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出于教育目的,我最近一直在使用 Haskell 实现常用算法。目前我坚持广度优先搜索。这是我的实现,为简单起见,节点仅表示为整数:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.List as L
type Node = Int
type Graph = M.Map Node [Node]
-- Returns list of nodes adjacent to n in graph g
adjacent :: Node -> Graph -> [Node]
adjacent n g = M.findWithDefault [] n g
-- Returns graph g with all instances of n removed
rip :: Node -> Graph -> Graph
rip n g = M.delete n (M.map (L.delete n) g)
bfs :: Node -> Graph -> [Node]
bfs n g = [n] ++ _bfs [n] g
_bfs :: [Node] -> Graph -> [Node]
_bfs (n:ns) g =
if not (M.null g) then
let layer = adjacent n g in
layer ++ _bfs (ns ++ layer) (rip n g)
else n:ns
_bfs [] g = []
调用 bfs
(bfs 1 g
的结果 g
= 这个图是 [1,2,3,4,4,5,6,7, 7,7]
我目前的解决方案归结为将 _bfs
中的相关行更改为 L.nub $ layer++ _bfs (ns++ layer) (rip n g)
,但是这看起来非常骇人听闻,而且我不确定它是否会产生正确的广度优先遍历。除了在插入之前不断检查 n:ns
我如何重写 _bfs
其次,无重复遍历在 rip
中不实用。目前,添加重复节点是因为可以从当前遍历边界的多个节点访问相同的节点。不能用 rip
这是一个在 State
monad 中访问集的示例(这在这里很好,因为我们可以逐个边界构建遍历边界,并从
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
type Node = Int
type Graph = IM.IntMap [Node]
bfs :: Node -> Graph -> [Node]
bfs n g = evalState (go [n]) (IS.singleton n) where
go :: [Node] -> State IS.IntSet [Node]
go [] = return []
go ns = do
ns' <- flip filterM ((g IM.!) =<< ns) $ \n' -> do
notVisited <- gets (IS.notMember n')
when notVisited $ modify (IS.insert n')
return notVisited
(ns++) `fmap` go ns'
-- your example graph
graph :: Graph
graph = IM.fromList $ [
(1, [2, 3])
, (2, [1, 4])
, (3, [1, 4])
, (4, [2, 5, 3, 6])
, (5, [4, 7])
, (6, [4, 7])
, (7, [5, 6])]
main = print $ bfs 1 graph -- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
下面是相同算法的实现,但不使用 State
,而是使用 foldr
bfs' :: Node -> Graph -> [Node]
bfs' start graph = go [start] (IS.singleton start) where
go :: [Node] -> IS.IntSet -> [Node]
go [] _ = []
go ns visited = ns ++ go ns' visited' where
newNodes = [n' | n <- ns, n' <- graph IM.! n]
step n (acc, visited)
| IS.member n visited = (acc, visited)
| otherwise = (n:acc, IS.insert n visited)
(ns', visited') = foldr step ([], visited) newNodes
关于algorithm - 在广度优先搜索中避免重复,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24713475/