- iOS/Objective-C 元类和类别
- objective-c - -1001 错误,当 NSURLSession 通过 httpproxy 和/etc/hosts
- java - 使用网络类获取 url 地址
- ios - 推送通知中不播放声音
我一直在尝试使用 openCSV 读取几个 csv 文件(大约 20 MB),但到目前为止速度很慢。我试图读取 4 个 csv 文件,我将它们加载到我设计的堆中。我想知道,是否有任何其他方法可以在更短的时间内完成。
private Heap<VOMovingViolations> datosHeap;
public void loadMovingViolations()
Runtime garbage = Runtime.getRuntime();
FileReader fileReaderMes1 = new FileReader(FECHAS[0]);
FileReader fileReaderMes2 = new FileReader(FECHAS[1]);
FileReader fileReaderMes3 = new FileReader(FECHAS[2]);
FileReader fileReaderMes4 = new FileReader(FECHAS[3]);
CSVReader enero = new CSVReaderBuilder(fileReaderMes1).withSkipLines(1).build();
CSVReader febrero = new CSVReaderBuilder(fileReaderMes2).withSkipLines(1).build();
CSVReader marzo = new CSVReaderBuilder(fileReaderMes3).withSkipLines(1).build();
CSVReader abril = new CSVReaderBuilder(fileReaderMes4).withSkipLines(1).build();
String[] row;
while((row = enero.readNext()) != null)
int objectId = Integer.parseInt(row[0]);
int totalPaid = (int)Double.parseDouble(row[9]);
short fi = Short.parseShort(row[8]);
short penalty1 = Short.parseShort(row[10]);
datosHeap.insert(new VOMovingViolations(objectId, totalPaid, fi, row[2], row[13],
row[12],row[14], row[15], row[4], row[3], penalty1));
while((row = febrero.readNext()) != null)
int objectId = Integer.parseInt(row[0]);
int totalPaid = (int)Double.parseDouble(row[9]);
short fi = Short.parseShort(row[8]);
short penalty1 = Short.parseShort(row[10]);
datosHeap.insert(new VOMovingViolations(objectId, totalPaid, fi, row[2], row[13],
row[12],row[14], row[15], row[4], row[3], penalty1));
while((row = marzo.readNext()) != null)
int objectId = Integer.parseInt(row[0]);
int totalPaid = (int)Double.parseDouble(row[9]);
short fi = Short.parseShort(row[8]);
short penalty1 = Short.parseShort(row[10]);
datosHeap.insert(new VOMovingViolations(objectId, totalPaid, fi, row[2], row[13],
row[12],row[14], row[15], row[4], row[3], penalty1));
while((row = abril.readNext()) != null)
int objectId = Integer.parseInt(row[0]);
int totalPaid = (int)Double.parseDouble(row[9]);
short fi = Short.parseShort(row[8]);
short penalty1 = Short.parseShort(row[10]);
datosHeap.insert(new VOMovingViolations(objectId, totalPaid, fi, row[2], row[13],
row[12],row[14], row[15], row[4], row[3], penalty1));
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
读取一个 20 MB 的 CSV 文件,并在每行中实例化一个对象,总耗时不到 1 秒。
首先,我们创建一个 20 MB 的文件,其中包含 40,000 条 Person
记录。每个 Person
都有一个法语名字和姓氏,一个 UUID ,以及一些任意文本作为描述。数据被写为 CSV 中的四列。文件在 UTF-8 .我用了Apache Commons CSV编写和阅读的图书馆。
读取此文件并为每一行实例化 Person
对象花费了不到一秒的总耗时。每行大约需要 20K nanoseconds .实际上,这包括读取文件两次,因为我们进行扫描以计算数据行数以设置所收集实例的初始容量。此外,我们正在将十六进制字符串输入解析为 UUID 的 128 位值。 ,所以我们有一些时间花在数据处理上(而不仅仅是阅读)。
对于 Java 16+,将 Person
类定义为 record .我们覆盖 toString
record Person ( String givenName , String surname , UUID id , String description )
static public String LOREM_IPSUM = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.";
public String toString ()
return "Person{ " +
"givenName='" + givenName + '\'' +
" | surname='" + surname + '\'' +
" | id='" + id + '\'' +
" }";
对于早期的 Java,编写一个常规的 Person
package work.basil.example;
import java.util.UUID;
public class Person
// Static
static public String LOREM_IPSUM = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.";
// Member variables.
