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c++ - 没有为……提供初始值设定项?什么?

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 01:56:38 25 4
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Pickup::Pickup(std::vector<Agent, std::allocator<Agent>> &agents)" provides no initializer for:


#include "Pickup.h"

Pickup::Pickup(vector<Agent>& agents)
: GameObject(), TOLERANCE(0.1f)
{ // this brace is underlined and is where the error occurs.

xRotation = D3DXVECTOR3(0.005f, 0.005f, 0.04f);

count = 0;

index = -1;

nodeIndex = -1;

isPresent = true;

void Pickup::Regenerate()
//when the pickup gets picked up, start a countdown

if (count == 300)
isPresent = true;
count = 0;

//void Pickup::addAmmo(int agentIndex) { }

void Pickup::Update()
Rotation(Rotation() + xRotation);

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < agents.size(); i++)
//if (D3DXVec3Length(agents[i].MainLegsPosition() - Position()) < TOLERANCE && isPresent)//right here
// addAmmo(agents[i].Index());
// isPresent = false;

if (isPresent == false)

/*void Pickup::Draw(D3DXMATRIX matView, D3DXMATRIX matProjection, ID3D10Effect* effect)//right here
if (isPresent == true)
Draw(matView, matProjection, effect);

// getters
int Pickup::Index()
return index;

int Pickup::NodeIndex()
return nodeIndex;

bool Pickup::IsPresent()
return isPresent;

/* vector<Agent>& Pickup::Agents()
return agents;

// setters
void Pickup::Index(int index)
this->index = index;

void Pickup::NodeIndex(int nodeIndex)
this->nodeIndex = nodeIndex;


#ifndef PICKUP_H
#define PICKUP_H

#include "gameObject.h"
#include "Agent.h"
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Pickup : public GameObject

int count;

int index;

int nodeIndex;

bool isPresent;

D3DXVECTOR3 xRotation;

const float TOLERANCE;

void Regenerate();


vector<Agent>& agents;


Pickup(vector<Agent>& agents);

virtual void addAmmo(int agentIndex);

void Update();

void Draw();

// getters
int Index();

int NodeIndex();

bool IsPresent();

// setters
void Index(int index);

void NodeIndex(int nodeIndex);


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