- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
关于我的问题,我在这里看到了一篇帖子,但不明白,因为我是 C++ 的新手。我写了一个小脚本,它从用户那里获取一个数字,脚本打印出输入数字的阶乘。一旦我输入更大的数字,如 30,脚本不会打印出所有数字。输出就像 2.652528598 E+32 但是我想要的是确切的数字 265252859812191058636308480000000。有人可以解释如何以长 double 获取所有数字。提前致谢
Get/Set floating-point decimal precision The floating-point precision determines the maximum number of digits to be written on insertion operations to express floating-point values. How this is interpreted depends on whether the
format flag is set to a specific notation (eitherfixed
) or it is unset (using thedefault
notation, which is not necessarily equivalent to eitherfixed
).Using the default floating-point notation, the precision field specifies the maximum number of meaningful digits to display in total counting both those before and those after the decimal point. Notice that it is not a minimum, and therefore it does not pad the displayed number with trailing zeros if the number can be displayed with less digits than the precision. In both the fixed and scientific notations, the precision field specifies exactly how many digits to display after the decimal point, even if this includes trailing decimal zeros. The digits before the decimal point are not relevant for the precision in this case.
This decimal precision can also be modified using the parameterized manipulator
// modify precision
#include <iostream> // std::cout, std::ios
int main () {
double f = 3.14159;
std::cout.unsetf ( std::ios::floatfield ); // floatfield not set
std::cout << f << '\n';
std::cout << f << '\n';
std::cout.setf( std::ios::fixed, std:: ios::floatfield ); // floatfield set to fixed
std::cout << f << '\n';
return 0;
Notice how the first number written is just 5 digits long, while the second is 6, but not more, even though the stream's precision is now 10. That is because precision with the default
only specifies the maximum number of digits to be displayed, but not the minimum. The third number printed displays 10 digits after the decimal point because thefloatfield
format flag is in this case set to fixed.
关于c++ long double 精确打印所有数字,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31632753/
感觉我在这里遗漏了一些明显的东西,所以提前道歉。无论如何,这是我尝试转换的一些数据a: acct_num year_prem prem exc 001 20
我正在尝试将表中的模式与用户话语 匹配。 string userUtterance = "I want identification number for number of customers";
当尝试在 Precise 上链接 gccgo 时,出现此链接错误: matt@matt-1005P:~/src/gopath/src/meme$ gccgo cmd/meme/main.go -o m
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假设我有以下数据和命令: clc;clear; t = [0:0.1:1]; t_new = [0:0.01:1]; y = [1,2,1,3,2,2,4,5,6,1,0]; p = interp1(
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给定一个像这样的 XML 文档: john &title; 我想解析上面的 XML 文档并生成其所有实体已解析的副本。因此,给定上述 XMl 文档,解析器应输出: john
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