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javascript - Google Closure 引入错误

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-02 21:04:19 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


在@Alex 的帮助下学到的教训是,永远不要将函数声明放在 block 作用域中。并不是我打算这样做,但如果你失误了,它可能会导致大问题。

我有一个脚本文件似乎通过 Google Closure 被错误地压缩了。当我使用原始代码运行我的应用程序时,一切正常。但是当我尝试使用 Google Closure 压缩它时,出现了一些错误。


显然我不能指望任何人调试压缩文件,但我希望有人可以查看未压缩的代码并让我知道我是否以某种方式做了一些愚蠢的事情来欺骗 Closure。


Closure 是内联BEFramework.prototype.hstreamLoadBEFramework.prototype.hstreamEvalJson,似乎完全删除了辅助函数getDeleteValuegetValueToDisplaygetDisplayForLabel 以及可能的其他内容。


这段代码可以manually be compiled by closure here ,这应该会重现上述症状。

(function() {
var $ = jQuery;

// Load and display the messages ("healthstream") for a given module.
// This requires that the module's HTML have specific features, see
// dashboard.htm and contactsManager/details/default.htm for examples.
// This also requires that the `request` support `pageIndex` and `pageSize`,
// so we can handle paging.
// Args: `options` An options object with these keys:
// `channelId` The channel ID of the module (for transmitRequest)
// `translationId` Optional alternate ID for translation (if not given,
// `channelId` is used).
// `action` The action (for transmitRequest)
// - Must support `pageIndex` and `pageSize`
// `request` The request (for transmitRequest)
// - Must include `pageIndex` and `pageSize`
// `complete` Optional callback triggered when the load is complete.
// `showOptions` Optional callback if an options menu is supported
// by the calling module. Receives a raw event instance
// and the item on which the options were triggered:
// function showOptions(event, item)
// `context` Optional context (`this` value) for the call to
// `complete` and/or `showOptions`
BEFramework.prototype.hstreamLoad = hstreamLoad;
function hstreamLoad(options) {
var inst = this;

var channelId, translationId, action, request, complete, showOptions, context,
pageIndex, pageCount, pageSize, pageCount,
btnPrevious, btnNext,

// Get our arguments (with defaults)
channelId = options.channelId;
translationId = options.translationId || options.channelId;
action = options.action;
request = $.extend({}, options.request); // Create a *copy*, because we modify it when doing paging
complete = options.complete;
if (typeof complete !== "function") {
complete = undefined;
showOptions = options.showOptions;
if (typeof showOptions !== "function") {
showOptions = undefined;
context = options.context; // (undefined will automatically become the global object)

// Grab the initial pageIndex and pageSize
pageIndex = request.pageIndex || 1;
pageSize = request.pageSize || 100;

// Disable the button and show "searching" label
.button("option", "label", BETranslate(translationId, 'HealthStreamSearching'));

// Hook up the buttons; be a bit paranoid that they've been hooked before and clear previous handlers
btnPrevious = $('#healthStreamPagePrevious');
btnNext = $('#healthStreamPageNext');
btnPrevious.hide().unbind("click.paging").bind("click.paging", goToPreviousPage);
btnNext.hide().unbind("click.paging").bind("click.paging", goToNextPage);

// Do it

// === Support functions

// Trigger a load request
function doLoad() {
request.pageIndex = pageIndex;
request.pageSize = pageSize;
inst._transport.transmitRequest(channelId, action, request, hstreamLoaded);

// Hndle the load response
function hstreamLoaded(objResponse) {
var healthStream = objResponse.items;
var total =;
var tbody = $('#healthStreamList');

// Need to make this update optional
$('#pageHeaderName').html(BETranslate(translationId, 'HeaderActivity') + ' (' + String(total) + ')');
.button("option", "label", BETranslate(translationId, 'HealthStreamSearch'));

if (healthStream.length > 0) {
pageCount = Math.ceil(total / pageSize);

if (pageCount > 1) {
if (pageIndex > 1) {;
if (pageIndex < pageCount) {;

var item;
var tr;
var tdMain;
var daysHash = {};
var creationDate;
var key;
var today = new Date();
var yesterday = new Date();
var msg;
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);

dataShownFlags = {};

for (var x = 0; x < healthStream.length; x++) {
item = healthStream[x];
msg = inst.hstreamEvalJson(item);

if (msg.length > 0) {
creationDate = new Date(item.CreationDate);
key = [creationDate.getYear(), creationDate.getMonth(), creationDate.getDate()].join('-');

if (!daysHash[key]) {
if (isDateEqual(creationDate, today)) {
addRowHeader(tbody, BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSToday'));
else if (isDateEqual(creationDate, yesterday)) {
addRowHeader(tbody, BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYesterday'));
else {
addRowHeader(tbody, creationDate.toString('MM/dd/yyyy'));
daysHash[key] = true;

tr = $(
"<tr>" +
"<td class='date' style='white-space:nowrap;'>" + new Date(item.CreationDate).toString('h:mm tt') + "</td>" +
"<td class='main'><span class='name'>" + msg + "</span>" +
if (showOptions) {
tr.find("td.main").prepend($("<em rel='opt'>&nbsp;</em>").click(makeShowOptionsHandler(item)));

