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algorithm - Volley 运动员组合

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 02:23:52 26 4
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在 Volley 运动中,运动员在台球中比赛以确定排名。团队是成对的玩家。比赛是一对球员对另一对球员。对于这个例子,假设只有一个球场可以进行比赛,当一名球员没有比赛时,他们正在坐着/等待。一个池中的玩家数量将在 4 到 7 之间。如果一个池中有 8 个玩家,他们只会将其分成 2 个池,每池 4 个。


例如,一个 4 人玩家池将有以下队伍:

import itertools
players = [1,2,3,4]
teams = [t for t in itertools.combinations(players,2)]
print 'teams:'
for t in teams:
print t


(1, 2)
(1, 3)
(1, 4)
(2, 3)
(2, 4)
(3, 4)


matches = []
for match in itertools.combinations(teams,2):
# A player cannot be on both teams at the same time
if set(match[0]) & set(match[1]) == set():

for match in matches:
print match


((1, 2), (3, 4))
((1, 3), (2, 4))
((1, 4), (2, 3))

这是正确的,但是当我将第 5 个玩家添加到池中时,此算法会中断:

((1, 2), (3, 4))
((1, 2), (3, 5))
((1, 2), (4, 5))
((1, 3), (2, 4))
((1, 3), (2, 5))
((1, 3), (4, 5))
((1, 4), (2, 3))
((1, 4), (2, 5))
((1, 4), (3, 5))
((1, 5), (2, 3))
((1, 5), (2, 4))
((1, 5), (3, 4))
((2, 3), (4, 5))
((2, 4), (3, 5))
((2, 5), (3, 4))


我试图保留一份参加比赛的球队名单,但结果证明该算法是贪婪的。我的意思是当它到达 (1,5) 队时,所有其他队 [(2,3),(2,4),(3,4)] 已经玩过并且 (1,5) 永远不会玩。


((1,2), (3,4)) (player 5 waits)
((1,3), (2,5)) (player 4 waits)
((1,4), (3,5)) (player 2 waits)
((1,5), (4,2)) (player 3 waits)
((2,3), (4,5)) (player 1 waits)

对于每个池大小手动计算这个是否更容易,或者这可以在 python 中轻松完成吗?


编辑:删除了 Python 标签。任何语言都可以,我可以将其转换为 Python。



  • 尽管它与 NP 完全最小集覆盖问题相似,但这个问题远非难解。特别是——与最小集覆盖完全不同——我们提前知道了一个非平凡的最佳可能答案。

  • 答案是团队数除以 2(当团队数为奇数时加 1)。我们永远不会做得比这更好。

  • 由于问题的结构,有许多可接受的解决方案来实现最佳答案。您可以使用基本的随机贪婪算法偶然发现它们。随着团队的 N 变大,您的第一次随机尝试几乎总是成功。

  • 即使对于大量团队,这种方法也很快(例如,1000 个团队只需几秒钟)。


您可以使用 k 组合公式来确定所需的团队数量,以便每个玩家都与其他每个玩家配对(k = 2)。

n_teams = n! / ( (n - k)! k! )

n n_teams
-- --------
4 6
5 10
6 15
7 21
8 28
9 36
10 45
11 55 # n_teams always equals the sum of values in previous row

最小匹配数是多少?我认为这只是 n_teams 除以 2(用一些填充来处理奇数个团队)。

min_n_matches = (n_teams + (n_teams % 2)) / 2





import sys
import itertools
import random

def main():
maxN = int(sys.argv[1])
for n in range(4, maxN + 1):

def run_scenario(n):
# Takes n of players.
# Generates matches and confirms our expectations.
k = 2
players = list(range(1, n + 1))
teams = list(set(t) for t in itertools.combinations(players, k))

# Create the matches, and count how many attempts are needed.
n_calls = 0
matches = None
while matches is None:
matches = create_matches(teams)
n_calls += 1

# Print some info.
print dict(
n = n,
teams = len(teams),
matches = len(matches),
n_calls = n_calls,

# Confirm expected N of matches and that all matches are valid.
T = len(teams)
assert len(matches) == (T + (T % 2)) / 2
for t1, t2 in matches:
assert t1 & t2 == set()

def create_matches(teams):
# Get a shuffled copy of the list of teams.
ts = list(teams)

# Create the matches, greedily.
matches = []
while ts:
# Grab the last team and the first valid opponent.
t1 = ts.pop()
t2 = get_opponent(t1, ts)
# If we did not get a valid opponent and if there are still
# teams remaining, the greedy matching failed.
# Otherwise, we must be dealing with an odd N of teams.
# In that case, pair up the last team with any valid opponent.
if t2 is None:
if ts: return None
else: t2 = get_opponent(t1, list(teams))
matches.append((t1, t2))

return matches

def get_opponent(t1, ts):
# Takes a team and a list of teams.
# Search list (from the end) until it finds a valid opponent.
# Removes opponent from list and returns it.
for i in xrange(len(ts) - 1, -1, -1):
if not t1 & ts[i]:
return ts.pop(i)
return None


输出样本。请注意调用次数如何很快趋向于 1。

> python 100
{'matches': 3, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 6, 'n': 4}
{'matches': 5, 'n_calls': 7, 'teams': 10, 'n': 5}
{'matches': 8, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 15, 'n': 6}
{'matches': 11, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 21, 'n': 7}
{'matches': 14, 'n_calls': 4, 'teams': 28, 'n': 8}
{'matches': 18, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 36, 'n': 9}
{'matches': 23, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 45, 'n': 10}
{'matches': 28, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 55, 'n': 11}
{'matches': 33, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 66, 'n': 12}
{'matches': 2186, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 4371, 'n': 94}
{'matches': 2233, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 4465, 'n': 95}
{'matches': 2280, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 4560, 'n': 96}
{'matches': 2328, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 4656, 'n': 97}
{'matches': 2377, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 4753, 'n': 98}
{'matches': 2426, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 4851, 'n': 99}
{'matches': 2475, 'n_calls': 1, 'teams': 4950, 'n': 100}

关于algorithm - Volley 运动员组合,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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