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C++ 可克隆混合

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-02 23:35:35 25 4
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我有几个类需要以下 clone待定义函数:

struct Base
virtual Base * clone() const = 0;

struct A : public Base
Base * clone() const {
return new A(*this);

struct B : public Base
Base * clone() const {
return new B(*this);

struct X : public Base2
Base2 * clone() const {
return new X(*this);

我正在尝试使用 Cloneable mixin 来避免这种冗余代码:

template <typename BASE, typename TYPE>
class CloneableMixin
BASE*clone() const {
return new TYPE( dynamic_cast<const TYPE &>(*this) );

struct A : public Base, public CloneableMixin<Base, A>

然而,这是行不通的,因为在new TYPE(*this)来自 CloneableMixin , *this类型为 CloneableMixin<BASE, TYPE> .

更新: CloneableMixin可以dynamic_cast到正确的类型。但现在我有另一个问题:CloneableMixin::clone没有成功覆盖 Base::clone ,因此编译器报告 A 是抽象类型。

可以巧妙地使用virtual吗?允许继承 CloneableMixin::clone覆盖 Base::clone ?我应该为此使用一些宏吗?



Can some clever use of virtual inheritance allow CloneableMixin::clone to override Base::clone?

你的 CloneableMixin<Base,Derived>不能覆盖 Base 的任何方法- 任何一个多态或隐藏 - 因为 CloneableMixin<Base,Derived>是不是来自 Base .

另一方面,如果CloneableMixin<Base,Derived> 源自Base你将不再需要它是一个 mixin,因为 -

class Derived : public CloneableMixin<Base,Derived> {....};

会继承Base .


#include <iostream>

// cloner v1.0
template <class Base, class Derived>
struct cloner : Base
Base *clone() const override {
return new Derived( dynamic_cast<const Derived &>(*this) );
~cloner() override {};

struct Base
virtual Base * clone() const = 0;
Base() {
std::cout << "Base()" << std::endl;
virtual ~Base() {
std::cout << "~Base()" << std::endl;

struct A : cloner<Base,A>
A() {
std::cout << "A()" << std::endl;
~A() override {
std::cout << "~A()" << std::endl;

int main()
A a;
Base * pb = a.clone();
delete pb;

(如果您正在编译为 C++03 标准而不是 C++11,那么您可能只需删除出现的 override关键字。)

这个解决方案将分解为一些更真实的类层次结构,例如在这张 Template Method Pattern 的插图中:

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>

using namespace std;

// cloner v1.0
template<class B, class D>
struct cloner : B
B *clone() const override {
return new D(dynamic_cast<D const&>(*this));
~cloner() override {}

/* Abstract base class `abstract` keeps the state for all derivatives
and has some pure virtual methods. It has some non-default
struct abstract
virtual ~abstract() {
cout << "~abstract()" << endl;
int get_state() const {
return _state;
void run() {
cout << "abstract::run()" << endl;
virtual void a_root_method() = 0;
virtual void another_root_method() = 0;
virtual abstract * clone() const = 0;


: _state(0) {
cout << "abstract(): state = " << get_state() << endl;
explicit abstract(int state) : _state(state) {
cout << "abstract(" << state << ") : state = "
<< get_state() << endl;
int _state;

/* Concrete class `concrete` inherits `abstract`
and implements the pure virtual methods.
It echoes the constructors of `abstract`. Since `concrete`
is concrete, it requires cloneability.
struct concrete : cloner<abstract,concrete>
concrete() {
cout << "concrete(): state = " << get_state() << endl;
explicit concrete(int state) : abstract(state) { //<- Barf!
cout << "concrete(" << state << ") : state = "
<< get_state() << endl;
~concrete() override {
cout << "~concrete()" << endl;
void a_root_method() override {
cout << "concrete::a_root_method() : state = "
<< get_state() << endl;
void another_root_method() override {
cout << "concrete::another_root_method() : state = "
<< get_state() << endl;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
concrete c1;
unique_ptr<abstract> pr(new concrete(c1));
unique_ptr<abstract> pr1(pr->clone());
return 0;

当我们尝试构建它时,编译器会在初始化abstract(state)concrete 的构造函数中(在 Barf!评论),说:

error: type 'abstract' is not a direct or virtual base of 'concrete'

或类似的词。事实上,concrete 的直接基础不是 abstract但是cloner<abstract,concrete> .但是,我们不能将构造函数重写为:

/*Plan B*/ explicit concrete(int state) : cloner<abstract,concrete>(state){....}



但是编译器的诊断建议修复。 这是是虚拟的继承可以提供帮助。我们需要 abstract成为concrete虚拟基地, 哪个有效地意味着“concrete 的荣誉直接基地”,我们可以实现这一点只需制作 B cloner<B,D>虚拟 基地:

// cloner v1.1
template<class B, class D>
struct cloner : virtual B
B *clone() const override {
return new D(dynamic_cast<D const&>(*this));
~cloner() override {}


abstract(): state = 0
concrete(): state = 0
concrete::a_root_method() : state = 1
concrete::another_root_method() : state = 0
concrete::a_root_method() : state = 1

原则上有充分的理由警惕虚拟继承并保留它的使用至少在它具有建筑学的情况下基本原理 - 不是为了解决方法,因为我们刚才已经使用了它。

如果我们更愿意在没有虚拟继承的情况下解决这个问题,那么我们必须以某种方式确保有 cloner<B,D> 的构造函数那回显 B任何构造函数, 对于任意 B .然后任意对应D 的构造函数将能够初始化其直接基cloner<B,D>无论争论是什么。

这是 C++03 的白日梦,但具有可变参数模板的魔力C++11 中的参数很简单:

// cloner v1.2
template<class B, class D>
struct cloner : B
B *clone() const override {
return new D(dynamic_cast<D const&>(*this));
~cloner() override {}
// "All purpose constructor"
template<typename... Args>
explicit cloner(Args... args)
: B(args...){}

有了这个,我们可以重写 concrete构造函数为 /*Plan B*/ , 和我们再次拥有正确的构建和可执行文件。

关于C++ 可克隆混合,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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