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java - 如何重写方法中获取消息的循环

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-02 08:19:22 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


public void run() {
try {
this.localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();

this.server = (StreamConnectionNotifier);

while(true) {
if(this.connection == null) {
this.connection = this.server.acceptAndOpen();

System.out.println("INFO: Bluetooth client connected");

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.openInputStream()));
this.writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(connection.openOutputStream()));

String line;
while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
if(line.equals("--#do:disconnect")) {

System.out.println("INFO: Received from Bluetooth: " + line);

System.out.println("INFO: Client disconnected");
} catch(BluetoothStateException ex) {
} catch(IOException ex) {

如您所见,我有一个不定式循环来接收消息,直到被告知停止为止。目前,循环接收到所有消息。这是有问题的。使用代码的类是MVC中的模型类。在课堂上,我还有一个名为 getContacts()的方法。它用于通过蓝牙从电话接收联系人。当服务器发送 --#do:getcontacts时,电话被告知要发送联系人。

我需要做的是在 getContacts()方法的ArrayList中获取联系人并将其作为方法的返回值返回,以便控制器可以处理联系人。
public ArrayList<Contact> getContacts() {
ArrayList<Contact> contacts = new ArrayList<>();

// How do I get the contacts in the ArrayList?

return contacts;




boolean running = true;    //this class variable will allow you to shut down the server correctly

public void stopServer(){ //this method will shut down the server
this.running = false;

public void run() {

while(running) {
// if(this.connection == null) { // I removed this line since it's unnecessary, or even harmful!
StreamConnection connection = this.server.acceptAndOpen(); //This line will block until a connection is made...
System.out.println("INFO: Bluetooth client connected");
Thread thread = new ServerThread(connection);
thread.start() //don't forget exception handling...

Class ServerThread extends Thread {
StreamConnection connection;

public ServerThread(StreamConnection connection){
this.connection = connection;

public void run() {

connection.close(); //closing the connection...don't forget exception handling!
System.out.println("INFO: Client disconnected");


其次,如果您有Java客户端和Java服务器,则可以使用一种更简单的方法将对象发送到服务器:ObjectOutputStream / ObjectInputStream。您只需将包含联系人的数组(通常将使用ArraList)发送到服务器,然后读取该数组。这是服务器的代码(同样未编译且没有任何异常处理):
Class ServerThread extends Thread {
StreamConnection connection;

public ServerThread(StreamConnection connection){
this.connection = connection;

public void run() {

BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(this.connection.openInputStream());
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);

ArrayList contacts = (ArrayList) ois.readObject(); //this is a cast: don't forget exception handling!
//You could also try the method ois.readUTF(); especially if you wanna use other non-Java clients

System.out.println("INFO: Received from Bluetooth: " + contacts);
this.connection.close(); //closing the connection...don't forget exception handling!
//ois.close(); //do this instead of "this.connection.close()" if you want the connection to be open...i.e. to receive more data

System.out.println("INFO: Client disconnected");

//here you do whatever you wanna do with the contacts array, maybe add to your other contacts?


第三:您不仅将上述服务器用于蓝牙连接,而且还将WLAN连接用于aso。然后,您可以轻松地启动不同的线程,例如伪代码 if(connection.isBluetooth()){//create a thread from BluetoothThread} else if(connection.isWLAN()){//create a thread from WLANsThread}。我不知道您的应用程序是关于什么的,但是也许有一天您想将其扩展到台式机,所以使用WLAN是正确的选择。另外,由于无论如何是蓝牙还是WLAN,无论如何,您都需要在客户端中建立一个验证(“哪些联系人将被发送到哪个服务器?”),因为蓝牙的范围很小,无法为您提供任何安全性。 ;)

public class MyApp(){
ArrayList contacts;

public void run(){ //this happens when we start our app
this.contacts = new ArrayList();
FileReader fr = new FileReader ("C:\WhereverYourFileIs\Contacts.file");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
//here you use a loop to read the contacts via "br" from the file and fill them into your array...I can't provide you more code, since the exact data structure is up to you.

