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java - 盈透证券 API : Trader Workstation (TWS) vs IB Gateway

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 03:08:31 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike据记载,为了使用 IB api,您必须通过 TWS 或 IB 网关连接到它。

Our API requires connectivity via Trader Workstation (TWS) or IB Gateway.

各自的优势是什么?哪种解决方案(网关或 TWS)提供更好的性能?


Gateway 没有 TWS 的 GUI,但提供相同的 API。

IB writes about the performance:

The IB Gateway provides a low-resource alternative to TWS for connecting to the IB trading system via the API. The gateway uses approximately 40% fewer system resources than TWS. However, the gateway is GUI-less, which means that you cannot view the API activity as you can when running TWS.


according to "Dmitry’s TWS API FAQ":

You can also use IB Gateway which is essentially a striped down version of TWS. Unlike TWS, IB Gateway will try to maintain a connection to IB for much longer than 24 hours. There is no guarantee that IB Gateway will keep the connection up for more than a week but this does happen.

如果您在开发或部署应用程序时不需要交易平台的完整 GUI,请使用网关。它以更少的开销提供相同的 API 功能。

对于各种 TWS API 相关问题,我建议查看 IB TWS API Yahoo Group , 和 "Dmitry’s TWS API FAQ" .

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