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我不明白,为什么没有release sequence
会出问题,如果我们在下面的示例中有 2 个线程。我们对原子变量 count
只有 2 个操作. count
来自安东尼威廉姆斯的 C++ Concurrency in Action:
I mentioned that you could get a
synchronizes-with relationship
between astore
to an atomic variable and aload
of that atomic variable from another thread, even when there’s a sequence ofread-modify-write
operations between thestore
and theload
, provided all the operations are suitably tagged. If the store is tagged withmemory_order_release
, ormemory_order_seq_cst
, and the load is tagged withmemory_order_consume
, ormemory_order_seq_cst
, and each operation in the chain loads the value written by the previous operation, then the chain of operations constitutes a release sequence and the initial storesynchronizes-with
) or isdependency-ordered-before
) the final load. Any atomic read-modify-write operations in the chain can have any memory ordering (evenmemory_order_relaxed
).To see what this means (release sequence) and why it’s important, consider an
being used as a count of the number of items in a shared queue, as in the following listing.One way to handle things would be to have the thread that’s producingthe data store the items in a shared buffer and then do
count.store(number_of_items, memory_order_release)
#1 to let the other threads know that data is available. The threads consuming the queue items might then docount.fetch_sub(1,memory_ order_acquire)
#2 to claim an item from the queue, prior to actually reading the shared buffer #4. Once the count becomes zero, there are no more items, and the thread must wait #3.
#include <atomic>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
std::vector<int> queue_data;
std::atomic<int> count;
std::mutex m;
void process(int i)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
std::cout << "id " << std::this_thread::get_id() << ": " << i << std::endl;
void populate_queue()
unsigned const number_of_items = 20;
for (unsigned i = 0;i<number_of_items;++i)
count.store(number_of_items, std::memory_order_release); //#1 The initial store
void consume_queue_items()
while (true)
int item_index;
if ((item_index = count.fetch_sub(1, std::memory_order_acquire)) <= 0) //#2 An RMW operation
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(500)); //#3
process(queue_data[item_index - 1]); //#4 Reading queue_data is safe
int main()
std::thread a(populate_queue);
std::thread b(consume_queue_items);
std::thread c(consume_queue_items);
id 6836: 19
id 6836: 18
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id 13740: 15
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id 13740: 3
id 13740: 2
id 13740: 1
id 13740: 0
id 6836: 7
If there’s one consumer thread, this is fine; the
is a read, withmemory_order_acquire
semantics, and the store hadmemory_order_release
semantics, so the store synchronizes-with the load and the thread can read the item from the buffer.If there are two threads reading, the second
will see the value written by the first and not the value written by the store. Without the rule about therelease sequence
, this second thread wouldn’t have ahappens-before relationship
with the first thread, and it wouldn’t be safe to read the shared buffer unless the firstfetch_sub()
also hadmemory_order_release
semantics, which would introduce unnecessary synchronization between the two consumer threads. Without therelease sequence
rule ormemory_order_release
on thefetch_sub
operations, there would be nothing to require that the stores to thequeue_data
were visible to the second consumer, and you would have a data race.
Thankfully, the first
does participate in the release sequence, and so thestore()
synchronizes-with the secondfetch_sub()
. There’s still no synchronizes-with relationship between the two consumer threads. This is shown in figure 5.7. The dotted lines in figure 5.7 show the release sequence, and the solid lines show thehappens-before relationships
What does he mean? That both threads should see the value of count is 20? But in my output count is sequently decremented in threads.
时会发生数据竞争。 (注意:不是
上执行自己的加载操作后,读取器线程编号 2 才能看到它.发布顺序规则确保这不会发生。
关于c++ - "release sequence"是什么意思?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38565650/
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