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iPhone App 崩溃日志 - 如何在崩溃日志中获取类名和方法名?

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-02 20:17:08 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我正在使用 PLCrashReporter要获取我的应用程序的崩溃日志,我从崩溃日志中获取以下信息

<CrashReportInterface><CrashReport><applicationname>Basic</applicationname><bundleidentifier>com.iMobDev.weed</bundleidentifier><systemversion>6.0</systemversion><platform>x86_64</platform><senderversion>1.0</senderversion><version>1.0</version><userid></userid><contact></contact><description><![CDATA[]]></description><log><![CDATA[Incident Identifier: [TODO]
CrashReporter Key: [TODO]
Process: Basic [714]
Path: /Users/bhavinparmar/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications/068F158F-CE56-46DD-B5D7-F93FD8FFB199/
Identifier: com.iMobDev.weed
Version: 1.0
Code Type: X86
Parent Process: debugserver [716]

Date/Time: 2012-12-20 14:12:04 +0000
OS Version: Mac OS X 6.0
Report Version: 104

Exception Type: SIGABRT
Exception Codes: #0 at 0xffffffff9ca719c6
Crashed Thread: 0

Application Specific Information:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 0 beyond bounds for empty array'

Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x9ca719c6 0x9ca59000 + 100806
1 libsystem_sim_c.dylib 0x018fd57b 0x18b6000 + 292219
2 libc++abi.dylib 0x01a7df7b 0x1a7b000 + 12155
3 libc++abi.dylib 0x01a7ba25 0x1a7b000 + 2597
4 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0170a0c1 0x1704000 + 24769
5 libc++abi.dylib 0x01a7ba65 0x1a7b000 + 2661
6 libc++abi.dylib 0x01a7bacd 0x1a7b000 + 2765
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x01a7cbc2 0x1a7b000 + 7106
8 libobjc.A.dylib 0x01709f89 0x1704000 + 24457
9 CoreFoundation 0x01bb60b4 0x1b88000 + 188596
10 Basic 0x00023fc1 0x1000 + 143297
11 UIKit 0x00929817 0x83d000 + 968727
12 UIKit 0x00929882 0x83d000 + 968834
13 UIKit 0x00929b2a 0x83d000 + 969514
14 UIKit 0x00940ef5 0x83d000 + 1064693
15 UIKit 0x00940fdb 0x83d000 + 1064923
16 UIKit 0x00941286 0x83d000 + 1065606
17 UIKit 0x00941381 0x83d000 + 1065857
18 UIKit 0x00941eab 0x83d000 + 1068715
19 UIKit 0x00941fc9 0x83d000 + 1069001
20 UIKit 0x00942055 0x83d000 + 1069141
21 UIKit 0x00a473ab 0x83d000 + 2139051
22 UIKit 0x0089892d 0x83d000 + 375085
23 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0171d6b0 0x1704000 + 104112
24 QuartzCore 0x02d6ffc0 0x2c74000 + 1032128
25 QuartzCore 0x02d6433c 0x2c74000 + 983868
26 QuartzCore 0x02d64150 0x2c74000 + 983376
27 QuartzCore 0x02ce20bc 0x2c74000 + 450748
28 QuartzCore 0x02ce3227 0x2c74000 + 455207
29 QuartzCore 0x02d85b50 0x2c74000 + 1121104
30 UIKit 0x008469ff 0x83d000 + 39423
31 UIKit 0x008474e1 0x83d000 + 42209
32 UIKit 0x00858315 0x83d000 + 111381
33 UIKit 0x0085924b 0x83d000 + 115275
34 UIKit 0x0084acf8 0x83d000 + 56568
35 GraphicsServices 0x0229ddf9 0x2294000 + 40441
36 GraphicsServices 0x0229dad0 0x2294000 + 39632
37 CoreFoundation 0x01b89bf5 0x1b88000 + 7157
38 CoreFoundation 0x01b89962 0x1b88000 + 6498
39 CoreFoundation 0x01bbabb6 0x1b88000 + 207798
40 CoreFoundation 0x01bb9f44 0x1b88000 + 204612
41 CoreFoundation 0x01bb9e1b 0x1b88000 + 204315
42 UIKit 0x008467da 0x83d000 + 38874
43 UIKit 0x0084865c 0x83d000 + 46684
44 Basic 0x0000278d 0x1000 + 6029
45 Basic 0x000026c5 0x1000 + 5829

