- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我更新了我们的应用程序以使用最新的 Android Firebase SDK v11.0.0 ( https://firebase.google.com/support/release-notes/android#20170607 ) 并且突然出现了一堆新的混淆器错误,仅供引用,在使用混淆器之前一切都运行良好。
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:10.2.6'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-vision:10.2.6'
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:11.0.0'
compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-vision:11.0.0'
问题是,它似乎不是一个简单的新丢失的 proguard 条目,但它似乎打破了整个事情,突然间其他几个库似乎受到此更改的影响。
这些是与 GMS 相关的 Proguard 问题:
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.AdvertisingIdClient { com.google.android.gms.internal.zzfd zza(android.content.Context,com.google.android.gms.common.zza); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.android.gms.common.zza'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.android.gms.flags.impl.FlagProviderImpl { void init(com.google.android.gms.dynamic.IObjectWrapper); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.android.gms.dynamic.IObjectWrapper'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement { AppMeasurement(com.google.android.gms.internal.zzchx); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.android.gms.internal.zzchx'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement { void setEventInterceptor(com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$EventInterceptor); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$EventInterceptor'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement { void registerOnMeasurementEventListener(com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$OnEventListener); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$OnEventListener'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement { void unregisterOnMeasurementEventListener(com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$OnEventListener); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$OnEventListener'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement { void registerOnScreenChangeCallback(com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$zza); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$zza'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement { void unregisterOnScreenChangeCallback(com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$zza); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurement$zza'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.firebase.analytics.FirebaseAnalytics { FirebaseAnalytics(com.google.android.gms.internal.zzchx); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.android.gms.internal.zzchx'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceId { com.google.firebase.iid.FirebaseInstanceId getInstance(com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp); }', but not the descriptor class 'com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp'
此外,OkHttp3 也受到了影响,请看下面的错误:
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.Cache$Entry { Cache$Entry(okio.Source); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Source'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.Cache$Entry { java.util.List readCertificateList(okio.BufferedSource); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.Cache$Entry { void writeCertList(okio.BufferedSink,java.util.List); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.FormBody { void writeTo(okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.FormBody { long writeOrCountBytes(okio.BufferedSink,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.HttpUrl { void percentDecode(okio.Buffer,java.lang.String,int,int,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.HttpUrl { void canonicalize(okio.Buffer,java.lang.String,int,int,java.lang.String,boolean,boolean,boolean,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.MultipartBody { MultipartBody(okio.ByteString,okhttp3.MediaType,java.util.List); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.MultipartBody { void writeTo(okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.MultipartBody { long writeOrCountBytes(okio.BufferedSink,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.RequestBody { void writeTo(okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.RequestBody { okhttp3.RequestBody create(okhttp3.MediaType,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.RequestBody$1 { RequestBody$1(okhttp3.MediaType,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.RequestBody$1 { void writeTo(okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.RequestBody$2 { void writeTo(okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.RequestBody$3 { void writeTo(okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.ResponseBody { okhttp3.ResponseBody create(okhttp3.MediaType,long,okio.BufferedSource); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.ResponseBody$1 { ResponseBody$1(okhttp3.MediaType,long,okio.BufferedSource); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.ResponseBody$BomAwareReader { ResponseBody$BomAwareReader(okio.BufferedSource,java.nio.charset.Charset); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.WebSocket { boolean send(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.WebSocketListener { void onMessage(okhttp3.WebSocket,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.Util { boolean discard(okio.Source,int,java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Source'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.Util { boolean skipAll(okio.Source,int,java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Source'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.Util { java.nio.charset.Charset bomAwareCharset(okio.BufferedSource,java.nio.charset.Charset); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor$1 { CacheInterceptor$1(okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor,okio.BufferedSource,okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheRequest,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor$1 { CacheInterceptor$1(okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor,okio.BufferedSource,okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheRequest,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor$1 { long read(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache.DiskLruCache$2 { DiskLruCache$2(okhttp3.internal.cache.DiskLruCache,okio.Sink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Sink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache.DiskLruCache$Editor$1 { DiskLruCache$Editor$1(okhttp3.internal.cache.DiskLruCache$Editor,okio.Sink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Sink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache.DiskLruCache$Entry { void writeLengths(okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache.DiskLruCache$Snapshot { DiskLruCache$Snapshot(okhttp3.internal.cache.DiskLruCache,java.lang.String,long,okio.Source[],long[]); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Source'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache.FaultHidingSink { FaultHidingSink(okio.Sink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Sink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache.FaultHidingSink { void write(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache2.FileOperator { void write(long,okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache2.FileOperator { void read(long,okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache2.Relay { Relay(java.io.RandomAccessFile,okio.Source,long,okio.ByteString,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Source'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache2.Relay { Relay(java.io.RandomAccessFile,okio.Source,long,okio.ByteString,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache2.Relay { okhttp3.internal.cache2.Relay edit(java.io.File,okio.Source,okio.ByteString,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Source'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache2.Relay { okhttp3.internal.cache2.Relay edit(java.io.File,okio.Source,okio.ByteString,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache2.Relay { void writeHeader(okio.ByteString,long,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.cache2.Relay$RelaySource { long read(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection$1 { RealConnection$1(okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection,boolean,okio.BufferedSource,okio.BufferedSink,okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection$1 { RealConnection$1(okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection,boolean,okio.BufferedSource,okio.BufferedSink,okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http.RealResponseBody { RealResponseBody(okhttp3.Headers,okio.BufferedSource); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec { Http1Codec(okhttp3.OkHttpClient,okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation,okio.BufferedSource,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec { Http1Codec(okhttp3.OkHttpClient,okhttp3.internal.connection.StreamAllocation,okio.BufferedSource,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec { void detachTimeout(okio.ForwardingTimeout); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ForwardingTimeout'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec$ChunkedSink { void write(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec$ChunkedSource { long read(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec$FixedLengthSink { void write(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec$FixedLengthSource { long read(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http1.Http1Codec$UnknownLengthSource { long read(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Header { Header(okio.ByteString,java.lang.String); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Header { Header(okio.ByteString,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Header { Header(okio.ByteString,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Hpack { okio.ByteString checkLowercase(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Hpack$Reader { Hpack$Reader(int,okio.Source); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Source'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Hpack$Reader { Hpack$Reader(int,int,okio.Source); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Source'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Hpack$Writer { Hpack$Writer(okio.Buffer); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Hpack$Writer { Hpack$Writer(int,boolean,okio.Buffer); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Hpack$Writer { void writeByteString(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Codec$StreamFinishingSource { Http2Codec$StreamFinishingSource(okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Codec,okio.Source); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Source'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection { void writeData(int,boolean,okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection { void pushDataLater(int,okio.BufferedSource,int,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$6 { Http2Connection$6(okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection,java.lang.String,java.lang.Object[],int,okio.Buffer,int,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$Builder { okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$Builder socket(java.net.Socket,java.lang.String,okio.BufferedSource,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$Builder { okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$Builder socket(java.net.Socket,java.lang.String,okio.BufferedSource,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$ReaderRunnable { void data(boolean,int,okio.BufferedSource,int); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$ReaderRunnable { void goAway(int,okhttp3.internal.http2.ErrorCode,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection$ReaderRunnable { void alternateService(int,java.lang.String,okio.ByteString,java.lang.String,int,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Reader { Http2Reader(okio.BufferedSource,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Reader { int readMedium(okio.BufferedSource); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Reader$ContinuationSource { Http2Reader$ContinuationSource(okio.BufferedSource); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Reader$ContinuationSource { long read(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Reader$Handler { void data(boolean,int,okio.BufferedSource,int); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Reader$Handler { void goAway(int,okhttp3.internal.http2.ErrorCode,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Reader$Handler { void alternateService(int,java.lang.String,okio.ByteString,java.lang.String,int,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Stream { void receiveData(okio.BufferedSource,int); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Stream$FramingSink { void write(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Stream$FramingSource { long read(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Stream$FramingSource { void receive(okio.BufferedSource,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Writer { Http2Writer(okio.BufferedSink,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Writer { void data(boolean,int,okio.Buffer,int); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Writer { void dataFrame(int,byte,okio.Buffer,int); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Writer { void writeMedium(okio.BufferedSink,int); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Huffman { void encode(okio.ByteString,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Huffman { void encode(okio.ByteString,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.Huffman { int encodedLength(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.PushObserver { boolean onData(int,okio.BufferedSource,int,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.http2.PushObserver$1 { boolean onData(int,okio.BufferedSource,int,boolean); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket { void onReadMessage(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket { void onReadPing(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket { void onReadPong(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket { boolean send(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket { boolean send(okio.ByteString,int); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket { boolean pong(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket$Close { RealWebSocket$Close(int,okio.ByteString,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket$Message { RealWebSocket$Message(int,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket$Streams { RealWebSocket$Streams(boolean,okio.BufferedSource,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.RealWebSocket$Streams { RealWebSocket$Streams(boolean,okio.BufferedSource,okio.BufferedSink); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketReader { WebSocketReader(boolean,okio.BufferedSource,okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketReader$FrameCallback); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSource'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketReader { void readMessage(okio.Buffer); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketReader$FrameCallback { void onReadMessage(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketReader$FrameCallback { void onReadPing(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketReader$FrameCallback { void onReadPong(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketWriter { WebSocketWriter(boolean,okio.BufferedSink,java.util.Random); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.BufferedSink'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketWriter { void writePing(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketWriter { void writePong(okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketWriter { void writeClose(int,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketWriter { void writeControlFrameSynchronized(int,okio.ByteString); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.ByteString'
Note: the configuration keeps the entry point 'okhttp3.internal.ws.WebSocketWriter$FrameSink { void write(okio.Buffer,long); }', but not the descriptor class 'okio.Buffer'
类路径 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.3.3'
类路径 'com.google.gms:google-services:3.0.0'
ext.BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION = "26.0.0"
您可能需要查看此 Proguard Troubleshooting manual其中注意到对于遇到的警告,配置保留入口点
Your configuration contains a
option to preserve the given method (or field), but no-keep
option for the given class that is an argument type or return type in the method's descriptor. You may then want to keep the class too. Otherwise, ProGuard will obfuscate its name, thus changing the method's signature. The method might then become unfindable as an entry point. You can automatically keep such descriptor classes with the-keep
option modifierincludedescriptorclasses
(-keep,includedescriptorclasses ...). You can switch off these notes by specifying the-dontnote
要获得更多见解,这些 SO 帖子也可能有所帮助:
总而言之,您可能想尝试将这两行添加到您的 Proguard 配置文件中:
-keep class com.google.android.gms.**
-dontwarn com.google.android.gms.**
关于android - Multidex 项目中几个新的 Proguard 问题 Google Play 服务 v10.2.6 到 v11.0.0,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44461049/
我正在使用 NetBeans 开发 Java 中的 WebService,并使用 gradle 作为依赖管理。 我找到了this article关于使用 gradle 开发 Web 项目。它使用 Gr
我正在将旧项目从 ant 迁移到 gradle(以使用其依赖项管理和构建功能),并且在生成 时遇到问题>eclipse 项目。今天的大问题是因为该项目有一些子项目被拆分成 war 和 jar 包部署到
我已经为这个错误苦苦挣扎了很长时间。如果有帮助的话,我会提供一些问题的快照。请指导我该怎么办????在我看来,它看起来一团糟。 *** glibc detected *** /home/shivam/
我在 Ubuntu 12.10 上运行 NetBeans 7.3。我正在学习 Java Web 开发类(class),因此我有一个名为 jsage8 的项目,其中包含我为该类(class)所做的工作。
我想知道 Codeplex、GitHub 等中是否有任何突出的项目是 C# 和 ASP.NET,甚至只是 C# API 与功能测试 (NUnit) 和模拟(RhinoMocks、NMock 等)。 重
我创建了一个 Maven 项目,包装类型为“jar”,名为“Y”我已经完成了“Maven 安装”,并且可以在我的本地存储库中找到它.. 然后,我创建了另一个项目,包装类型为“war”,称为“X”。在这
我一直在关注the instructions用于将 facebook SDK 集成到我的应用程序中。除了“helloFacebookSample”之外,我已经成功地编译并运行了所有给定的示例应用程序。
我想知道,为什么我们(Java 社区)需要 Apache Harmony 项目,而已经有了 OpenJDK 项目。两者不是都是在开源许可下发布的吗? 最佳答案 事实恰恰相反。 Harmony 的成立是
我正在尝试使用 Jsoup HTML Parser 从网站获取缩略图 URL我需要提取所有以 60x60.jpg(或 png)结尾的 URL(所有缩略图 URL 都以此 URL 结尾) 问题是我让它在
我无法构建 gradle 项目,即使我编辑 gradle 属性,我也会收到以下错误: Error:(22, 1) A problem occurred evaluating root project
我有这个代码: var NToDel:NSArray = [] var addInNToDelArray = "Test1 \ Test2" 如何在 NToDel:NSArray 中添加 addInN
如何在单击显示更多(按钮)后将主题列表限制为 5 个(项目)。 还有 3(项目),依此类推到列表末尾,然后它会显示显示更少(按钮)。 例如:在 Udemy 过滤器选项中,当您点击查看更多按钮时,它仅显
如何将现有的 Flutter 项目导入为 gradle 项目? “导入项目”向导要求 Gradle 主路径。 我有 gradle,安装在我的系统中。但是这里需要设置什么(哪条路径)。 这是我正在尝试的
我有一个关于 Bitbucket 的项目。只有源被提交。为了将项目检索到新机器上,我在 IntelliJ 中使用了 Version Control > Checkout from Ve
所以,我想更改我公司的一个项目,以使用一些与 IDE 无关的设置。我在使用 Tomcat 设置 Java 应用程序方面有非常少的经验(我几乎不记得它是如何工作的)。 因此,为了帮助制作独立于 IDE
我有 2 个独立的项目,一个在 Cocos2dx v3.6 中,一个在 Swift 中。我想从 Swift 项目开始游戏。我该怎么做? 我已经将整个 cocos2dx 项目复制到我的 Swift 项目
Cordova 绝对是新手。这些是我完成的步骤: checkout 现有项目 运行cordova build ios 以上生成此构建错误: (node:10242) UnhandledPromiseR
我正在使用 JQuery 隐藏/显示 li。我的要求是,当我点击任何 li 时,它应该显示但隐藏所有其他 li 项目。当我将鼠标悬停在文本上时 'show all list item but don
我想将我所有的java 项目(223 个项目)迁移到gradle 项目。我正在使用由 SpringSource STS 团队开发的 Gradle Eclipse 插件。 目前,我所有的 java 项目
我下载this Eclipse Luna ,对于 Java EE 开发人员,如描述中所见,它支持 Web 应用程序。我找不到 file -> new -> other -> web projects