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- android - 如何链接 cpufeatures lib 以获取 native android 库?
- java - OnItemClickListener 不起作用,但 OnLongItemClickListener 在自定义 ListView 中起作用
- java - Android 文件转字符串
创建迭代(非递归)函数后,枚举 加倍受限 compositions of positive integers按照字典顺序,对于 RAM 非常少(但 EPROM 很大)的微 Controller ,我不得不将限制数量扩大到 3,即:
void GenCompositions(unsigned int myInt, unsigned int CompositionLen, unsigned int MinVal)
if ((MinVal = MinPartitionVal(myInt, CompositionLen, MinVal, (unsigned int) (-1))) == (unsigned int)(-1)) // Increase the MinVal to the minimum that is feasible.
std::vector<unsigned int> v(CompositionLen);
int pos = 0;
const int last = CompositionLen - 1;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= last; ++i) // Generate the initial composition
v[i] = MinVal;
unsigned int MaxVal = myInt - MinVal * last;
v[0] = MaxVal;
if (pos == last)
if (v[last] == MaxVal)
for (--pos; v[pos] == MinVal; --pos); //Search for the position of the Least Significant non-MinVal (not including the Least Significant position / the last position).
//std::cout << std::setw(pos * 3 + 1) << "" << "v" << std::endl; //DEBUG
if (pos != last)
v[pos] = v[last] + 1;
v[last] = MinVal;
v[pos] += 1;
v[++pos] = MinVal + 1;
} while (true);
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1, 1, 1, 7
void GenCompositions(unsigned int myInt, unsigned int CompositionLen, unsigned int MinVal, unsigned int MaxVal)
if ((MaxVal = MaxPartitionVal(myInt, CompositionLen, MinVal, MaxVal)) == 0) //Decrease the MaxVal to the maximum that is feasible.
if ((MinVal = MinPartitionVal(myInt, CompositionLen, MinVal, MaxVal)) == (unsigned int)(-1)) //Increase the MinVal to the minimum that is feasible.
std::vector<unsigned int> v(CompositionLen);
unsigned int last = CompositionLen - 1;
unsigned int rem = myInt - MaxVal - MinVal*(last-1);
unsigned int pos = 0;
v[0] = MaxVal; //Generate the most significant element in the initial composition
while (rem > MinVal){ //Generate the rest of the initial composition (the highest in the lexicographic order). Spill the remainder left-to-right saturating at MaxVal
v[++pos] = ( rem > MaxVal ) ? MaxVal : rem; //Saturate at MaxVal
rem -= v[pos] - MinVal; //Deduct the used up units (less the background MinValues)
for (unsigned int i = pos+1; i <= last; i++) //Fill with MinVal where the spillage of the remainder did not reach.
v[i] = MinVal;
if (MinVal == MaxVal){ //Special case - all elements are the same. Only the initial composition is possible.
if (pos == last)
for (--pos; v[pos] == MinVal; pos--) { //Search backwards for the position of the Least Significant non-MinVal (not including the Least Significant position / the last position).
if (!pos)
//std::cout << std::setw(pos*3 +1) << "" << "v" << std::endl; //Debug
if (v[last] >= MaxVal) // (v[last] > MaxVal) should never occur
if (pos == last-1) //penultimate position. //Skip the iterations that generate excessively large compositions (with elements > MaxVal).
for (rem = MaxVal; ((v[pos] == MinVal) || (v[pos + 1] == MaxVal)); pos--) { //Search backwards for the position of the Least Significant non-extremum (starting from the penultimate position - where the previous "for loop" has finished). THINK: Is the (v[pos] == MinVal) condition really necessary here ?
rem += v[pos]; //Accumulate the sum of the traversed elements
if (!pos)
//std::cout << std::setw(pos * 3 + 1) << "" << "v" << std::endl; //Debug
rem -= MinVal*(last - pos - 1) - 1; //Subtract the MinValues, that are assumed to always be there as a background
while (rem > MinVal) // Spill the remainder left-to-right saturating at MaxVal
v[++pos] = (rem > MaxVal) ? MaxVal : rem; //Saturate at MaxVal
rem -= v[pos] - MinVal; //Deduct the used up units (less the background MinValues)
for (unsigned int i = pos + 1; i <= last; i++) //Fill with MinVal where the spillage of the remainder did not reach.
v[i] = MinVal;
continue; //The skipping of excessively large compositions is complete. Nothing else to adjust...
/* (pos != last-1) */
v[++pos] = MaxVal;
v[++pos] = MinVal + 1; //Propagate the change one step further. THINK: Why a CONSTANT value like MinVal+1 works here at all?
if (pos != last)
v[last] = MinVal;
else // (v[last] < MaxVal)
if (pos != last)
v[pos] = v[last] + 1;
v[last] = MinVal;
v[pos] += 1;
else // (pos != last)
v[++pos] = MinVal + 1; // THINK: Why a CONSTANT value like MinVal+1 works here at all ?
