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当 C++ 编译器为引用和指针生成非常相似的汇编代码时,为什么与指针相比更喜欢使用引用(并且被认为更安全)?
我正在查看 g++ 为这个小程序生成的汇编代码:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
int a;
int &ra = a;
int *pa = &a;
#include <vector>
int main(void)
std::vector<int> v;
int& r = v[0];
r = 5; // ok, reference is valid
r = 6; // BOOM!;
return 0;
编辑:由于似乎对引用是对象的别名还是绑定(bind)到内存位置存在一些混淆,这里是标准中的段落(草案 3225,部分 [basic.life]
If, after the lifetime of an object has ended and before the storage which the object occupied is reused or released, a new object is created at the storage location which the original object occupied, a pointer that pointed to the original object, a reference that referred to the original object, or the name of the original object will automatically refer to the new object and, once the lifetime of the new object has started, can be used to manipulate the new object, if:
- the storage for the new object exactly overlays the storage location which the original object occupied, and
- the new object is of the same type as the original object (ignoring the top-level cv-qualifiers), and
- the type of the original object is not const-qualified, and, if a class type, does not contain any non-static data member whose type is const-qualified or a reference type, and
- the original object was a most derived object of type
and the new object is a most derived object of typeT
(that is, they are not base class subobjects).
关于c++ - 为什么 C++ 引用被认为比指针更安全?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4715740/
这个问题不太可能帮助任何 future 的访问者;它只与一个小的地理区域、一个特定的时间点或一个非常狭窄的情况有关,这些情况并不普遍适用于互联网的全局受众。为了帮助使这个问题更广泛地适用,visit
class Person def name puts "Doharey" end end puts Person.class #=> this out puts Class puts
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我对 Haskell 比较陌生,来自 F#(一种 Microsoft 语言)。 我已经从脚手架创建了一个 Yesod 项目,稍微玩了一下,调整了一些东西,但随后它停止工作,并显示此错误消息(在所有模块