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情况:我正在尝试将 A* 算法转换为不允许对角线移动的 C++ 代码,但我有一些奇怪的行为。
我的问题:即使没有可能的对角线移动,是否也需要考虑对角线成本。当我在没有对角线成本的情况下进行计算时(“启发式”因子为 10),我的 fscore 总是相同的 80(你可以在我计算 fscore、gscore 和 hscore 的第二张图片中看到这一点)这看起来真的很奇怪我。因此(几乎所有节点的 fscore 都为 80)该算法似乎不起作用,因为许多节点具有相同的最小 fscore 80。
或者这是正常行为,没有对角线的 A* 星实现是否必须执行更多工作(因为更多节点具有相同的最小 fscore)?
#include "pathFind.h"
#include <queue>
#include "node.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QDebug>
#include <iostream>
/** Pathfinding (A* algo) using Manhatten heuristics and assuming a monotonic, consistent
* heuristic (the enemies do not change position)
* TODO: add variable terrain cost
const int horizontalSize = 20;
const int verticalSize = 20;
//nodes sets
static int closedNodes[horizontalSize][verticalSize]; //the set of nodes already evaluated
static int openNodes[horizontalSize][verticalSize]; // the set of nodes to be evaluated; initialy only containing start node
static int dir_map[horizontalSize][verticalSize]; //map of directions (contains parents-children connection)
const int dir=4;
static int dirX[dir]={1,0,-1,0};
static int dirY[dir]={0,1,0,-1};
//test class
static int map[horizontalSize][verticalSize]; //map of navigated nodes
//create empty map
for (int y=0;y<verticalSize;y++){
for (int x=0;x<horizontalSize;x++){
//fillout matrix
for (int x=horizontalSize/8;x<horizontalSize*7/8;x++){
for (int y=verticalSize/8;y<verticalSize*7/8;y++){
//randomly select start and finish locations
int xA,yA,xB,yB;
int n=horizontalSize;
int m=verticalSize;
xB = 14;
yB = 12;
qDebug() <<"Map Size (X,Y): "<<n<<","<<m<<endl;
qDebug()<<"Start: "<<xA<<","<<yA<<endl;
qDebug()<<"Finish: "<<xB<<","<<yB<<endl;
// get the route
clock_t start = clock();
QString route=calculatePath(xA, yA, xB, yB);
if(route=="") qDebug() <<"An empty route generated!"<<endl;
clock_t end = clock();
double time_elapsed = double(end - start);
qDebug()<<"Time to calculate the route (ms): "<<time_elapsed<<endl;
QString pathFind::calculatePath(const int & xStart, const int & yStart,const int & xFinish, const int & yFinish){
/** why do we maintain a priority queue?
* it's for maintaining the open list: everytime we acces the open list we need to find the node with the lowest
* fscore. A priority queue is a sorted list so we simply have to grab (pop) the first item of the list everytime
* we need a lower fscore.
* A priority queue is a data structure in which only the largest element can be retrieved (popped).
* It's problem is that finding an node in the queue is a slow operation.
std::priority_queue<node> pq[2]; //we define 2 priority list which is needed for our priority change of a node 'algo'
static int index; //static and global variables are initialized to 0
static node *currentNode;
static node *neighborNode;
//first reset maps
//create start node
static node * startNode;
startNode= new node(xStart,yStart,0,0);
startNode->updatePriority(xFinish, yFinish);
// push it into the priority queue
//add it to the list of open nodes
openNodes[0][0] = startNode->getPriority();
//A* search
//while priority queue is not empty; continue
//get current node with the higest priority from the priority list
//in first instance this is the start node
currentNode = new node(pq[index].top().getxPos(),
//remove node from priority queue
openNodes[currentNode->getxPos()][currentNode->getyPos()]=0; //remove node from open list
closedNodes[currentNode->getxPos()][currentNode->getyPos()]=1; //add current to closed list
//if current node = goal => finished => retrace route back using parents nodes
if (currentNode->getxPos()==xFinish && currentNode->getyPos()==yFinish){
//quit searching if goal is reached
//return generated path from finish to start
QString path="";
int x,y,direction; //in cpp you don't need to declare variables at the top compared to c
//currentNode is now the goalNode
while (!(x==xStart && y==yStart)){
/** We start at goal and work backwards moving from node to parent
* which will take us to the starting node
path =(direction+dir/2)%dir+path; //we work our way back
//iterate trough our dir_map using our defined directions
//garbage collection; the memory allocated with 'new' should be freed to avoid memory leaks
delete currentNode;
while (!pq[index].empty()){
return path;
//return path;
} else {
//add all possible neighbors to the openlist + define parents for later tracing back
//(four directions (int dir): up, down, left & right); but we want to make it
//as extendable as possible
for (int i=0; i<dir; i++){
