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ios - CoreBluetooth [警告] 未知错误 : 311 Occurs when repeatedly connect and disconnect using CoreBluetooth Framework in iOS

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-02 09:18:20 29 4
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当我尝试连接蓝牙设备时,它反复连接失败并显示错误 CoreBluetooth[WARNING] Unknown error: 311。我正在使用 2 个 iPod 5 Touch 设备。


我也遇到过这个,它似乎是 Core Bluetooth 的 XPC 通信中的一个错误:

2013-03-22 14:49:24.652 Buggy[985:907] Connecting to peripheral <CBConcretePeripheral: 0x1dd4e150 UUID = (null), Name = "iPhone 5 #003014", IsConnected = NO>
2013-03-22 14:49:24.659 Buggy[985:907] CoreBluetooth[WARNING] Unknown error: 311
2013-03-22 14:49:24.661 Buggy[985:907] Failed to connect to peripheral <CBConcretePeripheral: 0x1dd4e150 UUID = (null), Name = "iPhone 5 #003014", IsConnected = NO>
2013-03-22 14:49:24.689 Buggy[985:907] Discovered peripheral <CBConcretePeripheral: 0x1dd644d0 UUID = (null), Name = "iPhone 5 #003014", IsConnected = NO> with advertisement data {
kCBAdvDataLocalName = "iPhone 5 #003014";
kCBAdvDataServiceUUIDs = (
"Unknown (<b2e74c08 96094371 a8f0978c 655700ea>)"
}, RSSI: -50
2013-03-22 14:49:24.692 Buggy[985:907] Connecting to peripheral <CBConcretePeripheral: 0x1dd644d0 UUID = (null), Name = "iPhone 5 #003014", IsConnected = NO>
2013-03-22 14:49:45.035 Buggy[985:110b] CoreBluetooth[ERROR] XPC connection interrupted, resetting
2013-03-22 14:49:45.050 Buggy[985:907] Central manager updated state to: 1
2013-03-22 14:49:45.116 Buggy[985:907] Central manager updated state to: 4
2013-03-22 14:49:47.271 Buggy[985:907] Central manager updated state to: 5

在这一点之后,事情再次开始工作,至少直到几分钟后错误 311 循环再次出现。


// In centralManager:didFailToConnectPeripheral:error:, ARC enabled
if (error.code == 0) {
self.centralManager.delegate = nil;
self.centralManager = nil;
// Remove all references to any peripherals you've been interacting with
[self.peripherals removeAllObjects];

/* Some delay (more than the next iteration of the runloop, less than 2 seconds) is required in order to:
* • Allow ARC to drain the autorelease pool, ensuring destruction of the centralManager
* • Allow Core Bluetooth to turn off the radio.
* This means that this workaround might not work if:
* • Your code has another active central manager somewhere
* • Another app is using BLE (in theory; I haven't tested this)
double delayInSeconds = 2.0;
dispatch_time_t popTime = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(delayInSeconds * NSEC_PER_SEC));
dispatch_after(popTime, dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void){
self.centralManager = [[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
[self startScanning];

关于ios - CoreBluetooth [警告] 未知错误 : 311 Occurs when repeatedly connect and disconnect using CoreBluetooth Framework in iOS,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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