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java - Android protobuf nano 文档

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-02 22:15:04 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在尝试减少由 Google proto-buf 生成的方法的数量,其中一种替代方法是使用 proto-buf nano。但是我没有找到关于如何使用它的文档。除了 package link ,我找不到任何关于如何使用 nano 从 proto 文件生成 java 文件的信息。

所以问题很简单:如何使用 google proto nano 从 proto 文件生成 java 类以及如何在项目中使用它们?


查看主要的 protobuf 编译器源代码:

#include <google/protobuf/compiler/javanano/javanano_generator.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

google::protobuf::compiler::CommandLineInterface cli;
// Proto2 JavaNano
google::protobuf::compiler::javanano::JavaNanoGenerator javanano_generator;
cli.RegisterGenerator("--javanano_out", &javanano_generator,
"Generate Java source file nano runtime.");

return cli.Run(argc, argv);

看着 protobuf's Readme

Nano Generator options

  • java_package -> <file-name>|<package-name>
  • java_outer_classname -> <file-name>|<package-name>
  • java_multiple_files -> true or false
  • java_nano_generate_has -> true or false [DEPRECATED]
  • optional_field_style -> default or accessors
  • enum_style -> c or java

在 Android 存储库之外使用 nano protobufs:

  • Link with the generated jar file <protobuf-root>java/target/protobuf-java-2.3.0-nano.jar.
  • Invoke with --javanano_out, e.g.:

./protoc '--javanano_out=java_package=src/proto/simple-data.proto|my_package,java_outer_classname=src/proto/simple-data.proto|OuterName:.' src/proto/simple-data.proto

在 Android 存储库中使用 nano protobufs:

  • Set 'LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE := nano' in your local .mk file. When building a Java library or an app (package) target, the build
    system will add the Java nano runtime library to the
    LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES variable, so you don't need to.
  • Set 'LOCAL_PROTO_JAVA_OUTPUT_PARAMS := ...' in your local .mk file for any command-line options you need. Use commas to join multiple
    options. In the nano flavor only, whitespace surrounding the option
    names and values are ignored, so you can use backslash-newline or
    '+=' to structure your make files nicely.
  • The options will be applied to all proto files in LOCAL_SRC_FILES when you build a Java library or package. In case different options
    are needed for different proto files, build separate Java libraries
    and reference them in your main target. Note: you should make sure
    that, for each separate target, all proto files imported from any
    proto file in LOCAL_SRC_FILES are included in LOCAL_SRC_FILES. This
    is because the generator has to assume that the imported files are
    built using the same options, and will generate code that reference
    the fields and enums from the imported files using the same code
  • Hint: 'include $(CLEAR_VARS)' resets all LOCAL_ variables, including the two above.

来自 的简单 nano 示例。


package protobuf_unittest_import;

option java_package = "";
// Explicit outer classname to suppress legacy info.
option java_outer_classname = "UnittestSimpleNano";

message SimpleMessageNano {
message NestedMessage {
optional int32 bb = 1;

enum NestedEnum {
FOO = 1;
BAR = 2;
BAZ = 3;

optional int32 d = 1 [default = 123];
optional NestedMessage nested_msg = 2;
optional NestedEnum default_nested_enum = 3 [default = BAZ];


./protoc '--javanano_out=java_package=google/protobuf/unittest_simple_nano.proto|,java_outer_classname=google/protobuf/unittest_simple_nano.proto|UnittestSimpleNano:target/generated-test-sources' google/protobuf/unittest_simple_nano.proto


  public void testSimpleMessageNano() throws Exception {
SimpleMessageNano msg = new SimpleMessageNano();
assertEquals(123, msg.d);
assertEquals(null, msg.nestedMsg);
assertEquals(SimpleMessageNano.BAZ, msg.defaultNestedEnum);

msg.d = 456;
assertEquals(456, msg.d);

SimpleMessageNano.NestedMessage nestedMsg = new SimpleMessageNano.NestedMessage(); = 2;
msg.nestedMsg = nestedMsg;

msg.defaultNestedEnum = SimpleMessageNano.BAR;
assertEquals(SimpleMessageNano.BAR, msg.defaultNestedEnum);

byte [] result = MessageNano.toByteArray(msg);
int msgSerializedSize = msg.getSerializedSize();
//System.out.printf("mss=%d result.length=%d\n", msgSerializedSize, result.length);
assertTrue(msgSerializedSize == 9);
assertEquals(result.length, msgSerializedSize);

SimpleMessageNano newMsg = SimpleMessageNano.parseFrom(result);
assertEquals(456, newMsg.d);
assertEquals(SimpleMessageNano.BAR, msg.defaultNestedEnum);


<!-- java nano -->
<exec executable="../src/protoc">
<arg value="--javanano_out=java_package=google/protobuf/unittest_import_nano.proto|,java_outer_classname=google/protobuf/unittest_import_nano.proto|UnittestImportNano:target/generated-test-sources" />
<arg value="--proto_path=../src" />
<arg value="--proto_path=src/test/java" />
<arg value="../src/google/protobuf/unittest_nano.proto" />
<arg value="../src/google/protobuf/unittest_simple_nano.proto" />
<arg value="../src/google/protobuf/unittest_stringutf8_nano.proto" />
<arg value="../src/google/protobuf/unittest_recursive_nano.proto" />
<arg value="../src/google/protobuf/unittest_import_nano.proto" />
<arg value="../src/google/protobuf/unittest_enum_multiplejava_nano.proto" />
<arg value="../src/google/protobuf/unittest_multiple_nano.proto" />


关于java - Android protobuf nano 文档,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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