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algorithm - 计算 1
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给定一个大 N,我需要遍历所有 phi(k) 使得 1 < k < N :

  • 时间复杂度必须是O(N logN)
  • 内存复杂度必须小于 O(N)(因为 N 的值将在 1012 左右)



这可以用内存复杂度 O(Sqrt(N)) 和 CPU 复杂度 O(N * Log(Log(N))) 以及优化的埃拉托色尼开窗筛法来完成,如下面的代码示例所示。

由于没有指定语言,而且我不懂 Python,所以我在 中实现了它,但是如果您需要,我可以将它转换为 C#。

Imports System.Math

Public Class TotientSerialCalculator
'Implements an extremely efficient Serial Totient(phi) calculator '
' This implements an optimized windowed Sieve of Eratosthenes. The'
' window size is set at Sqrt(N) both to optimize collecting and '
' applying all of the Primes below Sqrt(N), and to minimize '
' window-turning overhead. '
' '
' CPU complexity is O( N * Log(Log(N)) ), which is virtually linear.'
' '
' MEM Complexity is O( Sqrt(N) ). '
' '
' This is probalby the ideal combination, as any attempt to further '
'reduce memory will almost certainly result in disproportionate increases'
'in CPU complexity, and vice-versa. '

Structure NumberFactors
Dim UnFactored As Long 'the part of the number that still needs to be factored'
Dim Phi As Long 'the totient value progressively calculated'
' (equals total numbers less than N that are CoPrime to N)'
'MEM = 8 bytes each'
End Structure

Private ReportInterval As Long
Private PrevLast As Long 'the last value in the previous window'
Private FirstValue As Long 'the first value in this windows range'
Private WindowSize As Long
Private LastValue As Long 'the last value in this windows range'
Private NextFirst As Long 'the first value in the next window'

'Array that stores all of the NumberFactors in the current window.'
' this is the primary memory consumption for the class and it'
' is 16 * Sqrt(N) Bytes, which is O(Sqrt(N)).'
Public Numbers() As NumberFactors
' For N=10^12 (1 trilion), this will be 16MB, which should be bearable anywhere.'
'(note that the Primes() array is a secondary memory consumer'
' at O(pi(Sqrt(N)), which will be within 10x of O(Sqrt(N)))'

Public Event EmitTotientPair(ByVal k As Long, ByVal Phi As Long)

'===== The Routine To Call: ========================'
Public Sub EmitTotientPairsToN(ByVal N As Long)
'Routine to Emit Totient pairs {k, Phi(k)} for k = 1 to N'
' 2009-07-14, RBarryYoung, Created.'
Dim i As Long
Dim k As Long 'the current number being factored'
Dim p As Long 'the current prime factor'

'Establish the Window frame:'
' note: WindowSize is the critical value that controls both memory'
' usage and CPU consumption and must be SQRT(N) for it to work optimally.'
WindowSize = Ceiling(Sqrt(CDbl(N)))
ReDim Numbers(0 To WindowSize - 1)

'Initialize the first window:'
Dim IsFirstWindow As Boolean = True

'adjust this to control how often results are show'
ReportInterval = N / 100

'Allocate the primes array to hold the primes list:'
' Only primes <= SQRT(N) are needed for factoring'
' PiMax(X) is a Max estimate of the number of primes <= X'
Dim Primes() As Long, PrimeIndex As Long, NextPrime As Long
'init the primes list and its pointers'
ReDim Primes(0 To PiMax(WindowSize) - 1)
Primes(0) = 2 '"prime" the primes list with the first prime'
NextPrime = 1

'Map (and Remap) the window with Sqrt(N) numbers, Sqrt(N) times to'
' sequentially map all of the numbers <= N.'
'Sieve the primes across the current window'
PrimeIndex = 0
'note: cant use enumerator for the loop below because NextPrime'
' changes during the first window as new primes <= SQRT(N) are accumulated'
Do While PrimeIndex < NextPrime
'get the next prime in the list'
p = Primes(PrimeIndex)
'find the first multiple of (p) in the current window range'
k = PrevLast + p - (PrevLast Mod p)

With Numbers(k - FirstValue)
.UnFactored = .UnFactored \ p 'always works the first time'
.Phi = .Phi * (p - 1) 'Phi = PRODUCT( (Pi-1)*Pi^(Ei-1) )'
'The loop test that follows is probably the central CPU overhead'
' I believe that it is O(N*Log(Log(N)), which is virtually O(N)'
' ( for instance at N = 10^12, Log(Log(N)) = 3.3 )'
Do While (.UnFactored Mod p) = 0
.UnFactored = .UnFactored \ p
.Phi = .Phi * p
End With

'skip ahead to the next multiple of p: '
'(this is what makes it so fast, never have to try prime factors that dont apply)'
k += p
'repeat until we step out of the current window:'
Loop While k < NextFirst

'if this is the first window, then scan ahead for primes'
If IsFirstWindow Then
For i = Primes(NextPrime - 1) + 1 To p ^ 2 - 1 'the range of possible new primes'
'Dont go beyond the first window'
If i >= WindowSize Then Exit For
If Numbers(i - FirstValue).UnFactored = i Then
'this is a prime less than SQRT(N), so add it to the list.'
Primes(NextPrime) = i
NextPrime += 1
End If
End If

PrimeIndex += 1 'move to the next prime'

'Now Finish & Emit each one'
For k = FirstValue To LastValue
With Numbers(k - FirstValue)
'Primes larger than Sqrt(N) will not be finished: '
If .UnFactored > 1 Then
'Not done factoring, must be an large prime factor remaining: '
.Phi = .Phi * (.UnFactored - 1)
.UnFactored = 1
End If

'Emit the value pair: (k, Phi(k)) '
EmitPhi(k, .Phi)
End With

're-Map to the next window '
IsFirstWindow = False
Loop While FirstValue <= N
End Sub

Sub EmitPhi(ByVal k As Long, ByVal Phi As Long)
'just a placeholder for now, that raises an event to the display form'
' periodically for reporting purposes. Change this to do the actual'
' emitting.'
If (k Mod ReportInterval) = 0 Then
RaiseEvent EmitTotientPair(k, Phi)
End If
End Sub

Public Sub MapWindow(ByVal FirstVal As Long)
'Efficiently reset the window so that we do not have to re-allocate it.'

'init all of the boundary values'
FirstValue = FirstVal
PrevLast = FirstValue - 1
NextFirst = FirstValue + WindowSize
LastValue = NextFirst - 1

'Initialize the Numbers prime factor arrays'
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To WindowSize - 1
With Numbers(i)
.UnFactored = i + FirstValue 'initially equal to the number itself'
.Phi = 1 'starts at mulplicative identity(1)'
End With
End Sub

Function PiMax(ByVal x As Long) As Long
'estimate of pi(n) == {primes <= (n)} that is never less'
' than the actual number of primes. (from P. Dusart, 1999)'
Return (x / Log(x)) * (1.0 + 1.2762 / Log(x))
End Function
End Class

请注意,在 O(N * Log(Log(N))) 时,此例程平均在 O(Log(Log(N))) 对每个数字进行因式分解,这比最快的单个 N 因式分解快得多算法由此处的一些回复定位。事实上,在 N = 10^12 时,速度快了 2400 倍!

我已经在我的 2Ghz Intel Core 2 笔记本电脑上测试了这个例程,它每秒计算超过 3,000,000 个 Phi() 值。以这种速度,计算 10^12 个值大约需要 4 天。我还测试了它的正确性高达 100,000,000,没有任何错误。它基于 64 位整数,因此任何高达 2^63 (10^19) 的值都应该是准确的(尽管对任何人来说都太慢了)。

我还有一个用于运行/测试它的 Visual Studio WinForm(也是,如果您需要,我可以提供。


根据评论中的要求,我在下面添加了代码的 C# 版本。但是,因为我目前正在处理其他一些项目,所以没有时间自己进行转换,所以我使用了一个在线 VB 到 C# 转换站点 (。所以请注意,这是自动转换的,我还没有时间自己测试或检查。

using System.Math;
public class TotientSerialCalculator {

// Implements an extremely efficient Serial Totient(phi) calculator '
// This implements an optimized windowed Sieve of Eratosthenes. The'
// window size is set at Sqrt(N) both to optimize collecting and '
// applying all of the Primes below Sqrt(N), and to minimize '
// window-turning overhead. '
// '
// CPU complexity is O( N * Log(Log(N)) ), which is virtually linear.'
// '
// MEM Complexity is O( Sqrt(N) ). '
// '
// This is probalby the ideal combination, as any attempt to further '
// reduce memory will almost certainly result in disproportionate increases'
// in CPU complexity, and vice-versa. '
struct NumberFactors {

private long UnFactored; // the part of the number that still needs to be factored'
private long Phi;

private long ReportInterval;
private long PrevLast; // the last value in the previous window'
private long FirstValue; // the first value in this windows range'
private long WindowSize;
private long LastValue; // the last value in this windows range'
private long NextFirst; // the first value in the next window'

