- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
想象一下没有插入 SD 内存的 Android 设备。只有它自己的内部存储器。
我不确定在这种情况下 Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
public static File getExternalStorageDirectory()
Added in API level 1
Gets the Android external storage directory. This directory may not currently be accessible if it has been mounted by the user on their computer, has been removed from the device, or some other problem has happened. You can determine its current state with getExternalStorageState().
Note: don't be confused by the word "external" here. This directory can better be thought as media/shared storage. It is a filesystem that can hold a relatively large amount of data and that is shared across all applications (does not enforce permissions). Traditionally this is an SD card, but it may also be implemented as built-in storage in a device that is distinct from the protected internal storage and can be mounted as a filesystem on a computer.
我有一个 Samsung Galaxy S3 Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()
返回 sdCard0
我不会推荐以下内容。我与 Commonsware 就此进行了讨论,建议不要使用以下内容。但您可以使用以下内容进行测试。
String externalpath = new String();
String internalpath = new String();
public void getExternalMounts() {
Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
try {
Process proc = runtime.exec("mount");
InputStream is = proc.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
String line;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.contains("secure")) continue;
if (line.contains("asec")) continue;
if (line.contains("fat")) {//external card
String columns[] = line.split(" ");
if (columns != null && columns.length > 1) {
externalpath = externalpath.concat("*" + columns[1] + "\n");
else if (line.contains("fuse")) {//internal storage
String columns[] = line.split(" ");
if (columns != null && columns.length > 1) {
internalpath = internalpath.concat(columns[1] + "\n");
catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Path of sd card external............"+externalpath);
System.out.println("Path of internal memory............"+internalpath);
关于android - 未挂载 SD 卡时,Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() 是否返回可用的数据文件夹?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17594212/
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