//define new x & y coord for neighbor
//we do this because we want to preform some checks before making this neighbore node
int neighborX = currentNode->getxPos()+dirX[i];
int neighborY = currentNode->getyPos()+dirY[i];
//check boundaries
//ignore if on closed list (was already evaluted) or if unwalkable (currently not implemented)
if (!(neighborX <0 || neighborY <0 || neighborX > horizontalSize || neighborY > verticalSize ||
//ok -> generate neighbor node
neighborNode = new node (neighborX,neighborY,currentNode->getDistance(),currentNode->getPriority());
//calculate the fscore of the node
//if neighbor not in openset => add it
//add it to open set
//add it to the priority queue (by dereferencing our neighborNode object
//pq is of type node; push inserts a new element;
//the content is initialized as a copy
//set the parent to the node we are currently looking at
//if neighbor is already on open set
//check if path to that node is a better one (=lower gscore) if we use the current node to get there
} else if(openNodes[neighborX][neighborY]>neighborNode->getPriority()) {
/** lower gscore: change parent of the neighbore node to the select square
* recalculate fscore
* the value of the fscore should also be changed inside the node which resides inside our priority queue
* however as mentioned before this is a very slow operation (is going to be the bottleneck of this implemention probably)
* we will have to manuall scan for the right node and than change it.
* this check is very much needed, but the number of times this if condition is true is limited
//update fscore inside the open list
//update the parent node
//we copy the nodes from one queue to the other
//except the -old-current node will be ignored
while (!((pq[index].top().getxPos()==neighborX) && (pq[index].top().getyPos()==neighborY))){
pq[index].pop(); //remove the -old-current node
/** ?? **/
if(pq[index].size()>pq[1-index].size()){ //??? is this extra check necessary?
index=1-index; //index switch 1->0 or 0->1
/** ?? **/
index=1-index; //index switch 1->0 or 0->1
pq[index].push(*neighborNode); //and the -new-current node will be pushed in instead
} else delete neighborNode;
delete currentNode;
} return ""; //no path found
void pathFind::resetMaps(){
for (int y=0;y<horizontalSize;y++){
for (int x=0;x<verticalSize;x++){
#include "node.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/** constructor **/
node::node(int x,int y, int d,int p)
/** getters for variables **/
//current node xPosition
int node::getxPos() const {
return xPos;
//current node yPosition
int node::getyPos() const {
return yPos;
int node::getDistance() const {
return distance;
int node::getPriority() const {
return priority;
/** Updates the priority; the lower the fscore the higer the priority
* the fscore is the sum of:
* -path-cost (gscore) (which is the distance from the starting node to the current node)
* -heuristic estimate (hscore) (which is an estimate of the distance from the current node to the destination node)
void node::updatePriority(const int & xDest, const int & yDest){
priority = distance + estimateDistance(xDest,yDest)*10;
void node::updateDistance(){//const int & direction
distance +=10;
/** Estimate function for the remaining distance to the goal
* here it's based on the Manhattan distance;
* which is the distance between two points in a grid based on a strictly horizontal & veritcal path;
* => sum of vertical & horizontal components
const int & node::estimateDistance(const int & xDest, const int & yDest) const{
static int xDistance,yDistance,totalDistance;
return (totalDistance);
/** class functor (I think) to compare elements using:
* operator overloading: "<" gets overloaded which we are going to use in our priority queue
* to determine priority of a node in our queue;
* returns true if node a has a lower fscore compared to node b
* there is an ambiguity here: < -- >; better to make both >
* also prototype is now friend which could probably be replaced with this for the first
* argument; it advantage is that because of the friend function the operand order can be reversed
* this doesn't really looks to favor our application; so should I use it or not?
bool operator<(const node & a, const node & b){
return a.getPriority() > b.getPriority();
我认为你的算法没有问题,如果没有对角线移动,就没有必要考虑了。曼哈顿距离是一种简单的启发式方法,当您离目标节点越近时,H 函数给出的数字越小,尽管 G 函数(从第一个节点到此处的距离)变大。结果,许多节点具有相同的 f 分数。
关于c++ - 无对角线移动的星型算法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14162925/
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