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c++ - 友元函数和静态数据成员

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-02 23:37:29 25 4
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如何在 friend 的函数体内对 using 名称执行非限定名称查找?让我们考虑以下代码:

#include <iostream>

void foo();

class A
friend void foo(){ std::cout << a << std::endl; }
static int a;

int A::a = 10;

int main(){ foo(); }


N4296:: [namespace.memdef] 中的标准声明:

If a friend declaration in a non-local class first declares a class, function, class template or function template the friend is a member of the innermost enclosing namespace.

所以,我预计不合格的名称查找不会找到 A::a,但它确实找到了。我特意将 A::a 声明放在 friend 的函数定义之后,希望它不会被发现。 friend 不合格姓名查找的实际规则是什么?



N4296::3.4.1/8 [basic.lookup.unqual]:

For the members of a class X, a name used in a member function body, in a default argument, in an exceptionspecification, in the brace-or-equal-initializer of a non-static data member (9.2), or in the definition of a class member outside of the definition of X, following the member’s declarator-id31, shall be declared in one of the following ways:


(8.2) — shall be a member of class X or be a member of a base class of X (10.2),


N4296::3.4.1/9 [basic.lookup.unqual]:

Name lookup for a name used in the definition of a friend function (11.3) defined inline in the class granting friendship shall proceed as described for lookup in member function definitions.




#include <iostream>

class A
static int a;
friend void foo();

int A::a = 10;

void foo(){ std::cout << a << std::endl; }

int main(){ foo(); }


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