// Array that stores all of the NumberFactors in the current window.'
// this is the primary memory consumption for the class and it'
// is 16 * Sqrt(N) Bytes, which is O(Sqrt(N)).'
public NumberFactors[] Numbers;
// For N=10^12 (1 trilion), this will be 16MB, which should be bearable anywhere.'
// (note that the Primes() array is a secondary memory consumer'
// at O(pi(Sqrt(N)), which will be within 10x of O(Sqrt(N)))'

//NOTE: this part looks like it did not convert correctly
public event EventHandler EmitTotientPair;
private long k;
private long Phi;

// ===== The Routine To Call: ========================'
public void EmitTotientPairsToN(long N) {
// Routine to Emit Totient pairs {k, Phi(k)} for k = 1 to N'
// 2009-07-14, RBarryYoung, Created.'
long i;
long k;
// the current number being factored'
long p;
// the current prime factor'
// Establish the Window frame:'
// note: WindowSize is the critical value that controls both memory'
// usage and CPU consumption and must be SQRT(N) for it to work optimally.'
WindowSize = Ceiling(Sqrt(double.Parse(N)));
object Numbers;
bool IsFirstWindow = true;
ReportInterval = (N / 100);
// Allocate the primes array to hold the primes list:'
// Only primes <= SQRT(N) are needed for factoring'
// PiMax(X) is a Max estimate of the number of primes <= X'
long[] Primes;
long PrimeIndex;
long NextPrime;
// init the primes list and its pointers'
object Primes;
Primes[0] = 2;
// "prime" the primes list with the first prime'
NextPrime = 1;
// Map (and Remap) the window with Sqrt(N) numbers, Sqrt(N) times to'
// sequentially map all of the numbers <= N.'
for (
; (FirstValue <= N);
) {
PrimeIndex = 0;
// note: cant use enumerator for the loop below because NextPrime'
// changes during the first window as new primes <= SQRT(N) are accumulated'
while ((PrimeIndex < NextPrime)) {
// get the next prime in the list'
p = Primes[PrimeIndex];
// find the first multiple of (p) in the current window range'
k = (PrevLast
+ (p
- (PrevLast % p)));
for (
; (k < NextFirst);
) {
// With...
// always works the first time'
* (p - 1));
while (// TODO: Warning!!!! NULL EXPRESSION DETECTED...
) {
(UnFactored % p);
(Phi * p);

// skip ahead to the next multiple of p: '
// (this is what makes it so fast, never have to try prime factors that dont apply)'
k = (k + p);
// repeat until we step out of the current window:'

// if this is the first window, then scan ahead for primes'
if (IsFirstWindow) {
for (i = (Primes[(NextPrime - 1)] + 1); (i
<= (p | (2 - 1))); i++) {
// the range of possible new primes'
// TODO: Warning!!! The operator should be an XOR ^ instead of an OR, but not available in CodeDOM
// Dont go beyond the first window'
if ((i >= WindowSize)) {

if ((Numbers[(i - FirstValue)].UnFactored == i)) {
// this is a prime less than SQRT(N), so add it to the list.'
Primes[NextPrime] = i;



// move to the next prime'

// Now Finish & Emit each one'
for (k = FirstValue; (k <= LastValue); k++) {
// With...
// Primes larger than Sqrt(N) will not be finished: '
if ((Numbers[(k - FirstValue)].UnFactored > 1)) {
// Not done factoring, must be an large prime factor remaining: '
(Numbers[(k - FirstValue)].Phi * (Numbers[(k - FirstValue)].UnFactored - 1).UnFactored) = 1;
Numbers[(k - FirstValue)].Phi = 1;

// Emit the value pair: (k, Phi(k)) '
this.EmitPhi(k, Numbers[(k - FirstValue)].Phi);

// re-Map to the next window '
IsFirstWindow = false;


void EmitPhi(long k, long Phi) {
// just a placeholder for now, that raises an event to the display form'
// periodically for reporting purposes. Change this to do the actual'
// emitting.'
if (((k % ReportInterval)
== 0)) {
EmitTotientPair(k, Phi);


public void MapWindow(long FirstVal) {
// Efficiently reset the window so that we do not have to re-allocate it.'
// init all of the boundary values'
FirstValue = FirstVal;
PrevLast = (FirstValue - 1);
NextFirst = (FirstValue + WindowSize);
LastValue = (NextFirst - 1);
// Initialize the Numbers prime factor arrays'
long i;
for (i = 0; (i
<= (WindowSize - 1)); i++) {
// With...
// initially equal to the number itself'
Phi = 1;
// starts at mulplicative identity(1)'


long PiMax(long x) {
// estimate of pi(n) == {primes <= (n)} that is never less'
// than the actual number of primes. (from P. Dusart, 1999)'
return ((x / Log(x)) * (1 + (1.2762 / Log(x))));

关于algorithm - 计算 1<k<N 的 phi(k),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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