- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
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我正在尝试向我的 C++ 控制台应用程序添加一个图标,但是当我尝试编译以下代码时,我遇到了这些错误。第一个是我的 resources.rc,第二个文件是我的 main.cpp。
MAINICON ICON "icon.ico"
C++ 源代码:
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include "resources.rc"
using namespace std;
void SetWindow(int Width, int Height) {
_COORD coord;
coord.X = Width;
coord.Y = Height;
Rect.Top = 0;
Rect.Left = 0;
Rect.Bottom = Height - 1;
Rect.Right = Width - 1;
HANDLE Handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); // Get Handle
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(Handle, coord); // Set Buffer Size
SetConsoleWindowInfo(Handle, TRUE, &Rect); // Set Window Size
int main() {
SetWindow(105, 30);
SetConsoleTitle("Shima Command Line");
int x;
char file;
string name, cmd, selPrg, title;
string cmds[] = {"(help)", "(information)", "(exit)", "(tell me a joke)", "(open)", "(start)", "(talk dirty to me)", "(what is your favorite color)", "(what is your favourite colour)", "(cls)", "(clear)", "(title)"};
string jokes[] = {"If your cold you should sit in a corner, it's 90 degrees.", "Knock Knock\nWho's there?\nJustin.\nJustin who?\nJustin time for dinner.", "Why did the chicken cross the road?\nTo get to the other side.", "Jokes aren't really my thing.", "I don't know any good jokes.", "What do you call a cow that just had a baby?\nDe-calf-inated. You know like coffee.", "What do you get from a pampered cow?\nSpoiled milk.", "What do you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by it's diameter?\nPumpkin Pi.", "Did you hear about the two antennas that got married?\nThe ceremony was long and boring, but the reception was great!"};
string prg[] = {"chrome", "opera", "notepad++", "notepad", "firefox", "ie", "codeblocks", "audacity", "cmd"};
cout << "What is your name?" << endl;
getline(cin, name);
cout << "Hello, " << name << ", my name is Shima Josei. " << endl;
x = 10;
do {
cout << "How may I help you?" << endl;
getline(cin, cmd);
if (cmd == cmds[0] || cmd == cmds[1] || cmd == cmds[2] || cmd == cmds[3] || cmd == cmds[4] || cmd == cmds[5] || cmd == cmds[6] || cmd == cmds[7] || cmd == cmds[8] || cmd == cmds[9] || cmd == cmds[10] || cmd == cmds[11]) {
if (cmd == cmds[0]) {
cout << "\n\nclear - Shima will clear all text." << endl;
cout << "cls - Shima will clear the screen." << endl;
cout << "exit - Shima will exit the program you are currently using." << endl;
cout << "help - Shima will display the help menu." << endl;
cout << "information - Shima will display information about her." << endl;
cout << "open - Shima will open the specified program." << endl;
cout << "start - Shima will start the specified program." << endl;
cout << "talk dirty to me - Shima will talk dirty to you." << endl;
cout << "tell me a joke - Shima will tell you a joke." << endl;
cout << "title - Shima will change the title." << endl;
cout << "what is your favorite color - Shima will display her favorite color." << endl;
cout << "what is your favourite colour - Shima will display her favourite colour in United Kingdom English.\n\n" << endl;
if (cmd == cmds[1]) {
cout << "\n\nShima Command Line was developed at\nGigaboy Web Designs by Adam Oates.\nCopyright (C) 2016 Shima Command Line. All rights reserved.\n\n" << endl;
if (cmd == cmds[2]) {
if (cmd == cmds[3]) {
cout << "\n\n" << jokes[rand() % 9] << "\n\n" << endl;
if (cmd == cmds[4] || cmd == cmds[5]) {
cout << "\n\nWhat program would you like to open?" << endl;
getline(cin, selPrg);
if (selPrg == prg[0] || selPrg == prg[1] || selPrg == prg[2] || selPrg == prg[3] || selPrg == prg[4] || selPrg == prg[5] || selPrg == prg[6] || selPrg == prg[7] || selPrg == prg[8]) {
if (selPrg == prg[0]) {
cout << "\n\nOpening Google Chrome..." << endl;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
cout << "Successfully opened Google Chrome.\n\n" << endl;
if (selPrg == prg[1]) {
cout << "\n\nOpening Opera..." << endl;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:/Program Files/Opera/launcher.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
cout << "Successfully opened Opera.\n\n" << endl;
if (selPrg == prg[2]) {
cout << "\n\nOpening Notepad++..." << endl;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Notepad++/notepad++.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
cout << "Successfully opened Notepad++.\n\n" << endl;
if (selPrg == prg[3]) {
cout << "\n\nOpening Notepad..." << endl;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:/Windows/notepad.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
cout << "Successfully opened Notepad.\n\n" << endl;
if (selPrg == prg[4]) {
cout << "\n\nOpening Mozilla Firefox..." << endl;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Mozilla Firefox/firefox.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
cout << "Successfully opened Mozilla Firefox.\n\n" << endl;
if (selPrg == prg[5]) {
cout << "\n\nOpening Internet Explorer..." << endl;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/iexplorer.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
cout << "Successfully opened Internet Explorer.\n\n" << endl;
if (selPrg == prg[6]) {
cout << "\n\nOpening Code::Blocks..." << endl;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:/Program Files (x86)/CodeBlocks/codeblocks.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
