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显然是这样。 This paper描述就地归并排序:
Two in-place variants of the classical mergesort algorithm are analysed in detail. The first, straightforward variant performs at most N log 2 N + O(N ) comparisons and 3N log 2 N + O(N ) moves to sort N elements. The second, more advanced variant requires at most N log 2 N + O(N ) comparisons and "N log 2 N moves, for any fixed " ? 0 and any N ? N ("). In theory, the second one is superior to advanced versions of heapsort. In practice, due to the overhead in the index manipulation, our fastest in-place mergesort behaves still about 50 per cent slower than the bottom-up heapsort. However, our implementations are practical compared to mergesort algorithms based on in-place merging.
Jyrki Katajainen、Tomi Pasanen、Jukka Teuhola,“实用就地合并排序”(1996 年)。
关于algorithm - 在不使用额外数组的情况下实现归并排序?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2171517/
本文实例汇总了Java各种排序算法。分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 1. 冒泡排序: ?
1.冒泡排序 它重复地走访过要排序的元素列,依次比较两个相邻的元素,如果顺序错误就把他们交换过来。走访元素的工作是重复地进行直到没有相邻元素需要交换,也就是说该元素列已经排序完成。 算法步
前言 平时用惯了高级语言高级工具高级算法,难免对一些基础算法感到生疏。但最基础的排序算法中实则蕴含着相当丰富的优化思维,熟练运用可起到举一反三之功效。 选择排序 选择排序几乎是