Thread 1:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x9ca7202e 0x9ca59000 + 102446
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x9c8f56fe 0x9c895000 + 395006

Thread 2:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x9ca72926 0x9ca59000 + 104742
1 libdispatch.dylib 0x018818cc 0x187b000 + 26828

Thread 3:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x9ca7202e 0x9ca59000 + 102446
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x9c8f56fe 0x9c895000 + 395006

Thread 4:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x9ca6fc22 0x9ca59000 + 93218
1 CoreFoundation 0x01bb5a49 0x1b88000 + 186953
2 CoreFoundation 0x01bba8d4 0x1b88000 + 207060
3 CoreFoundation 0x01bb9f44 0x1b88000 + 204612
4 CoreFoundation 0x01bb9e1b 0x1b88000 + 204315
5 WebCore 0x03e8d310 0x3184000 + 13669136
6 libsystem_c.dylib 0x9c8f1ed9 0x9c895000 + 380633
7 libsystem_c.dylib 0x9c8f56de 0x9c895000 + 394974

Thread 0 crashed with X86 Thread State:
eax: 0x00000000 edx: 0x9ca719c6 ecx: 0xbfffbfdc ebx: 0x0a37a000
ebp: 0xbfffbff8 esi: 0x00000006 edi: 0xad2822c0 esp: 0xbfffbfdc
eip: 0x9ca719c6 eflags: 0x00000246 trapno: 0x00000084 cs: 0x0000000b
ds: 0x00000023 es: 0x00000023 fs: 0x00000000 gs: 0x0000000f

