gpt4 book ai didi

java - 如何判断两点之间是否没有任何障碍物

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-02 19:07:46 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


这是一个示例图像。 enter image description here

我们可以从图像中看到点 1、2、3 和 6 都可以从原点访问。第 4 点和第 5 点不是。你穿过多边形。

我使用的代码如下。 pStartPoint 和 pEndPoint 是从原点到相关点的直线。该函数检查所有边缘以查看直线是否穿过边缘。

public double GetSlopeOfLine(Point a, Point b){

double x = b.y - a.y;
double y = b.x - a.x;

return (x / y);

public double GetOffsetOfLine(double x, double y, double slope){
return (y - (slope * x));

public boolean IsPointAccessable(Point pStartPoint, Point pEndPoint){

//Define the equation of the line for these points. Once we have slope and offset the equation is
//y = slope * x + offset;

double slopeOfLine = GetSlopeOfLine(pStartPoint, pEndPoint);
double offSet = GetOffsetOfLine(pStartPoint.x, pStartPoint.y, slopeOfLine);

//Collision detection for each side of each obstacle. Once we get the point of collision, does it lie on the
//line in between the two points? If so, collision, and I can't reach that point yet.

for (Iterator<Obstacles> ObstacleIt = AdjustedObstaclesList.iterator(); ObstacleIt.hasNext();) {

Obstacles pObstacle =;

int NumberOfEdges = pObstacle.getPoints().size();

for(int i=0; i<NumberOfEdges; i++){

//Get Edge[i];
int index = i;
Point pFirstPoint = (Point)pObstacle.getPoints().get(index);
if(i >= NumberOfEdges - 1)
index = 0;
index = i+1;

Point pNextPoint = (Point)pObstacle.getPoints().get(index);

double slopeOfEdge = GetSlopeOfLine(pFirstPoint, pNextPoint);
double offsetEdge = GetOffsetOfLine(pNextPoint.x, pNextPoint.y, slopeOfEdge);

int x = Math.round((float) ((-offSet + offsetEdge) / (slopeOfLine - slopeOfEdge)));
int y = Math.round((float) ((slopeOfLine * x) + offSet));

//If it lies on either point I could be looking at two adjacent points. I can still reach that point.
if(x > pStartPoint.x && x < pEndPoint.x && y > pStartPoint.y && y < pEndPoint.y &&
x > pFirstPoint.x && x < pNextPoint.x && y > pFirstPoint.y && y < pNextPoint.y){

return false;
return true;

如果线穿过并且在 pStartPoint 和 pEndPoint 之间找到线交叉的点,我假设无法到达 pEndPoint。


我的脑子一定很乱,因为我想不出如何对此进行调整,如果这真的是我的错误,因为我似乎无法修复错误。我认为通过将每个乘以 -1 来调整斜率和偏移量可能是解决方案,但这似乎不起作用。


在此之后还有下一步,如果我现在位于多边形的一个点上,一旦我确定哪些点可以访问。例如,从点 1 开始,哪些点可以在不穿过多边形的情况下访问?


首先,我想说的是,使用斜率来完成这类任务是可行的,但也很困难,因为它们非常不稳定,从负无穷大到无穷大的变化非常大点的小变化。这是一个略有不同的算法,它依赖于角度 而不是坡度。使用它的另一个优点是坐标系在这里并不重要。它是这样的(我尽可能多地重用了您现有的代码):

public boolean IsPointAccessable(Point pStartPoint, Point pEndPoint) {

//Collision detection for each side of each obstacle. Once we get the point of collision, does it lie on the
//line in between the two points? If so, collision, and I can't reach that point yet.

for (Iterator<Obstacles> ObstacleIt = AdjustedObstaclesList.iterator(); ObstacleIt.hasNext();) {

Obstacles pObstacle =;

int NumberOfEdges = pObstacle.getPoints().size();

for(int i=0; i<NumberOfEdges; i++){

//Get Edge[i];
int index = i;
Point pFirstPoint = (Point)pObstacle.getPoints().get(index);
if(i >= NumberOfEdges - 1)
index = 0;
index = i+1;

Point pNextPoint = (Point)pObstacle.getPoints().get(index);

// Here is where we get a bunch of angles that encode in them important info on
// the problem we are trying to solve.
double angleWithStart = getAngle(pNextPoint, pFirstPoint, pStartPoint);
double angleWithEnd = getAngle(pNextPoint, pFirstPoint, pEndPoint);
double angleWithFirst = getAngle(pStartPoint, pEndPoint, pFirstPoint);
double angleWithNext = getAngle(pStartPoint, pEndPoint, pNextPoint);

// We have accumulated all the necessary angles, now we must decide what they mean.
// If the 'start' and 'end' angles are different signs, then the first and next points
// between them. However, for a point to be inaccessible, it also must be the case that
// the 'first' and 'next' angles are opposite sides, as then the start and end points
// Are between them so a blocking occurs. We check for that here using a creative approach

// This is a creative way of checking if two numbers are different signs.
if (angleWithStart * angleWithEnd <= 0 && angleWithFirst * angleWithNext <= 0) {
return false;

return true;

现在,剩下要做的就是找到一种计算由三个点形成的符号角的方法。快速谷歌搜索产生了这种方法(来自 this SO 问题):

private double getAngle(Point previous, Point center, Point next) { 
return Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(center.x - next.x, center.y - next.y)-
Math.atan2(previous.x- center.x,previous.y- center.y));


编辑:为了希望帮助更好地理解使用角度的解决方案,我画了一张图,其中包含 startend 的四种基本情况code>, first, next 是可以定向的,附在这个问题上。抱歉草率,我画得相当快,但理论上这应该使想法更清晰。


关于java - 如何判断两点之间是否没有任何障碍物,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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