// If any of the templates created links with a `data` attribute, hook them up
$('#healthStreamList a[data]').click(showTitle).each(function (index) { = 'data' + index;

else {
tbody.html('<tr><td colspan="2">' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSNoActivity') + '</td></tr>');

// Trigger completion callback
if (complete) {, objResponse);

function makeShowOptionsHandler(item) {
// Our event comes to us from jQuery, but we pass on the raw
// event to the callback
return function (event) {, event.originalEvent || event, item);

function addRowHeader(listRef, name) {
"<tr>" +
"<td colspan='2' class='divider'>" + name + "</td>" +

function showTitle(event) {


var link = this;
var $link = $(this);
var href = $link.attr("href"); // We want the attribute, not the property (the property is usually expanded)
var hrefTitle = $link.attr('hreftitle') || BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSMoreInfo');
var data = $link.attr('data') || "";
var linkId =;

if (!dataShownFlags[linkId]) {
dataShownFlags[linkId] = true;
if (data) {
var div = $(
"<div class='data'>" +
"<span data-linkId='" + linkId + "' class='close'>x</span>" +
"<table><thead></thead></table>" +

var thead = div.find("thead");
var arr = data.split('~');
var splitEntry;

for (var x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) {
splitEntry = arr[x].split('|');
if (splitEntry[0] === 'Changed length') {
splitEntry[1] = splitEntry[1].replace(/\d+/g, BEFramework.prettyTime);
if (splitEntry.length > 1 && splitEntry[1].length > 0) {
"<tr>" +
"<td class='hslabel'>" + splitEntry[0] + ":</td>" +
"<td>" + splitEntry[1] + "</td>" +


if (href && href !== "#") {
$("<a target='_blank'>" + hrefTitle + "</a>").attr("href", href).appendTo(div);

function hideTitle(event) {
var $this = $(this),
linkId = $this.attr("data-linkId");
delete dataShownFlags[linkId];
return false;

function goToPreviousPage(event) {
return false;
function goToNextPage(event) {
return false;

var ___x = false;
var __i = 0;

BEFramework.prototype.hstreamEvalJson = hstreamEvalJson;
function hstreamEvalJson(item) {
var inst = this;

if (item.Action === 'saveinsurance' && !___x && __i != 0){
var start = +new Date();
__i = 1;

var userId = inst._BEUser ? inst._BEUser.getId() : -1;
var json = eval('(' + item.JSON + ')');
var key = 'HS' + item.Module + '_' + item.Action;
var msg = BETranslate(inst._channelId, key);
var fromIsMe = item.CreatedByContactId == userId;
var toIsMe = item.ContactId == userId;
var fromString = (fromIsMe) ? '<strong>' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYou') + '</strong>' : '<a class="vcard" contactId="' + item.CreatedByContactId + '">' + item.CreatedByName + '</a>';
var toString = (toIsMe) ? '<strong>' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYour') + '</strong>' : '<a class="vcard" contactId="' + item.ContactId + '">' + item.ContactName + '</a>';
var fromString2 = (fromIsMe) ? '<strong>' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYour').toLowerCase() + '</strong>' : '<a class="vcard" contactId="' + item.CreatedByContactId + '">' + item.CreatedByName + '</a>';
var toString2 = (toIsMe) ? '<strong>' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYou').toLowerCase() + '</strong>' : '<a class="vcard" contactId="' + item.ContactId + '">' + item.ContactName + '</a>';
var subFormat, subProps;
var configObject = (BEFramework.healthStreamConfig[item.Module] && BEFramework.healthStreamConfig[item.Module][item.Action]) || {};
var standardCase = configObject.standardCase;
var suppress = configObject.suppress || [];
var propertiesInOrder = configObject.displayOrder || [];

if (msg.indexOf('not found in module') != -1) {
try {
switch (item.Module) {
case 'contacts':
if (item.Action == 'setpermission' || item.Action == 'deleterelationship' || item.Action == 'addinvite') {
msg = BETranslate(inst._channelId, key + json.type.toString());
case 'tasks':
if (item.Action == 'savetask') {
msg = BETranslate(inst._channelId, key + json.type.toString());
msg = '';
} catch (ex) {
msg = '';

for (var prop in json) {
if (typeof (json[prop]) == 'object') {

if (prop === 'changes' || prop === 'deleted'){
subProps = json[prop];

