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linux - mod_jk如何处理节点故障

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 01:18:04 24 4
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我们已经为 mod_jk 配置了两个 tomcat 服务器和 2 个 apache 网络服务器。我们想知道 mod_jk 如何处理节点故障或它将如何进行健康检查。?


您可以通过设置 JkWatchdogInterval 指令来使用看门狗。来自documentation :

This directive configures the watchdog thread interval in seconds. The workers are maintained periodically by a background thread running periodically every watchdog_interval seconds. Worker maintenance checks for idle connections, corrects load status and is able to detect backend health status.The maintenance only happens, if since the last maintenance at least worker.maintain seconds have passed. So setting the JkWatchdogInterval much smaller than worker.maintain is not useful.

The default value is 0 seconds, meaning the watchdog thread will not be created, and the maintenance is done in combination with normal requests instead.

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