} while (true);
4, 4, 1, 1
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<= MaxVal
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
void DispVector(const std::vector<unsigned int>& partition)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < partition.size() - 1; i++) //DISPLAY THE VECTOR HERE ...or do sth else with it.
std::cout << std::setw(2) << partition[i] << ",";
std::cout << std::setw(2) << partition[partition.size() - 1] << std::endl;
unsigned int MaxPartitionVal(const unsigned int myInt, const unsigned int PartitionLen, unsigned int MinVal, unsigned int MaxVal)
if ((myInt < 2) || (PartitionLen < 2) || (PartitionLen > myInt) || (MaxVal < 1) || (MinVal > MaxVal) || (PartitionLen > myInt) || ((PartitionLen*MaxVal) < myInt ) || ((PartitionLen*MinVal) > myInt)) //Sanity checks
return 0;
unsigned int last = PartitionLen - 1;
if (MaxVal + last*MinVal > myInt)
MaxVal = myInt - last*MinVal; //It is not always possible to start with the Maximum Value. Decrease it to sth possible
return MaxVal;
unsigned int MinPartitionVal(const unsigned int myInt, const unsigned int PartitionLen, unsigned int MinVal, unsigned int MaxVal)
if ((MaxVal = MaxPartitionVal(myInt, PartitionLen, MinVal, MaxVal)) == 0) //Assume that MaxVal has precedence over MinVal
return (unsigned int)(-1);
unsigned int last = PartitionLen - 1;
if (MaxVal + last*MinVal > myInt)
MinVal = myInt - MaxVal - last*MinVal; //It is not always possible to start with the Minimum Value. Increase it to sth possible
return MinVal;
// Put the definition of GenCompositions() here....
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
GenCompositions(10, 4, 1, 4);
return 0;
n=15, length=4, min=3, max=5
3,4,3,3 + 2
3,4,3,3 + 2
3,3,3,3 + 3
5,3,4,3 + 2
5,3,3,3 + 3
4,3,3,3 + 4
3,3,4,3 + 2
3,3,3,3 + 3
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
void DisplayComposition(const std::vector<unsigned int>& comp)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < comp.size(); i++)
std::cout << std::setw(3) << comp[i];
std::cout << std::endl;
void Distribute(std::vector<unsigned int>& comp, const unsigned int part, const unsigned int max, unsigned int value) {
for (unsigned int p = part; value && p < comp.size(); ++p) {
while (comp[p] < max) {
if (!--value) break;
int FindNonMinPart(const std::vector<unsigned int>& comp, const unsigned int part, const unsigned int min) {
for (int p = part; p >= 0; --p) {
if (comp[p] > min) return p;
return -1;
void GenerateCompositions(const unsigned n, const unsigned len, const unsigned min, const unsigned max) {
if (len < 1 || min > max || n < len * min || n > len * max) return;
std::vector<unsigned> comp(len, min);
Distribute(comp, 0, max, n - len * min);
int part = 0;
while (part >= 0) {
if ((part = FindNonMinPart(comp, len - 1, min)) == len - 1) {
unsigned int total = comp[part] - min;
comp[part] = min;
while (part && (part = FindNonMinPart(comp, part - 1, min)) >= 0) {
if ((len - 1 - part) * (max - min) > total) {
Distribute(comp, part + 1, max, total + 1);
total = 0;
else {
total += comp[part] - min;
comp[part] = min;
else if (part >= 0) {
++comp[part + 1];
int main() {
GenerateCompositions(15, 4, 3, 5);
return 0;
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
void DisplayComposition(const std::vector<unsigned int>& comp)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < comp.size(); i++)
std::cout << std::setw(3) << comp[i];
std::cout << std::endl;
void GenerateCompositions(const unsigned n, const unsigned len, const unsigned min, const unsigned max) {
// check validity of input
if (len < 1 || min > max || n < len * min || n > len * max) return;
// initialize composition with minimum value
std::vector<unsigned> comp(len, min);
// begin by distributing extra value starting from left-most part
int part = 0;
unsigned int carry = n - len * min;
// if there is no extra value, we are done
if (carry == 0) {
// move extra value around until no more non-minimum parts on the left
while (part != -1) {
// re-distribute the carried value starting at current part and go right
while (carry) {
if (comp[part] == max) ++part;
// the composition is now completed
// keep moving the extra value to the right if possible
// each step creates a new composition
while (part != len - 1) {
// the right-most part is now non-minimim
// transfer its extra value to the carry value
carry = comp[part] - min;
comp[part] = min;
// go left until we have enough minimum parts to re-distribute the carry value
while (part--) {
// when a non-minimum part is encountered
if (comp[part] > min) {
// if carry value can be re-distributed, stop going left
if ((len - 1 - part) * (max - min) > carry) {
// transfer extra value to the carry value
carry += comp[part] - min;
comp[part] = min;
int main() {
GenerateCompositions(15, 4, 3, 5);
return 0;
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