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algorithm - 将数字列表压缩或编码为单个字母数字字符串的最佳方法是什么?

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 02:32:24 28 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


目标是能够将类似 1,5,8,3,20,212,42 的内容转换为类似 a8D1jN 的内容以在 URL 中使用,然后再转换回 1,5,8,3,20,212,42 .

对于生成的字符串,我可以使用任何数字和任何 ASCII 字母,小写和大写,所以:0-9a-zA-Z。我不希望有任何标点符号。


如果您将列表视为一个字符串,那么您有 11 个不同的字符需要编码(0-9 和逗号)。这可以用 4 位表示。如果您愿意添加,请说 $ 和 !到您的可接受字符列表,那么您将有 64 个不同的输出字符,因此能够对每个字符编码 6 位。

这意味着您可以将字符串映射到比原始字符串短约 30% 的编码字符串,并且相当模糊且看起来随机。

这样您就可以将数字系列 [1,5,8,3,20,212,42] 转码为字符串“gLQfoIcIeQqq”。

更新:我受到启发并为此解决方案编写了一个 python 解决方案(速度不快但功能足够......)

    ZERO = ord('0')
OUTPUT_CHARACTERS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789$!"

def encode(numberlist):

# convert to string -> '1,5,8,3,20,212,42'
s = str(numberlist).replace(' ','')[1:-1]

# convert to four bit values -> ['0010', '1011', '0110', ... ]
# (add 1 to avoid the '0000' series used for padding later)
four_bit_ints = [0 <= (ord(ch) - ZERO) <= 9 and (ord(ch) - ZERO) + 1 or 11 for ch in s]
four_bits = [bin(x).lstrip('-0b').zfill(4) for x in four_bit_ints]

# make binary string and pad with 0 to align to 6 -> '00101011011010111001101101...'
bin_str = "".join(four_bits)
bin_str = bin_str + '0' * (6 - len(bin_str) % 6)

# split to 6bit blocks and map those to ints
six_bits = [bin_str[x * 6 : x * 6 + 6] for x in range(0, len(bin_str) / 6)]
six_bit_ints = [int(x, 2) for x in six_bits]

# map the 6bit integers to characters
output = "".join([OUTPUT_CHARACTERS[x] for x in six_bit_ints])

return output

def decode(input_str):

# map the input string from characters to 6bit integers, and convert those to bitstrings
six_bit_ints = [OUTPUT_CHARACTERS.index(x) for x in input_str]
six_bits = [bin(x).lstrip('-0b').zfill(6) for x in six_bit_ints]

# join to a single binarystring
bin_str = "".join(six_bits)

# split to four bits groups, and convert those to integers
four_bits = [bin_str[x * 4 : x * 4 + 4] for x in range(0, len(bin_str) / 4)]
four_bit_ints = [int(x, 2) for x in four_bits]

# filter out 0 values (padding)
four_bit_ints = [x for x in four_bit_ints if x > 0]

# convert back to the original characters -> '1',',','5',',','8',',','3',',','2','0',',','2','1','2',',','4','2'
chars = [x < 11 and str(x - 1) or ',' for x in four_bit_ints]

# join, split on ',' convert to int
output = [int(x) for x in "".join(chars).split(',') if x]

return output

if __name__ == "__main__":

# test
for i in range(100):
numbers = range(i)
out = decode(encode(numbers))
assert out == numbers

# test with original series
numbers = [1,5,8,3,20,212,42]
encoded = encode(numbers)
print encoded # prints 'k2UBsZgZi7uW'
print decode(encoded) # prints [1, 5, 8, 3, 20, 212, 42]

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