for (var propName in subProps) {
if (indexInArrayCI(propName, propertiesInOrder) === -1 && indexInArrayCI(propName, suppress) === -1){

if (prop == 'changes') {
var changes = '';
var changeFrom = BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSChangedFrom');
var changeTo = BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSChangedTo');

for (var i = 0; i < propertiesInOrder.length; i++) {
var subprop = propertiesInOrder[i];
if (getObjectValCI(subProps, subprop) == null) continue;

var subSplit = stripHtml(getObjectValCI(subProps, subprop)).split('|');

if (subSplit.length === 1) {
subFormat = BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HS' + item.Module + '_changes_' + subprop);
if (subFormat.indexOf('not found in module') < 0) {
changes += $.sandr(subFormat, '#{value}', subSplit[0]);
else {
changes += "*|" + subprop + " " + subSplit[0] + "~";
else {
var fromValue = stripHtml(subSplit[0]);
var toValue = stripHtml(subSplit[1]);

var packetInfo = processChangedValues(subprop, fromValue, toValue);
if (packetInfo.skip) continue;

changes = changes + changeFrom + packetInfo.display + '|' + packetInfo.fromValue + '<b>' + changeTo + '</b>' + packetInfo.toValue + '~';

msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{' + prop + '}', changes);
} else if (prop == 'deleted') {
var deleted = '';

for (var i = 0; i < propertiesInOrder.length; i++) {
var subprop = propertiesInOrder[i];
var currentValue = getObjectValCI(subProps, subprop);

if (currentValue == null || currentValue.toString().length === 0) continue;

deleted = deleted + getDisplayForLabel(subprop) + '|' + getDeleteValue(subprop, currentValue) + '~';

msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{' + prop + '}', deleted);
} else {
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{' + prop + '}', $.sandr(json[prop], '"', ' '));

function processChangedValues(label, fromValue, toValue){
var typeFormat = (getObjectValCI(configObject, label) || {}).type;
var result = {};

if (typeFormat === 'date'){
var d1 = new Date(fromValue);
var d2 = new Date(toValue);

if (isDateEqual(d1, d2)) result.skip = true;

result.fromValue = getValueToDisplay(fromValue, typeFormat);
result.toValue = getValueToDisplay(toValue, typeFormat);

result.display = getDisplayForLabel(label)

return result;

function getDeleteValue(label, value){
var typeFormat = (getObjectValCI(configObject, label) || {}).type;

return getValueToDisplay(value, typeFormat);

function getValueToDisplay(rawValue, typeFormat){
if (typeFormat === 'date'){
var d = new Date(rawValue);
return isNaN(d.getTime()) ? rawValue : d.toString('MM/dd/yyyy');
} else if (typeof typeFormat === 'function') {
return typeFormat(rawValue)
} else {
return rawValue;

function getDisplayForLabel(label){
var fixCaseOfProperty = standardCase === '*' || indexInArrayCI(label, standardCase) > -1;
var rawConfigForLabel = getObjectValCI(configObject, label) || {};

return (rawConfigForLabel && rawConfigForLabel.display)
|| (fixCaseOfProperty ? fixCase(label) : null)
|| label;

msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{contactId}', item.ContactId);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{from}', fromString);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{to}', toString);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{from2}', fromString2);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{to2}', toString2);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{recordId}', item.RecordId);

msg = msg.replace(/#{[\S]*}/g, '');

if (item.Action === 'saveinsurance' && !___x && __i == 1){
var end = +new Date();
___x = true;
//alert(end - start);

if (item.Action === 'saveinsurance') __i++;

if (msg.indexOf('not found in module') == -1) {
return msg;
} else {
return '';

function stripHtml(html) {
var tmp = document.createElement('DIV');
tmp.innerHTML = html;
return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText;

function isDateEqual(date1, date2) {
if (date1.getDate() === date2.getDate() &&
date1.getMonth() === date2.getMonth() &&
date1.getYear() === date2.getYear()) {
return true;
else {
return false;

function getObjectValCI(obj, key){
for (var k in obj){
if (k.toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase()){
return obj[k];

function indexInArrayCI(item, arr){
if (!$.isArray(arr)) arr = [];

var target = item.toString().toLowerCase();

for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if (target === arr[i].toLowerCase()) return i;
return -1;

function fixCase(str){
return str.replace(/[a-z][A-Z]/g, function(match) { return match.charAt(0) + ' ' + match.charAt(1).toLowerCase(); }).toLowerCase()
.replace(/\sid\s/g, ' ID ')
.replace(/\sid$/g, ' ID')
.replace(/^id$/g, 'ID');




例如,您调用 getDeleteValue...

getDeleteValue(subprop, currentValue)




使用 Closure Compiler 需要一些技巧和大量的文档搜索,直到您熟悉它的工作原理。

关于javascript - Google Closure 引入错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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