public String givenName, surname, description;
public UUID id;
public Person ( String givenName , String surname , UUID id , String description )
this.givenName = givenName;
this.surname = surname;
this.id = id;
this.description = description ;
public String toString ()
return "Person{ " +
"givenName='" + givenName + '\'' +
" | surname='" + surname + '\'' +
" | id='" + id + '\'' +
" }";
这是完整的应用程序,它写入然后读取 20 MB 的文件。请学习和批评,因为我很快就把它掀起来了。我没有仔细检查我的工作。
方法。 main
package work.basil.example;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
public class CsvSpeed
public List < Person > read ( Path path )
// TODO: Add a check for valid file existing.
List < Person > list = List.of(); // Default to empty list.
// Prepare list.
int initialCapacity = ( int ) Files.lines( path ).count();
list = new ArrayList <>( initialCapacity );
// Read CSV file. For each row, instantiate and collect `DailyProduct`.
BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader( path );
Iterable < CSVRecord > records = CSVFormat.RFC4180.withFirstRecordAsHeader().parse( reader );
for ( CSVRecord record : records )
String givenName = record.get( "givenName" );
String surname = record.get( "surname" );
UUID id = UUID.fromString( record.get( "id" ) );
String description = record.get( "description" );
// Instantiate `Person` object, and collect it.
Person person = new Person( givenName , surname , id , description );
list.add( person );
} catch ( IOException e )
return list;
public void write ( final Path path )
ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
try ( final CSVPrinter printer = CSVFormat.RFC4180.withHeader( "givenName" , "surname" , "id" , "description" ).print( path , StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) ; )
int limit = 40_000; // 40_000 yields about 20 MB of data.
List < String > givenNames = List.of( "Adrien" , "Aimon" , "Alerion" , "Alexis" , "Alezan" , "Ancil" , "Andre" , "Antoine" , "Archard" , "Aurélien" , "Averill" , "Baptiste" , "Barnard" , "Bartelemy" , "Bastien" , "Baylee" , "Beale" , "Beau" , "Beaumont" , "Beauregard" , "Bellamy" , "Berger" , "Blaize" , "Blondel" , "Boyce" , "Bruce" , "Brunelle" , "Brys" , "Burcet" , "Burnell" , "Burrell" , "Byron" , "Canaan" , "Carden" , "Carolas" , "Cavell" , "Chace" , "Chanler" , "Chante" , "Chappel" , "Charles" , "Chasen" , "Chason" , "Chemin" , "Chene" , "Cher" , "Chevalier" , "Cheyne" , "Clément" , "Clemence" , "Corbin" , "Coty" , "Cygne" , "Damien" , "Dandre" , "Dariel" , "Darl" , "Dauphine" , "Davet" , "Dax" , "Dean" , "Delice" , "Delmon" , "Destin" , "Dominique" , "Donatien" , "Duke" , "Eliott" , "Elroy" , "Enzo" , "Erwan" , "Etalon" , "Ethan" , "Fabron" , "Ferrand" , "Filberte" , "Florent" , "Florian" , "Fontaine" , "Forest" , "Fortune" , "Franchot" , "Francois" , "Fraser" , "Frayne" , "Gaëtan" , "Gabin" , "Gage" , "Gaige" , "Garland" , "Garner" , "Gaston" , "Gauge" , "Gaylord" , "Germain" , "Germaine" , "German" , "Gervaise" , "Giles" , "Gilles" , "Gitan" , "Grosvener" , "Guifford" , "Guion" , "Guy" , "Guzman" , "Henri" , "Holland" , "Hugo" , "Hugues" , "Hyacinthe" , "Jérémy" , "Jacquan" , "Jacques" , "Jacquez" , "Janvier" , "Jardan" , "Jay" , "Jaye" , "Jehan" , "Jemond" , "Jocquez" , "Jonathan" , "Jules" , "Julien" , "Justus" , "Karoly" , "Lado" , "Lafayette" , "Lamond" , "Lancelin" , "Landis" , "Landry" , "Laron" , "Larrimore" , "Laurent" , "LaValle" , "Leandre" , "Leggett" , "Leonce" , "Leron" , "Leverett" , "Lilian" , "Loïc" , "Lorenzo" , "Louis" , "Lowell" , "Luc" , "Lucien" , "Lukas" , "Macaire" , "Mace" , "Mahieu" , "Maison" , "Malleville" , "Manneville" , "Mantel" , "Marc" , "Marcel" , "Marion" , "Marius" , "Markez" , "Markis" , "Marmion" , "Marquis" , "Marquise" , "Marshall" , "Martial" , "Maslin" , "Mason" , "Matheo" , "Mathias" , "Mathys" , "Matthieu" , "Maxence" , "Mayson" , "Mehdi" , "Merle" , "Merville" , "Montague" , "Montaigu" , "Monte" , "Montgomery" , "Montreal" , "Montrel" , "Moore" , "Morel" , "Mortimer" , "Nerville" , "Neuveville" , "Nicolas" , "Noë" , "Noah" , "Noe" , "Norman" , "Norville" , "Nouel" , "Olivier" , "Onfroi" , "Paien" , "Parfait" , "Parnell" , "Pascal" , "Patrice" , "Paul" , "Peppin" , "Percival" , "Percy" , "Pernell" , "Peverell" , "Philipe" , "Pierpont" , "Pierre" , "Pomeroy" , "Prewitt" , "Purvis" , "Quennell" , "Quentin" , "Quincey" , "Quincy" , "Quintin" , "Rémi" , "Rafaelle" , "Ranger" , "Raoul" , "Raphaël" , "Rapier" , "Rawlins" , "Ray" , "Raynard" , "Remi" , "René" , "Renard" , "Rene" , "Reule" , "Reynard" , "Robin" , "Romain" , "Rondel" , "Roy" , "Royal" , "Ruff" , "Rush" , "Russel" , "Rustin" , "Sabastien" , "Sacha" , "Salomon" , "Samuel" , "Satordi" , "Saville" , "Scoville" , "Sebastien" , "Sennett" , "Severin" , "Shant" , "Shantae" , "Sidney" , "Siffre" , "Simeon" , "Simon" , "Sinclair" , "Sofiane" , "Somer" , "Stephane" , "Sully" , "Sydney" , "Sylvain" , "Talbot" , "Talon" , "Telford" , "Tempest" , "Teppo" , "Théo" , "Thayer" , "Thibault" , "Thibaut" , "Thiery" , "Tiennan" , "Tiennot" , "Titouan" , "Toussaint" , "Travaris" , "Tyson" , "Urson" , "Vachel" , "Valentin" , "Valere" , "Vallis" , "Verdun" , "Victoir" , "Victor" , "Waltier" , "William" , "Wyatt" , "Yanis" , "Yann" , "Yves" , "Yvon" , "Zosime" , "Abrial" , "Abrielle" , "Abril" , "Adele" , "Alair" , "Alerion" , "Amee" , "Angelique" , "Annette" , "Antonella" , "Arian" , "Ariane" , "Armandina" , "Aubree" , "Aubrielle" , "Audra" , "Avril" , "Bella" , "Berneta" , "Bette" , "Blaise" , "Blanche" , "Blasa" , "Bonte" , "Brie" , "Brienne" , "Brigit" , "Cachay" , "Calice" , "Camille" , "Camylle" , "Caprice" , "Caressa" , "Caroline" , "Catin" , "Celesta" , "Celeste" , "Cera" , "Cerise" , "Chablis" , "Chalice" , "Chambray" , "Champagne" , "Chandell" , "Chaney" , "Chantal" , "Chante" , "Chanterelle" , "Chantile" , "Chantilly" , "Chantrice" , "Charla" , "Charlotte" , "Charmane" , "Chaton" , "Chemin" , "Chenetta" , "Cher" , "Chere" , "Cheri" , "Cheryl" , "Christine" , "Cidney" , "Cinderella" , "Claire" , "Claudette" , "Colette" , "Cordelle" , "Cydnee" , "Daeja" , "Daija" , "Daja" , "Damzel" , "Darelle" , "Darlene" , "Darselle" , "Dejanelle" , "Deleena" , "Delice" , "Demeri" , "Deni" , "Denise" , "Desgracias" , "Desire" , "Desiree" , "Destanee" , "Destiny" , "Dior" , "Domanique" , "Dominique" , "Elaina" , "Elaine" , "Elayna" , "Elise" , "Eloisa" , "Elyse" , "Emeline" , "Emmaline" , "Emmeline" , "Estella" , "Estrella" , "Etiennette" , "Evette" , "Fabienne" , "Fabrienne" , "Fanchon" , "Fancy" , "Fawna" , "Fayana" , "Fayette" , "Fifi" , "Fleur" , "Fleurette" , "Fontanna" , "Fosette" , "Francine" , "Frederique" , "Gabriel" , "Gabriele" , "Gabrielle" , "Gaby" , "Garcelle" , "Gena" , "Genie" , "Georgette" , "Germaine" , "Gervaise" , "Gitana" , "Harriet" , "Heloisa" , "Holland" , "Honnetta" , "Isabelle" , "Ivette" , "Ivonne" , "Jacqueena" , "Jacquetta" , "Jacquiline" , "Jacyline" , "Jaime" , "Jakqueline" , "Janeen" , "Janelly" , "Janina" , "Janiqua" , "Janique" , "Jannnelle" , "Jaquita" , "Jardena" , "Jeanetta" , "Jermaine" , "Jessamine" , "Jewel" , "Jewell" , "Joli" , "Jolie" , "Josephine" , "Jozephine" , "Julieta" , "Karessa" , "Karmaine" , "Klara" , "Laine" , "Lanelle" , "Laramie" , "Layne" , "Layney" , "Leala" , "Leonette" , "Lissette" , "Lizette" , "Lourdes" , "Lucienne" , "Ly" , "Lyla" , "Lysette" , "Madelaine" , "Malerie" , "Manette" , "Marais" , "Marcelle" , "Marché" , "Mardi" , "Margo" , "Marguerite" , "Marie" , "Marie Claude" , "Marie Frances" , "Marie Joelle" , "Marie Pascale" , "Marie Sophie" , "Marjolaine" , "Marquise" , "Marvella" , "Mathieu" , "Matisse" , "Maurelle" , "Maurissa" , "Mavis" , "Melisande" , "Michelle" , "Miette" , "Mignon" , "Mimi" , "Mirya" , "Monet" , "Moniqua" , "Monteen" , "Musetta" , "Myrlie" , "Nadeen" , "Nadia" , "Nadiyah" , "Naeva" , "Nanon" , "Natalle" , "Naudia" , "Nettie" , "Nicholas" , "Nicki" , "Nicky" , "Nicole" , "Nicolette" , "Nicolina" , "Nicolle" , "Nikolette" , "Ninette" , "Ninon" , "Noelle" , "Nycole" , "Odelette" , "Opaline" , "Orane" , "Orva" , "Page" , "Parisa" , "Parnel" , "Parris" , "Patrice" , "Peridot" , "Pippi" , "Prairie" , "Rachele" , "Rachelle" , "Racquel" , "Raphaelle" , "Raquelle" , "Remi" , "Renée" , "Renea" , "Renelle" , "Renita" , "Risette" , "Rochelle" , "Romy" , "Rosabel" , "Rosiclara" , "Ruba" , "Russhell" , "Saleena" , "Salina" , "Satin" , "Sedona" , "Serene" , "Shandelle" , "Shanta" , "Shante" , "Shariah" , "Sharita" , "Sharleen" , "Sheree" , "Shereen" , "Sherell" , "Sherice" , "Sherry" , "Sidnee" , "Sidney" , "Sidnie" , "Sidonie" , "Sinclaire" , "Solange" , "Solen" , "Sorrel" , "Suzette" , "Sydnee" , "Sydney" , "Tallis" , "Tempest" , "Toinette" , "Turquoise" , "Veronique" , "Vignette" , "Villette" , "Violeta" , "Virginie" , "Voleta" , "Vonny" );
