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regex - 查看正则表达式重复是否可减少的算法

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 02:47:30 26 4
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(1{1,2}){1,2} === 1{1,4}
It matches 1, 11, 111, 1111 which can be rewritten as a single repeat

(1{2,2}){1,2} can not be reduced
It matches 11 and 1111 which can not be rewritten as a single repeat.

(1{10,11}){1,2} can not be reduced

(1{10,19}){1,2} === 1{10,38}

(1{1,2}){10,11} === 1{10,22}

(1{10,11})* can not be reduced

(1*){10,11} === 1*

我一直在尝试为这种类型的操作找到一种模式,而不必匹配所有可能的解决方案并寻找可以防止它被减少的漏洞。必须有一个简单的函数 (f( A, B, C, D ) -> ( E, F )) 可以像这样解决任意输入:

(1{A,B}){C,D} -> 1{E,F}


// (x{A,B}){C,D} -> x{E,F}
bool SimplifyNestedRepetition(int A, int B,
int C, int D,
out int E, out int F)
if (B == -1 || C == D || A*(C+1) <= B*C + 1)
E = A*C;

if (B == -1 || D == -1) F = -1;
else F = B*D;

return true;
return false;
  • 如果x{A,B}没有限制,可以重复任意次数。
  • (x{A,B}){C}总是可减少的。
  • 如果A*(C+1) <= B*C + 1 ,你可以减少它,因为C的最长序列之间没有间隙重复,最短序列C+1重复。

B = -1D == -1表示无限,例如 x*x{5,} .


Input           Reducible?
(x{0,0}){0,0} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,1}){0,0} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,2}){0,0} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{1,1}){0,0} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{1,2}){0,0} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{1,3}){0,0} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{2,2}){0,0} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{2,3}){0,0} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{2,4}){0,0} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,0}){0,1} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,1}){0,1} Yes - x{0,1}
(x{0,2}){0,1} Yes - x{0,2}
(x{1,1}){0,1} Yes - x{0,1}
(x{1,2}){0,1} Yes - x{0,2}
(x{1,3}){0,1} Yes - x{0,3}
(x{2,2}){0,1} No
(x{2,3}){0,1} No
(x{2,4}){0,1} No
(x{0,0}){0,2} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,1}){0,2} Yes - x{0,2}
(x{0,2}){0,2} Yes - x{0,4}
(x{1,1}){0,2} Yes - x{0,2}
(x{1,2}){0,2} Yes - x{0,4}
(x{1,3}){0,2} Yes - x{0,6}
(x{2,2}){0,2} No
(x{2,3}){0,2} No
(x{2,4}){0,2} No
(x{0,0}){1,1} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,1}){1,1} Yes - x{0,1}
(x{0,2}){1,1} Yes - x{0,2}
(x{1,1}){1,1} Yes - x{1,1}
(x{1,2}){1,1} Yes - x{1,2}
(x{1,3}){1,1} Yes - x{1,3}
(x{2,2}){1,1} Yes - x{2,2}
(x{2,3}){1,1} Yes - x{2,3}
(x{2,4}){1,1} Yes - x{2,4}
(x{0,0}){1,2} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,1}){1,2} Yes - x{0,2}
(x{0,2}){1,2} Yes - x{0,4}
(x{1,1}){1,2} Yes - x{1,2}
(x{1,2}){1,2} Yes - x{1,4}
(x{1,3}){1,2} Yes - x{1,6}
(x{2,2}){1,2} No
(x{2,3}){1,2} Yes - x{2,6}
(x{2,4}){1,2} Yes - x{2,8}
(x{0,0}){1,3} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,1}){1,3} Yes - x{0,3}
(x{0,2}){1,3} Yes - x{0,6}
(x{1,1}){1,3} Yes - x{1,3}
(x{1,2}){1,3} Yes - x{1,6}
(x{1,3}){1,3} Yes - x{1,9}
(x{2,2}){1,3} No
(x{2,3}){1,3} Yes - x{2,9}
(x{2,4}){1,3} Yes - x{2,12}
(x{0,0}){2,2} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,1}){2,2} Yes - x{0,2}
(x{0,2}){2,2} Yes - x{0,4}
(x{1,1}){2,2} Yes - x{2,2}
(x{1,2}){2,2} Yes - x{2,4}
(x{1,3}){2,2} Yes - x{2,6}
(x{2,2}){2,2} Yes - x{4,4}
(x{2,3}){2,2} Yes - x{4,6}
(x{2,4}){2,2} Yes - x{4,8}
(x{0,0}){2,3} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,1}){2,3} Yes - x{0,3}
(x{0,2}){2,3} Yes - x{0,6}
(x{1,1}){2,3} Yes - x{2,3}
(x{1,2}){2,3} Yes - x{2,6}
(x{1,3}){2,3} Yes - x{2,9}
(x{2,2}){2,3} No
(x{2,3}){2,3} Yes - x{4,9}
(x{2,4}){2,3} Yes - x{4,12}
(x{0,0}){2,4} Yes - x{0,0}
(x{0,1}){2,4} Yes - x{0,4}
(x{0,2}){2,4} Yes - x{0,8}
(x{1,1}){2,4} Yes - x{2,4}
(x{1,2}){2,4} Yes - x{2,8}
(x{1,3}){2,4} Yes - x{2,12}
(x{2,2}){2,4} No
(x{2,3}){2,4} Yes - x{4,12}
(x{2,4}){2,4} Yes - x{4,16}

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