- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我正在 Xamarin 应用程序中实现 Google Play 应用程序内结算,因此我查看了 android 和 xamarin 文档。他们都推荐模糊的方法来混淆应用程序内部的公钥:
Security Recommendation: It is highly recommended that you do not hard-code the exact public license key string value as provided by Google Play. Instead, you can construct the whole public license key string at runtime from substrings, or retrieve it from an encrypted store, before passing it to the constructor. This approach makes it more difficult for malicious third-parties to modify the public license key string in your APK file.
While the best practice is to perform signature verification on a remote server and not on a device, this might not always be possible. Another technique is to obfuscate your Google Play public key and never store the assembled key in memory. Xamarin.InAppBilling provides the Unify routine that can be used to break your Google Play public key into two or more pieces and to obfuscate those pieces using one or more key/value pairs. In addition, Xamarin.InAppBilling always encrypts your private key while it's in memory. Here is an example of using Unify to obfuscate a private key:
string value = Security.Unify (
new string[] { "X0X0-1c...", "+123+Jq...", "//w/2jANB...", "...Kl+/ID43" },
new int[] { 2, 3, 1, 0 },
new string[] { "X0X0-1", "9V4XD", "+123+", "R9eGv", "//w/2", "MIIBI", "+/ID43", "9alu4" })
但没有任何地方解释,这是怎么回事。为什么会有人想看到这把 key ?查看/替换我的 APK 中的 key 会给任何人带来什么好处?这里可能的“攻击”是什么?谢谢。
我的理解是你的公钥不一定是 secret 的,但它只是一个帮助防止他人用自己的 key 轻松替换您的 key 的方法。它主要保持 key 在内存中时会被混淆,因此更难拔出。
无论您做什么,如果他们想花时间,您的应用程序都可能被黑客入侵,这是事实正在做。即使在进行了所有 key 检查之后,也可能只是翻转一位来更改 key 检查的结果。目的是让他们再克服一个障碍。
关于android - 应用内支付安全 - 混淆 key 有什么用?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22378758/
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