- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我正在尝试模拟一个抽象类,但据我所见,我认为这是不可能的。我们有一些使用泛型的类,它们必须扩展一个特定的抽象类。有一整群人,他们被 mock 成功了。抽象类有一个处理返回泛型的方法,看起来像这样:
public abstract class ChildPresenter <T extends ChildView> {
private T view;
public abstract T getView();
public class ParentPresenter {
private ConcreteChildPresenter1 childPresenter1;
private ConcreteChildPresenter2 childPresenter2;
private ConcreteChildPresenter3 childPresenter3;
private ConcreteChildPresenter4 childPresenter4;
List<ChildPresenter> childPresenters;
在构造函数中,使用 Google Guice 注入(inject)这些类,设置为变量,并添加到子演示者列表中。
被测方法是迭代所有 childPresenters
对象并运行方法 getView()
public class ParentPresenterTest {
private ConcreteChildPresenter1 childPresenter1;
private ConcreteChildPresenter2 childPresenter2;
private ConcreteChildPresenter3 childPresenter3;
private ConcreteChildPresenter4 childPresenter4;
private List<ChildPresenter> childPresenters;
//This is an abstract class
private ChildView childView;
public void createInjector() {
Guice.createInjector(...//Creates a fake module and does binding for the variables mentioned earlier
childPresenter1 = mock(ConcreteChildPresenter1.class);
//e.t.c for other variables
//Same for child view
childView = mock(ChildView.class);
childPresenters = new ArrayList<ChildPresenter>();
//Add all child presenters
for(ChildPresenter childPresenter : childPresenters) {
问题发生在 when(childPresenter.getView()).thenReturn(childView);
行,因为 Mockito 提示以下消息:
cannot be returned by getView() getView() should return ConcreteChildView1
*** If you're unsure why you're getting above error read on. Due to the nature of the syntax above problem might occur because:
This exception might occur in wrongly written multi-threaded tests. Please refer to Mockito FAQ on limitations of concurrency testing.
A spy is stubbed using when(spy.foo()).then() syntax. It is safer to stub spies with doReturn|Throw() family of methods. More in javadocs for Mockito.spy() method.
我能理解,但是模拟每个具体的 ChildView
似乎是一种浪费,而我只想确认模拟的 ChildView
verify(childView, atLeast(childPresenters.size())).getView();
编辑 下面是如何实现 getView()
public ConcreteChildPresenter1<ConreteChildView1> {
public ConreteChildView1 getView() {
return view;
以及所有 subview 扩展的抽象 ChildView
public abstract ChildView {
public abstract void buildView();
由于每个子演示者都返回一个特定类型的 View ,正如您已经了解的那样,您不能将它们替换为抽象类 ChildView 的模拟。
有一种方法可以在运行时获取 ChildView 的具体类型,前提是您提供了正确的实现,如下所述:Get generic type of class at runtime
for(ChildPresenter childPresenter : childPresenters) {
//this getter returns the needed runtime class
关于java - 使用所述类的抽象版本模拟通用类,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38074881/
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