- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
如果您不熟悉它,该游戏由一系列不同大小的汽车组成,水平或垂直设置在具有单个导出的 NxM 网格上。
有一辆特别的车,通常是红色的。它设置在导出所在的同一行,游戏的目标是找到一系列 Action (一个 Action - 将汽车向后或向前移动 N 步),让红色汽车驶出迷宫.
所以问题是 - 如何创建一个程序来获取网格和车辆布局,并输出将红色汽车开出所需的一系列步骤?
对于经典的尖峰时刻,这个问题很容易通过简单的广度优先搜索来解决。声称最难的已知初始配置需要 93 步才能解决,总共只有 24132 个可到达的配置。即使是简单实现的广度优先搜索算法也可以在一台普通机器上用不到 1 秒的时间探索整个搜索空间。
这是用 C 语言编写的广度优先搜索穷举求解器的完整源代码。
import java.util.*;
public class RushHour {
// classic Rush Hour parameters
static final int N = 6;
static final int M = 6;
static final int GOAL_R = 2;
static final int GOAL_C = 5;
// the transcription of the 93 moves, total 24132 configurations problem
// from http://cs.ulb.ac.be/~fservais/rushhour/index.php?window_size=20&offset=0
static final String INITIAL = "333BCC" +
"B22BCC" +
"B.XXCC" +
"22B..." +
".BB.22" +
static final String HORZS = "23X"; // horizontal-sliding cars
static final String VERTS = "BC"; // vertical-sliding cars
static final String LONGS = "3C"; // length 3 cars
static final String SHORTS = "2BX"; // length 2 cars
static final char GOAL_CAR = 'X';
static final char EMPTY = '.'; // empty space, movable into
static final char VOID = '@'; // represents everything out of bound
// breaks a string into lines of length N using regex
static String prettify(String state) {
String EVERY_NTH = "(?<=\\G.{N})".replace("N", String.valueOf(N));
return state.replaceAll(EVERY_NTH, "\n");
// conventional row major 2D-1D index transformation
static int rc2i(int r, int c) {
return r * N + c;
// checks if an entity is of a given type
static boolean isType(char entity, String type) {
return type.indexOf(entity) != -1;
// finds the length of a car
static int length(char car) {
isType(car, LONGS) ? 3 :
isType(car, SHORTS) ? 2 :
0/0; // a nasty shortcut for throwing IllegalArgumentException
// in given state, returns the entity at a given coordinate, possibly out of bound
static char at(String state, int r, int c) {
return (inBound(r, M) && inBound(c, N)) ? state.charAt(rc2i(r, c)) : VOID;
static boolean inBound(int v, int max) {
return (v >= 0) && (v < max);
// checks if a given state is a goal state
static boolean isGoal(String state) {
return at(state, GOAL_R, GOAL_C) == GOAL_CAR;
// in a given state, starting from given coordinate, toward the given direction,
// counts how many empty spaces there are (origin inclusive)
static int countSpaces(String state, int r, int c, int dr, int dc) {
int k = 0;
while (at(state, r + k * dr, c + k * dc) == EMPTY) {
return k;
// the predecessor map, maps currentState => previousState
static Map<String,String> pred = new HashMap<String,String>();
// the breadth first search queue
static Queue<String> queue = new LinkedList<String>();
// the breadth first search proposal method: if we haven't reached it yet,
// (i.e. it has no predecessor), we map the given state and add to queue
static void propose(String next, String prev) {
if (!pred.containsKey(next)) {
pred.put(next, prev);
// the predecessor tracing method, implemented using recursion for brevity;
// guaranteed no infinite recursion, but may throw StackOverflowError on
// really long shortest-path trace (which is infeasible in standard Rush Hour)
static int trace(String current) {
String prev = pred.get(current);
int step = (prev == null) ? 0 : trace(prev) + 1;
return step;
// in a given state, from a given origin coordinate, attempts to find a car of a given type
// at a given distance in a given direction; if found, slide it in the opposite direction
// one spot at a time, exactly n times, proposing those states to the breadth first search
// e.g.