List < String > surnames = List.of( "Arceneau" , "Aucoin" , "Babin" , "Babineaux" , "Benoit" , "Bergeron" , "Bernard" , "Bertrand" , "Bessette" , "Blanc" , "Blanchard" , "Bonnet" , "Boucher" , "Bourg" , "Bourque" , "Boutin" , "Bouvier" , "Braud" , "Broussard" , "Brun" , "Chevalier" , "David" , "Depaul" , "Desmarais" , "Disney" , "Dubois" , "Dupont" , "Dupuis" , "Durand" , "Fortescue" , "Fournier" , "Garnier" , "Gaudet" , "Gillet" , "Gillette" , "Girard" , "Gravois" , "Grosvenor" , "Lambert" , "Landry" , "Laroche" , "Laurent" , "Lefevre" , "Leroy" , "Leveque" , "Lisle" , "Martin" , "Michel" , "Molyneux" , "Moreau" , "Morel" , "Neville" , "Pelletier" , "Petit" , "Prideux" , "Renard" , "Richard" , "Robert" , "Rousseau" , "Roux" , "Rufus" , "Simon" , "Thomas" );
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= limit ; i++ )
String givenName = givenNames.get( random.nextInt( 0 , givenNames.size() ) );
String surname = surnames.get( random.nextInt( 0 , surnames.size() ) );
UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();
String description = Person.LOREM_IPSUM;
printer.printRecord( givenName , surname , id , description );
} catch ( IOException e )
public static void main ( final String[] args )
// Launch the app.
CsvSpeed app = new CsvSpeed();
// Write.
String when = Instant.now().truncatedTo( ChronoUnit.SECONDS ).toString().replace( ":" , "•" );
Path pathOutput = Paths.get( "/Users/basilbourque/persons.csv" );
app.write( pathOutput );
System.out.println( "Writing file: " + pathOutput );
// Read.
long start = System.nanoTime();
Path pathInput = Paths.get( "/Users/basilbourque/persons.csv" );
List < Person > list = app.read( pathInput );
long stop = System.nanoTime();
// Time.
long elapsed = ( stop - start );
Duration d = Duration.ofNanos( elapsed );
System.out.println( "Reading elapsed: " + d );
System.out.println( "Reading took nanos per row: " + ( elapsed / list.size() ) );
System.out.println( "nanos elapsed: " + elapsed + " | list.size: " + list.size() );
Writing file: /Users/basilbourque/persons.csv
Reading elapsed: PT0.857816234S
Reading took nanos per row: 21445
nanos elapsed: 857816234 | list.size: 40000
关于java - 读取CSV文件java的最快方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55084846/
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This question already has answers here: How do I use floating-point division in bash? (19个回答) 5个月前关闭
本练习的目标是读取输入文件并将其存储到表中,然后验证输入中的某些字段并输出任何错误记录。我需要读取并存储每个策略组,以便表中一次仅存储 5 条记录,而不是整个文件。 所以我需要读取一个包含 5 条记录
据我了解,LWT 插入始终以 SERIAL 一致性级别完成。如果为 true,这是否意味着读取作为 LWT 插入的行可以安全地以 ANY 的一致性级别读取? 换句话说,我假设 LWT 插入是完全一致的
我看到很多很多通过java脚本读取cookie的函数,但我只想在变量中使用它一次,我是JS新手。 这是我的代码 var TheNumber = (Math.random() + '') * 10000
我正在使用 asp.net 和 C#。我在服务器上部署了一个应用程序[已发布],现在我想查看该网站的代码,据我所知,我可以阅读程序集来查看代码。 请告诉我如何实现它。 提前致谢。 最佳答案 您可以使用