//now we want to send our contacts array to the already connected server:
public sendArrayToServer() {
BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream (this.connection.openOutputStream());
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
//If you use readUTF() in the server, you need to call here something like oos.writeUTF(this.contacts.toString()); or even need to use another parser method which exactly creates the string you want.
this.connection.close(); //closing the connection...don't forget exception handling!
//oos.close(); //do this instead of "this.connection.close()" if you want the connection to stay open...




在讨论之后,我终于找到了您需要的东西:您需要一个名为BluetoothManager的单线程服务器,该服务器与另一个名为GUIController的线程进行交互。现在,无论如何我都在脑海中实现了该实现,因此可以将其连同一些说明一起发布给您。请注意,在这种情况下,您不需要初始化服务器中的另一个线程,因为BluetoothManager已经是一个线程,并且无论如何您只需要同时连接一个(问题仍然存在,如果那是一个“服务器” ,我宁愿称其为“接收者”):
Public class BluetoothManager extends Thread{
boolean running = true; //this class variable will allow you to shut down the server correctly
GUIController controller;

public BluetoothManager(GUIController controller){
this.controller = controller; //this registers the GUIController in the BluetoothManager

public void stop(){ //this method will shut down the "server"
this.running = false;

public void run() {
this.localDevice = LocalDevice.getLocalDevice();
this.server = (StreamConnectionNotifier);
StreamConnection connection = this.server.acceptAndOpen(); //This line will block until a connection is made...or running==false!
System.out.println("INFO: Bluetooth client connected");
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(this.connection.openInputStream());
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis);
ArrayList contacts = (ArrayList) ois.readObject(); //this is a cast: don't forget exception handling!
System.out.println("INFO: Received from Bluetooth: " + contacts);
this.connection.close(); //closing the connection...don't forget exception handling!
System.out.println("INFO: Client disconnected");

public class GUIController extends Thread implements Runnable {
ArrayList contacts; //also a HashMap may be appropriate
BluetoothManager manager;

public void run(){
this.contacts = new ArrayList();
FileReader fr = new FileReader ("C:\WhereverYourFileIs\Contacts.file");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
//here you use a loop to read the contacts via "br" from the file and fill them into your array...I can't provide you more code, since the exact data structure is up to you.

public void startBluetoothManager(){ //starting the BluetoothManager
this.manager = new BluetoothManager(this);

public void abortBluetoothManager(){ //call this when clicking on the "Abort" button
//now the next 2 lines you normally don't need...still may use it if you've problems shutting down the thread:
// try{ this.manager.interrupt(); } //we want to be 100% sure to shut down our thread!
// catch(Exception e){}
this.manager = null; //now the garbage collector can clean everything...byebye

public void refreshContacts(ArrayList contacts) {
// synchronize(this.contactArray){ //no synchronisation needed if you have a GUI pop-up with an "Abort"-button!
Iterator i = this.contacts.iterator();
//At the end you need remove the "Receiving message" pop-up together with the "Abort Receiving"-button, these are all class variables!
// important note: If you have unique entries, you may need to replace them! In this case I suggest storing all contact objects better in a HashMap contacts, and use the unique ID as a key to find the element. And then you may prompt the user, if there are identical entries, to overwrite each entry or not. These things remain all up to you.
//As always: This is no compiled code!!

GUIController首先使用 startBluetoothManager()运行BluetoothManager,除显示通知“正在接收联系人”和“中止接收”按钮外,什么也不做。当BluetoothManager完成时,他只需调用 refreshContacts(...)将新联系人添加到GUIController内部现有的contacts-array中。如果按下“中止接收”按钮,则立即调用 abortBluetoothManager()方法,该方法在BluetoothManager中设置 running=false以结束服务器并完成线程。

该解决方案解决的主要问题是:两个线程不可能直接相互通信!调用 thread.start()后,每个线程都是独立的。这就是为什么BluetoothManager线程无法告诉GUIController线程“我已经完成!”的原因。这些线程唯一能做的就是共享相同的资源,并通过该资源进行通信。在我们的例子中,它是GUIController中的 contacts -ArrayList,我首先认为它需要同步,并且可以由两个线程进行更新(但不能同时进行)。而且-有趣的是-还有第二个共享资源,实际上是BluetoothManager类中的 running标志可以将其关闭(但永远不需要 running的任何同步,此变量只能由GUIController更改)。


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