Binary Images:
0x2c74000 - 0x2dc9000 QuartzCore armv6 <e4a8af9f2f2a3b05bf64dc8282af2eee> /Applications/
0x2e4a000 - 0x2e9c000 AppSupport armv6 <b4790eafc2ea3f00ae35a98f5869ec11> /Applications/
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0x62d1000 - 0x6415000 libBLAS.dylib armv6 <88cfed9fd0723bde802308af901c91e7> /Applications/
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0x6630000 - 0x6634000 MobileInstallation armv6 <85dc2b1385ec31db977154e80e911562> /Applications/
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0x6643000 - 0x667c000 Bom armv6 <43d5f33d0e1f32c6aa1304da48a641d2> /Applications/
0x668a000 - 0x6697000 libbz2.1.0.dylib armv6 <e1b2bafe50a43e9289deaec39ac82cb9> /Applications/
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0x66aa000 - 0x66db000 libtidy.A.dylib armv6 <81a8363c8ad63dad8a1b58a00b2497fd> /Applications/
0x66e7000 - 0x6a10000 JavaScriptCore armv6 <24ae2dfe548f394294937fc69a0b9227> /Applications/
0x6aaf000 - 0x6ed1000 FaceCoreLight armv6 <b7739ff40bdb3d89bc476c7edebd86cc> /Applications/
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0x7219000 - 0x721a000 libresolv.dylib armv6 <fdc9e86e2d833459bbb2d9118c0a7527> /Applications/
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0x9433c000 - 0x9435a000 libresolv.9.dylib armv6 <2870320a28da3b449d82d56e0036f6bb> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
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0x75fc000 - 0x7602000 FTClientServices armv6 <184c4501dd0d3a12b2560294103d797c> /Applications/
0x7607000 - 0x7706000 AddressBookUI armv6 <14c915b288eb33c7b985ea17484370a7> /Applications/
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0x7bd1000 - 0x7bdf000 MailServices armv6 <7455dac19d8331588dbcf3f9010ac97f> /Applications/
0x7bec000 - 0x7c37000 MIME armv6 <fb9a2e54e0473813b2eb539904ec4ba2> /Applications/
0x7c5e000 - 0x7c8f000 Celestial armv6 <f3ada760f73b3783a40c4541cc0128d3> /Applications/
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0x7ce8000 - 0x7d4d000 QuickLook armv6 <7d4dfac8cc8831a3b294cf43c37c2cf0> /Applications/
0x7d89000 - 0x7d8c000 MessageSupport armv6 <47f0fc1d441934359aabdcc1f98a9426> /Applications/
0x7d91000 - 0x7ebb000 AVFoundation armv6 <20543bfb45483dfbb1d1c218853ce929> /Applications/
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0x81d1000 - 0x81d7000 CertUI armv6 <7d52e457f94c3fb99be24d6229d9208f> /Applications/
0x81de000 - 0x81e3000 ActorKit armv6 <ed34e294b7ec3b8bb6a980230f7e478e> /Applications/
0x81e8000 - 0x8216000 MobileSync armv6 <dcac2bfaed253ee29cc962d8889b3673> /Applications/
0x822b000 - 0x824e000 Notes armv6 <1aa11a94b3d43baf9e66d2232778f622> /Applications/
0x825c000 - 0x82c9000 CoreLocation armv6 <a523c8e1959336879d0a83f0b30558a3> /Applications/
0x82f9000 - 0x834c000 iCalendar armv6 <c5c31e6f74ce316e86573d2dfbe4e707> /Applications/
0x8375000 - 0x85c0000 CoreData armv6 <728437d5bf693166a1a0eca4420fcfa6> /Applications/
0x8681000 - 0x87cf000 GeoServices armv6 <0ca8c2435e1f392db56a1e37fc1a05a0> /Applications/
0x8874000 - 0x8880000 ProtocolBuffer armv6 <d6ca312b653f3cdeac074f6d9d4c2aa0> /Applications/
0x8889000 - 0x88a1000 MobileDeviceLink armv6 <dfa30d31e4e3362c97232b06a4a28d1b> /Applications/
0x88ac000 - 0x88d9000 AppleAccount armv6 <60ae3b5b8af33947b445e860a5f619eb> /Applications/
0x88f6000 - 0x8937000 ContentIndex armv6 <289e1c7f25c73a888de10a33a80ab13f> /Applications/
0x8952000 - 0x8966000 ApplePushService armv6 <6a5a069c5ff432efa1b90d43d1aafabe> /Applications/
0x8975000 - 0x8b80000 MediaToolbox armv6 <cb900c13c29d3a0596a3ffb603f79c4e> /Applications/
0x8c2c000 - 0x8de2000 MediaPlayer armv6 <e946f42f7a2f35399a732c3d1a637daf> /Applications/
0x8ef3000 - 0x8f41000 iTunesStore armv6 <5ec3bcb6be4a3c47bf8efb90264b61ca> /Applications/
0x8f74000 - 0x8f81000 IAP armv6 <c54a5e46b4d233a785841d00a17b1f64> /Applications/
0x8f8c000 - 0x9068000 MusicLibrary armv6 <dff42be5bc6e3c1f9babdcfc238db644> /Applications/
0x90cd000 - 0x9173000 StoreServices armv6 <4e8512b86fd83c4db96e4177dfadd594> /Applications/
0x91e2000 - 0x91ee000 MediaRemote armv6 <cec25c07b332345d92c11e2fdfcfe5ee> /Applications/
0x91f8000 - 0x922d000 HomeSharing armv6 <9ffbf87e9aa53e059f2e1b60a0e7a2be> /Applications/
0x924f000 - 0x92a0000 MediaControlSender armv6 <39bbf404941e3025acc5786d22e85279> /Applications/
0x92c0000 - 0x9366000 CoreMotion armv6 <1cc36264c5ef3deba0820a69ab601bd8> /Applications/
0xa700000 - 0xa74b000 libCGFreetype.A.dylib armv6 <4b3ffcd7dfb73542a6d46a4047b94d58> /Applications/
0xa75e000 - 0xa787000 libRIP.A.dylib armv6 <752b122b8ec130af944b0c9e0a0ca550> /Applications/
0xa4f6000 - 0xa4f9000 DebuggerIntrospectionSupport.dylib armv6 <809f222b8eaf30f585bd98e0c7689940> /Applications/






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关于iPhone App 崩溃日志 - 如何在崩溃日志中获取类名和方法名?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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