cout << "Successfully opened Code::Blocks.\n\n" << endl;
if (selPrg == prg[7]) {
cout << "\n\nOpening Audacity..." << endl;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:/Program Files (x86)/Audacity/audacity.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
cout << "Successfully opened Audacity.\n\n" << endl;
if (selPrg == prg[8]) {
cout << "\n\nOpening Command Prompt..." << endl;
ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "C:/Windows/System32/cmd.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWDEFAULT);
cout << "Successfully opened Command Prompt.\n\n" << endl;
} else {
cout << "\n\nI'm sorry, " << name << ", but I don't recognize that program name." << endl;
if (cmd == cmds[6]) {
cout << "\n\nDirt, soil earth, rocks, and mud.\n\n" << endl;
if (cmd == cmds[7]) {
cout << "\n\nMy favorite color is... well I guess I've never had a favorite color.\n\n" << endl;
if (cmd == cmds[8]) {
cout << "\n\nMy favourite colour is... well I guess I have never had a favourite colour.\n\n" << endl;
if (cmd == cmds[9] || cmd == cmds[10]) {
if (cmd == cmds[11]) {
cout << "\n\nWhat would you like the title to be?" << endl;
getline(cin, title);
cout << "\n\n" << endl;
} else {
cout << "\n\nI'm sorry, " << name << ", but I don't understand that command.\n\n" << endl;
} while (x = 10);
return 0;
||=== Build: Debug in Shima (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\resources.rc|4|error: 'MAINICON' does not name a type|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp||In function 'int main()':|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|35|error: 'string' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|35|note: suggested alternative:|c:\program files (x86)\codeblocks\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.1\include\c++\bits\stringfwd.h|65|note: 'std::string'|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|35|error: expected ';' before 'name'|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|36|error: expected ';' before 'cmds'|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|37|error: expected ';' before 'jokes'|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|38|error: expected ';' before 'prg'|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|39|error: 'cout' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|39|note: suggested alternative:|c:\program files (x86)\codeblocks\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.1\include\c++\iostream|62|note: 'std::cout'|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|39|error: 'endl' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|39|note: suggested alternative:|c:\program files (x86)\codeblocks\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.1\include\c++\ostream|562|note: 'std::endl'|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|40|error: 'cin' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|40|note: suggested alternative:|c:\program files (x86)\codeblocks\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.1\include\c++\iostream|61|note: 'std::cin'|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|40|error: 'name' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|40|error: 'getline' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|40|note: suggested alternative:|c:\program files (x86)\codeblocks\mingw\bin\..\lib\gcc\mingw32\4.7.1\include\c++\bits\basic_string.h|2792|note: 'std::getline'|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|46|error: 'cmd' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|47|error: 'cmds' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|74|error: 'jokes' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|79|error: 'selPrg' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|80|error: 'prg' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|158|error: 'title' was not declared in this scope|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|165|warning: suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value [-Wparentheses]|C:\Users\Adam\Desktop\C++ Tutorial\Shima\main.cpp|34|warning: unused variable 'file' [-Wunused-variable]|||=== Build failed: 17 error(s), 2 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 1 second(s)) ===|
在源文件中,您必须包含头文件 resource.h
而不是资源脚本 resource.rc
#define MAINICON 101
Source C++ file:
#include <iostream>
#include ...
#include "resource.h"
using namespace std;
关于c++ - 如何将图标添加到您的 C++ 控制台应用程序?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35192511/
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对于一个类,我被要求编写一个 VHDL 程序,该程序接受两个整数输入 A 和 B,并用 A+B 替换 A,用 A-B 替换 B。我编写了以下程序和测试平台。它完成了实现和行为语法检查,但它不会模拟。尽
module Algorithm where import System.Random import Data.Maybe import Data.List type Atom = String ty
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我正在用 C++11 编写一个函数,它采用 constant1 + constant2 形式的表达式并将它们折叠起来。 constant1 和 constant2 存储在 std::string 中,
我用 C++ 编写了这段代码,使用运算符重载对 2 个矩阵进行加法和乘法运算。当我执行代码时,它会在第 57 行和第 59 行产生错误,非法结构操作(两行都出现相同的错误)。请解释我的错误。提前致谢:
我是 C++ 的初学者,我想编写一个简单的程序来交换字符串中的两个字符。 例如;我们输入这个字符串:“EXAMPLE”,我们给它交换这两个字符:“E”和“A”,输出应该类似于“AXEMPLA”。 我在
我需要以下代码的帮助: 声明 3 个 double 类型变量,每个代表三角形的三个边中的一个。 提示用户为第一面输入一个值,然后 将用户的输入设置为您创建的代表三角形第一条边的变量。 将最后 2 个步