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安卓工作室 0.5.9 : 2 annoying Gradle warnings

转载 作者:塔克拉玛干 更新时间:2023-11-01 21:40:08 26 4
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我已经升级到 Android Studio 0.5.9 并且总是收到这些警告:

Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
Relying on packaging to define the extension of the main artifact has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 2.0



谷歌搜索 Gradle 孵化功能 结果 this page :

C.1.2. Incubating

Features are introduced in the incubating state to allow real world feedback to be incorporated into the feature before it is made public and locked down to provide backwards compatibility. It also gives users who are willing to accept potential future changes early access to the feature so they can put it into use immediately.

A feature in an incubating state may change in future Gradle versions until it is no longer incubating. Changes to incubating features for a Gradle release will be highlighted in the release notes for that release. The incubation period for new features varies depending on the scope, complexity and nature of the feature.

Features in incubation are clearly indicated to be so. In the source code, all methods/properties/classes that are incubating are annotated with Incubating, which is also used to specially mark them in the DSL and API references. If an incubating feature is discussed in this User Guide, it will be explicitly said to be in the incubating state.

搜索 Relying on packaging to define extension of the main artifact has been deprecated and is scheduled to removed in Gradle 2.0 导致这个问题,如@shayan pourvatan 所述:

Gradle deprecation "Relying on packaging to define the extension of the main artifact..." in Android Studio project can be fixed?

this issue ,最后是这样说的:

Based on a member of the Gradleware team said "There's no way around the warning at the moment, but the warning is bogus."

So there is nothing we can do right now.

关于安卓工作室 0.5.9 : 2 annoying Gradle warnings,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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