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c++ - 将 lexical_cast 用于无符号类型时检查负值

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-03 00:21:05 26 4
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我有一种情况,我正在获取命令行参数并使用 boost::lexical_cast<unsigned long>(my_param) .我希望 my_param 的负值会导致 lexical_cast 抛出,但它会愉快地转换它们,-1 变成 18446744073709551615 .这看起来很荒谬,因为 unsigned long 的最大值是 2^32-1,它看起来更像是 unsigned long long。

所以我正在寻找一种更智能的方法来将 char * 输入转换为 unsigned long,或者一种方法来验证我没有接受伪装成大 unsigned long long 的负值。


有一个错误报告反对 boost 你的问题,它解释了为什么它会这样:

boost::lexical_cast has the behavior of stringstream, which uses num_get functions of std::locale to convert numbers. If we look at the [] of Programming languages — C++ ( or at [] Working Draft, Standard for Programming Language C++) we`ll see, that num_get uses the rules of scanf for conversions. And in the C99 standard for %u the input value minus sign is optional, so if a negative number is read, no errors will arise and the result will be the two's complement.


关于c++ - 将 lexical_cast 用于无符号类型时检查负值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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