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我在我的应用程序中使用 Google 的 Gboard,当我从键盘应用程序输入 GIF 到我的 EditText
“文本字段不支持从键盘插入 GIF”
Users often want to communicate with emojis, stickers, and other kinds of rich
content. In previous versions of Android, soft keyboards (also known as input
method editors or IMEs) could send only unicode emoji to apps. For rich
content, apps had to either build app-specific APIs that couldn't be used in
other apps or use workaround like sending images through Easy Share Action or the
Keyboard image insertion requires participation from both the IME and the app. The following sequence describes each step in the image insertion process:
When the user taps on an EditText, the editor sends a list of MIME content types that it accepts in EditorInfo.contentMimeTypes.
The IME reads the list of supported types and displays content in the soft keyboard that the editor can accept.
When the user selects an image, the IME calls commitContent() and sends an InputContentInfo to the editor. The commitContent() call is analogous to the commitText() call, but for rich content. InputContentInfo contains an URI that identifies the content in a content provider. Your app can then request permission and read the content from the URI.
To accept rich content from IMEs, apps must tell IMEs what content types it
accepts and specify a callbackup method that is executed when content is
received. The following example demonstrates how to create an EditText that
accept PNG images:
EditText editText = new EditText(this) {
public InputConnection onCreateInputConnection(EditorInfo editorInfo) {
final InputConnection ic = super.onCreateInputConnection(editorInfo);
new String [] {"image/png"});
final InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListener callback =
new InputConnectionCompat.OnCommitContentListener() {
public boolean onCommitContent(InputContentInfoCompat inputContentInfo,
int flags, Bundle opts) {
// read and display inputContentInfo asynchronously
if (BuildCompat.isAtLeastNMR1() && (flags &
try {
catch (Exception e) {
return false; // return false if failed
// read and display inputContentInfo asynchronously.
// call inputContentInfo.releasePermission() as needed.
return true; // return true if succeeded
return InputConnectionCompat.createWrapper(ic, editorInfo, callback);
IMEs that want to send rich content to apps must implement the Commit Content API as shown below:
and read the list of supported content types from the target editor. The following code snippet shows how to check whether the target editor accepts GIF images.
public void onStartInputView(EditorInfo info, boolean restarting) {
String[] mimeTypes = EditorInfoCompat.getContentMimeTypes(editorInfo);
boolean gifSupported = false;
for (String mimeType : mimeTypes) {
if (ClipDescription.compareMimeTypes(mimeType, "image/gif")) {
gifSupported = true;
if (gifSupported) {
// the target editor supports GIFs. enable corresponding content
} else {
// the target editor does not support GIFs. disable corresponding content
Commit content to the app when the users selects an image. Avoid calling
when there is any composing text because it might cause the editor to lose focus. The following code snippet shows how to commit a GIF image.
* Commits a GIF image
* @param contentUri Content URI of the GIF image to be sent
* @param imageDescription Description of the GIF image to be sent
public static void commitGifImage(Uri contentUri, String imageDescription) {
InputContentInfoCompat inputContentInfo = new InputContentInfoCompat(
new ClipDescription(imageDescription, new String[]{"image/gif"}));
InputConnection inputConnection = getCurrentInputConnection();
EditorInfo editorInfo = getCurrentInputEditorInfo();
Int flags = 0;
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 25) {
inputConnection, editorInfo, inputContentInfo, flags, opts);
关于android - Gboard:在 EditText 上启用 GIF 插入,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48108889/
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