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algorithm - 使用 Prim 算法实现随机生成的迷宫

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 02:27:28 26 4
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我正在尝试使用 Prim 算法实现一个随机生成的迷宫。

我希望我的迷宫看起来像这样: enter image description here


enter image description here


  1. Start with a grid full of walls.
  2. Pick a cell, mark it as part of the maze. Add the walls of the cell to the wall list.
  3. While there are walls in the list:
    • **1. Pick a random wall from the list. If the cell on the opposite side isn't in the maze yet:
        1. Make the wall a passage and mark the cell on the opposite side as part of the maze.**
        1. Add the neighboring walls of the cell to the wall list.
      1. Remove the wall from the list.

来自 this article on maze generation.




文章的第一个令人困惑的部分是,随机 Prim 算法的描述没有详细说明该算法使用的假定数据结构。因此,像“相反的单元格”这样的短语变得令人困惑。


  1. 细胞有墙壁或 channel 通往其 4 个邻居。有关墙壁/ channel 的信息被存储和操纵。
  2. 细胞可以被阻挡(墙壁)或 channel ,而不存储任何额外的连接信息。

根据读者在阅读算法描述时想到的模型 (1) 或 (2),他们要么理解要么不理解。

就我个人而言,我更喜欢将单元格用作墙或 channel ,而不是摆弄专用的 channel /墙信息。

然后,“边界”补丁与段落的距离为 2(而不是 1)。从边界 block 列表中选择一个随机边界 block 并将其连接到随机相邻 channel (距离为 2),方法是使边界 block 和相邻 channel 之间的单元格也成为 channel 。

这是我的 F# 实现的样子:

let rng = new System.Random()
type Cell = | Blocked | Passage
type Maze =
Grid : Cell[,]
Width : int
Height : int

let initMaze dx dy =
let six,siy = (1,1)
let eix,eiy = (dx-2,dy-2)
Grid = Array2D.init dx dy
(fun _ _ -> Blocked
Width = dx
Height = dy

let generate (maze : Maze) : Maze =
let isLegal (x,y) =
x>0 && x < maze.Width-1 && y>0 && y<maze.Height-1
let frontier (x,y) =
[x-2,y;x+2,y; x,y-2; x, y+2]
|> List.filter (fun (x,y) -> isLegal (x,y) && maze.Grid.[x,y] = Blocked)
let neighbor (x,y) =
[x-2,y;x+2,y; x,y-2; x, y+2]
|> List.filter (fun (x,y) -> isLegal (x,y) && maze.Grid.[x,y] = Passage)
let randomCell () = rng.Next(maze.Width),rng.Next(maze.Height)
let removeAt index (lst : (int * int) list) : (int * int) list =
let x,y = lst.[index]
lst |> List.filter (fun (a,b) -> not (a = x && b = y) )
let between p1 p2 =
let x =
match (fst p2 - fst p1) with
| 0 -> fst p1
| 2 -> 1 + fst p1
| -2 -> -1 + fst p1
| _ -> failwith "Invalid arguments for between()"
let y =
match (snd p2 - snd p1) with
| 0 -> snd p1
| 2 -> 1 + snd p1
| -2 -> -1 + snd p1
| _ -> failwith "Invalid arguments for between()"
let connectRandomNeighbor (x,y) =
let neighbors = neighbor (x,y)
let pickedIndex = rng.Next(neighbors.Length)
let xn,yn = neighbors.[pickedIndex]
let xb,yb = between (x,y) (xn,yn)
maze.Grid.[xb,yb] <- Passage
let rec extend front =
match front with
| [] -> ()
| _ ->
let pickedIndex = rng.Next(front.Length)
let xf,yf = front.[pickedIndex]
maze.Grid.[xf,yf] <- Passage
connectRandomNeighbor (xf,yf)
extend ((front |> removeAt pickedIndex) @ frontier (xf,yf))

let x,y = randomCell()
maze.Grid.[x,y] <- Passage
extend (frontier (x,y))


let show maze =
printfn "%A" maze
maze.Grid |> Array2D.iteri
(fun y x cell ->
if x = 0 && y > 0 then
printfn "|"
let c =
match cell with
| Blocked -> "X"
| Passage -> " "
printf "%s" c

let render maze =
let cellWidth = 10;
let cellHeight = 10;
let pw = maze.Width * cellWidth
let ph = maze.Height * cellHeight
let passageBrush = System.Drawing.Brushes.White
let wallBrush = System.Drawing.Brushes.Black
let bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(pw,ph)
let g = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
|> Array2D.iteri
(fun y x cell ->
let brush =
match cell with
| Passage -> passageBrush
| Blocked -> wallBrush

initMaze 50 50 |> generate |> show |> render


enter image description here


  1. A Grid consists of a 2 dimensional array of cells.
  2. A Cell has 2 states: Blocked or Passage.
  3. Start with a Grid full of Cells in state Blocked.
  4. Pick a random Cell, set it to state Passage and Compute its frontier cells. A frontier cell of a Cell is a cell with distance 2 in state Blocked and within the grid.
  5. While the list of frontier cells is not empty:
    1. Pick a random frontier cell from the list of frontier cells.
    2. Let neighbors(frontierCell) = All cells in distance 2 in state Passage. Pick a random neighbor and connect the frontier cell with the neighbor by setting the cell in-between to state Passage. Compute the frontier cells of the chosen frontier cell and add them to the frontier list. Remove the chosen frontier cell from the list of frontier cells.

关于algorithm - 使用 Prim 算法实现随机生成的迷宫,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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