// direction = -->
// __n__
// / \
// ..o....c
// \___/
// distance
static void slide(String current, int r, int c, String type, int distance, int dr, int dc, int n) {
r += distance * dr;
c += distance * dc;
char car = at(current, r, c);
if (!isType(car, type)) return;
final int L = length(car);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(current);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
r -= dr;
c -= dc;
sb.setCharAt(rc2i(r, c), car);
sb.setCharAt(rc2i(r + L * dr, c + L * dc), EMPTY);
propose(sb.toString(), current);
current = sb.toString(); // comment to combo as one step
// explores a given state; searches for next level states in the breadth first search
// Let (r,c) be the intersection point of this cross:
// @ nU = 3 '@' is not a car, 'B' and 'X' are of the wrong type;
// . nD = 1 only '2' can slide to the right up to 5 spaces
// 2.....B nL = 2
// X nR = 4
// The n? counts how many spaces are there in a given direction, origin inclusive.
// Cars matching the type will then slide on these "alleys".
static void explore(String current) {
for (int r = 0; r < M; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < N; c++) {
if (at(current, r, c) != EMPTY) continue;
int nU = countSpaces(current, r, c, -1, 0);
int nD = countSpaces(current, r, c, +1, 0);
int nL = countSpaces(current, r, c, 0, -1);
int nR = countSpaces(current, r, c, 0, +1);
slide(current, r, c, VERTS, nU, -1, 0, nU + nD - 1);
slide(current, r, c, VERTS, nD, +1, 0, nU + nD - 1);
slide(current, r, c, HORZS, nL, 0, -1, nL + nR - 1);
slide(current, r, c, HORZS, nR, 0, +1, nL + nR - 1);
public static void main(String[] args) {
// typical queue-based breadth first search implementation
propose(INITIAL, null);
boolean solved = false;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
String current = queue.remove();
if (isGoal(current) && !solved) {
solved = true;
//break; // comment to continue exploring entire space
System.out.println(pred.size() + " explored");
中的current = sb.toString();
状态表示为 NxM
长度的 String
。每个 char
通过从空白区域扫描所有 4 个方向来找到相邻状态,寻找合适的汽车类型,并在房间容纳时滑动它。
这里有很多多余的工作(例如,多次扫描长“小巷”),但如前所述,虽然通用版本是 PSPACE 完备的,但经典的 Rush Hour 变体很容易被蛮力处理。
关于algorithm - 尖峰时刻 - 解决游戏,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2877724/
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在此视频中:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BES9EKK4Aw4 Notch(我的世界的创造者)正在做他称之为“实时调试”的事情。他实际上是一边修改代码一边玩游戏,而不
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所以我必须实现纸牌游戏 war 。我一切都很顺利,除了当循环达到其中一张牌(数组列表)的大小时停止之外。我想要它做的是循环,直到其中一张牌是空的。并指导我如何做到这一点?我知道我的代码可以缩短,但我现
我正在做一个正交平铺 map Java 游戏,当我的船移动到 x 和 y 边界时,按方向键,它会停止移动(按预期),但如果我继续按该键,我的角色就会离开屏幕. 这是我正在使用的代码: @O
这里是 Ship、Asteroids、BaseShapeClass 类的完整代码。 Ship Class 的形状继承自 BaseShapeClass。 Asteroid类是主要的源代码,它声明了Gra
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我认为作为一个挑战,我应该编写一个基于 javascript 的游戏。我想要声音、图像和输入。模拟屏幕的背景(例如 640x480,其中包含我的所有图像)对于将页面的其余部分与“游戏”分开非常有用。我
我正在制作一个游戏,我将图标放在网格的节点中,并且我正在使用这个结构: typedef struct node{ int x,y; //coordinates for graphics.h
我正在研究我的游戏技能(主要是阵列)来生成敌人,现在子弹来击倒他们。我能够在测试时设置项目符号,但只有当我按下一个键(比方说空格键)并且中间没有间隔时才可见,所以浏览器无法一次接受那么多。 有没有什么