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algorithm - 公平划分王国

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 02:16:20 24 4
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最近,我参加了编程比赛。它有一个问题,我还在考虑。编程语言并不重要,但我已经用 C++ 编写了它。任务是这样的:

As you already know, Flatland is located on the plane. There are n cities in Flatland, i-th of these cities is located at the point (xi, yi). There are ai citizens living in i-th city. The king of Flatland has decided to divide the kingdom between his two sons. He wants to build a wall in the form of infinite straight line; each of the parts will be ruled by one of the sons. The wall cannot pass through any city. To avoid envy between brothers, the populations of two parts must be as close as possible; formally, if a and b are the total number of citizens living in cities of the first and the second part respectively, the value of |a - b| must be minimized. Help the king to find the optimal division. Number of cities is less than 1000. And all coordinates are integers. Output of algorithm should be integer number of minimal |a-b|

好吧,如果我知道线的方向,这将是一件很容易的事 - 二分查找:Black numbers are population of cities, and red is total population in that part





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