gpt4 book ai didi

C++ 管理进程

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-02 23:30:59 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个进程创建了 10 个子进程,它们都共享一个内存段。 10个子进程可以并发运行,但是我想让父亲在这段时间 sleep 。 children 完成后就去 sleep 了。当所有 child 都完成后,父亲进行一些计算并叫醒 children 进行另一轮(然后他再次休眠,直到所有 child 都完成计算)。我想我可以在以 check_children_finished() 为条件的 while 循环内暂停 ()。 children 知道通过 kill() 向 parent 发出信号,他们有他的 pid(作为参数发送给他们),实际上父亲也有 child 的 pid(存储在共享内存中)这是一些代码 -


#include <csignal>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

static void sig_usr(int);
static volatile sig_atomic_t *sharedArray;
static int segmentId;
int number_of_children = 10;

bool check_children_finished(){
for (int i=1; i<number_of_children; i++)
if (sharedArray[i*2] == -1)
return false;
return true;

void sig_usr (int signo)
// This is signals handler (when a signal fires this is what runs)
// we expect SIGUSR1 from the child process
if(signo == SIGUSR1)
cout << "(parent: " << (int)getpid() << ") --- caught SIGUSR1" << endl;
if (signo == SIGUSR2){
cout << "(parent: " << (int)getpid() << ") --- caught SIGUSR2" << endl;
perror("unexpected signal fired");
// return;

int main()

// size of the shared memory array
int arrSize = 100;
const int shareSize = sizeof(sig_atomic_t) * (arrSize);
/* Allocate shared memory segment */
segmentId = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, shareSize, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
sharedArray = (sig_atomic_t *) shmat(segmentId, NULL, 0);

// feel shared memory with -1
for (int i=0; i<arrSize; i++)
sharedArray[i] = -1;

// binding SIGUSR1 & SIGUSR2 to sig_usr method
// we need to override SIGUSR2 because of group signaling
signal(SIGUSR1, sig_usr);
// signal(SIGUSR2,sig_usr);

fprintf(stderr, "\n (parnet) myPid=%d ; segId=%d\n",(int)getpid(), segmentId);
sharedArray[0] = 123;
int kids = 0; // this is the number of child processes
// we send to the child (as shell parameters) the parent pid, shared segment address , and index to the shared memory(this is where he will write his pid and in index+1 the heuristic value)
char* kidsParams[5];

// takes care of param[0]=command to run
string exec_line = "./child";
kidsParams[0] = new char[exec_line.size()+1];
memcpy(kidsParams[0], exec_line.c_str(), exec_line.size());

// takes care of param[1]=parent pid
kidsParams[1] = new char[100]; // = malloc(100*sizeof(char));
sprintf( kidsParams[1],"%d",(int)getpid());

// takes care of param[2]=shared mem segment address
kidsParams[2] = new char[100];
sprintf( kidsParams[2],"%d",segmentId);

// takes care of param[3]=the child private index in shared mem
kidsParams[3] = new char[100];

kidsParams[4] = NULL; // needed as end of array
int index = 0;
for(; kids<number_of_children; kids++) {
sprintf( kidsParams[3],"%d",index);
pid_t childpid = fork();
cout << "(parent) --- just finished creating " << number_of_children << " kids" << endl;
cout << "(parent) entering to while {...} pause" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<number_of_children; i++)
cout << "[" << i << "] = " << sharedArray[i];
cout << endl;
// going to sleep --- here I want while loop with conditioning that all children finished
while ( ! check_children_finished() ) {
cout << "(parent) now will signal the group" << endl;
// killpg sends signal to the group (all the children). note that the group has the same pid as the father
cout << "(parent) just finished signaling the group" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<number_of_children; i++)
cout << "[" << i << "] = " << sharedArray[i];
cout << endl;
cout << "(parent) exited the while{...} paused" << endl;

// removes shared memory
// shmdt (sharedArray);
// shmctl (segmentId, IPC_RMID, NULL);
// note that all children must also shmctl (...IPC_RMID...);



(same includes...)
using namespace std;

// declare the function proptotype (needed in signal function)
static void sig_usr(int);

// handles the signal (what happens when the signal fires) --- here I want to solve the search problem
void sig_usr (int signo)
if(signo == SIGUSR1){
cout << "(child: " << (int)getpid() << ") --- caught SIGUSR1" << endl;
}else if(signo == SIGUSR2){
cout << "(child: " << (int)getpid() << ") --- caught SIGUSR2" << endl;
// return;


int main(int argc, char** argv){
// binding the signal to the handler
int segmentId;
volatile sig_atomic_t *sharedArray ;
int myIndex;
int myData = 5;
int parentPid;
// read parameters
parentPid = atoi(argv[1]);
segmentId = atoi(argv[2]);
myIndex = atoi(argv[3]);

// declare a pointer to the shared memory
sharedArray = (sig_atomic_t *) shmat(segmentId, NULL, 0);
sharedArray[myIndex] =(int)getpid();
sharedArray[myIndex+1] = myData;
// fprintf(stderr, "My Group Pid(child): %d\n",(int)getpgrp());
cout << "(child: " << (int)getpid() << ") --- going to sleep" << endl;
cout << "(child: " << (int)getpid() << ") --- I woke up" << endl;
//calc data

//fprintf(stderr, "My Pid(child): %d\n",(int)getpid());
//fprintf(stderr, "I got %d (child)\n",sharedArray[0] );

// this signals the father
cout << "fired SIGUSR1"<< endl;


 (parnet) myPid=3104 ; segId=22872080
(parent) --- just finished creating 10 kids
(parent) entering to while {...} pause
[0] = 123[1] = -1[2] = -1[3] = -1[4] = -1[5] = -1[6] = -1[7] = -1[8] = -1[9] = -1
(parent) now will signal the group
User defined signal 2


 (parnet) myPid=3126 ; segId=22937618
(child: 3129) --- going to sleep
(child: 3127) --- going to sleep
(parent) --- just finished creating 10 kids
(parent) entering to while {...} pause
[0] = 3127[1] = 5[2] = 3128[3] = 5[4] = 3129[5] = 5[6] = -1[7] = -1[8] = -1[9] = -1
(parent) now will signal the group
User defined signal 2
(child: 3127) --- I woke up
fired SIGUSR1
(child: 3128) --- going to sleep
(child: 3132) --- going to sleep
(child: 3129) --- I woke up
fired SIGUSR1

谁能提出解决方案?谢谢!-- 里昂




所以,在 fork worker 之前,我会调用(例如 10 次,或者如果你想要他们两种方式,可能是 2*10 次)pipe(2)创建控制通信。然后你可以使用 ppoll(2) (或只是 poll )来复用管道。

但是您是否考虑过使用现有框架,例如Open-MPI (一个实现 MPI =“消息传递接口(interface)”)。这并不意味着放弃使用共享内存段(只需将 MPI 用于控制和同步问题)。或者也许使用 OpenMP或者只是 p-threads

MPI 在高性能数值计算中的应用非常广泛,许多 super 计算机都拥有它(使用专门的硬件来实现非常快速的消息传递)。

(当然, super 计算机是集群,因此您实际上并没有在数千个内核之间共享内存;您将通过在代码中仅使用 MPI 来利用它们...)

(您也可以通过 OpenCL 调查使用 GPGPU)

关于C++ 管理进程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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