# 递归, "Data Structures and Algorithms"。该程序如何在不覆盖自身的情况下打印单独的路线?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50283573/
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