- android - RelativeLayout 背景可绘制重叠内容
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- java - OnItemClickListener 不起作用,但 OnLongItemClickListener 在自定义 ListView 中起作用
- java - Android 文件转字符串
还有几本书,例如 Ian Millington 的 AI for Games,其中包括对决策树中使用的不同学习算法的详细介绍,以及基本上都是关于决策树和理论的游戏编程行为数学。我了解决策树的概念以及熵、ID3 和一些关于如何交织遗传算法并让决策树决定 GA 节点的知识。他们提供了很好的洞察力,但不是我真正想要的。
添加学习算法,例如 ID3 和 Entropy。应该如何设置?
int main()
//create the new decision tree object
DecisionTree* NewTree = new DecisionTree();
//add root node the very first 'Question' or decision to be made
//is monster health greater than player health?
//add nodes depending on decisions
//2nd decision to be made
//is monster strength greater than player strength?
NewTree->AddNode1(1, 2);
//3rd decision
//is the monster closer than home base?
NewTree->AddNode2(1, 3);
//depending on the weights of all three decisions, will return certain node result
//Run, Attack,
NewTree->AddNode1(2, 4);
NewTree->AddNode2(2, 5);
NewTree->AddNode1(3, 6);
NewTree->AddNode2(3, 7);
//Others: Run to Base ++ Strength, Surrender Monster/Player,
//needs to be made recursive, that way when strength++ it affects decisions second time around DT
//display information after creating all the nodes
//display the entire tree, i want to make it look like the actual diagram!
//ask/answer question decision making process
cout << "Decision Made. Press Any Key To Quit." << endl;
//pause quit, oh wait how did you do that again...look it up and put here
//release memory!
delete NewTree;
//return random value
//return 1;
//the decision tree class
class DecisionTree
void RemoveNode(TreeNodes* node);
void DisplayTree(TreeNodes* CurrentNode);
void Output();
void Query();
void QueryTree(TreeNodes* rootNode);
void AddNode1(int ExistingNodeID, int NewNodeID);
void AddNode2(int ExistingNodeID, int NewNodeID);
void CreateRootNode(int NodeID);
void MakeDecision(TreeNodes* node);
bool SearchAddNode1(TreeNodes* CurrentNode, int ExistingNodeID, int NewNodeID);
bool SearchAddNode2(TreeNodes* CurrentNode, int ExistingNodeID, int NewNodeID);
TreeNodes* m_RootNode;
virtual ~DecisionTree();
int random(int upperLimit);
//for random variables that will effect decisions/node values/weights
int random(int upperLimit)
int randNum = rand() % upperLimit;
return randNum;
//Step 1!
//set root node to null on tree creation
//beginning of tree creation
m_RootNode = NULL;
//Final Step in a sense
//Step 2!
void DecisionTree::CreateRootNode(int NodeID)
//create root node with specific ID
// In MO, you may want to use thestatic creation of IDs like with entities. depends on how many nodes you plan to have
//or have instantaneously created nodes/changing nodes
m_RootNode = new TreeNodes(NodeID);
//Step 5.1!~
void DecisionTree::AddNode1(int ExistingNodeID, int NewNodeID)
//check to make sure you have a root node. can't add another node without a root node
if(m_RootNode == NULL)
cout << "ERROR - No Root Node";
if(SearchAddNode1(m_RootNode, ExistingNodeID, NewNodeID))
cout << "Added Node Type1 With ID " << NewNodeID << " onto Branch Level " << ExistingNodeID << endl;
cout << "Node: " << ExistingNodeID << " Not Found.";
//Step 6.1!~ search and add new node to current node
bool DecisionTree::SearchAddNode1(TreeNodes *CurrentNode, int ExistingNodeID, int NewNodeID)
//if there is a node
if(CurrentNode->m_NodeID == ExistingNodeID)
//create the node
if(CurrentNode->NewBranch1 == NULL)
CurrentNode->NewBranch1 = new TreeNodes(NewNodeID);
CurrentNode->NewBranch1 = new TreeNodes(NewNodeID);
return true;
//try branch if it exists
//for a third, add another one of these too!
if(CurrentNode->NewBranch1 != NULL)
if(SearchAddNode1(CurrentNode->NewBranch1, ExistingNodeID, NewNodeID))
return true;
//try second branch if it exists
if(CurrentNode->NewBranch2 != NULL)
return(SearchAddNode2(CurrentNode->NewBranch2, ExistingNodeID, NewNodeID));
return false;
return false;
//Step 5.2!~ does same thing as node 1. if you wanted to have more decisions,
//create a node 3 which would be the same as this maybe with small differences
void DecisionTree::AddNode2(int ExistingNodeID, int NewNodeID)
if(m_RootNode == NULL)
cout << "ERROR - No Root Node";
if(SearchAddNode2(m_RootNode, ExistingNodeID, NewNodeID))
cout << "Added Node Type2 With ID " << NewNodeID << " onto Branch Level " << ExistingNodeID << endl;
cout << "Node: " << ExistingNodeID << " Not Found.";
//Step 6.2!~ search and add new node to current node
//as stated earlier, make one for 3rd node if there was meant to be one
bool DecisionTree::SearchAddNode2(TreeNodes *CurrentNode, int ExistingNodeID, int NewNodeID)
if(CurrentNode->m_NodeID == ExistingNodeID)
//create the node
if(CurrentNode->NewBranch2 == NULL)
CurrentNode->NewBranch2 = new TreeNodes(NewNodeID);
CurrentNode->NewBranch2 = new TreeNodes(NewNodeID);
return true;
//try branch if it exists
if(CurrentNode->NewBranch1 != NULL)
if(SearchAddNode2(CurrentNode->NewBranch1, ExistingNodeID, NewNodeID))
return true;
//try second branch if it exists
if(CurrentNode->NewBranch2 != NULL)
return(SearchAddNode2(CurrentNode->NewBranch2, ExistingNodeID, NewNodeID));
return false;
return false;
//Step 11
void DecisionTree::QueryTree(TreeNodes* CurrentNode)
if(CurrentNode->NewBranch1 == NULL)
//if both branches are null, tree is at a decision outcome state
if(CurrentNode->NewBranch2 == NULL)
//output decision 'question'
cout << "Missing Branch 1";
if(CurrentNode->NewBranch2 == NULL)
cout << "Missing Branch 2";
//otherwise test decisions at current node
//Step 10
void DecisionTree::Query()
//debate decisions create new function for decision logic
// cout << node->stringforquestion;
//Step 12
void DecisionTree::MakeDecision(TreeNodes *node)
//should I declare variables here or inside of decisions.h
int PHealth;
int MHealth;
int PStrength;
int MStrength;
int DistanceFBase;
int DistanceFMonster;
////sets random!
//randomly create the numbers for health, strength and distance for each variable
PHealth = random(60);
MHealth = random(60);
PStrength = random(50);
MStrength = random(50);
DistanceFBase = random(75);
DistanceFMonster = random(75);
//the decision to be made string example: Player health: Monster Health: player health is lower/higher
cout << "Player Health: " << PHealth << endl;
cout << "Monster Health: " << MHealth << endl;
cout << "Player Strength: " << PStrength << endl;
cout << "Monster Strength: " << MStrength << endl;
cout << "Distance Player is From Base: " << DistanceFBase << endl;
cout << "Disntace Player is From Monster: " << DistanceFMonster << endl;
//MH > PH
//MH < PH
//PS > MS
//PS > MS
//DB > DM
//DB < DM
//good place to break off into different decision nodes, not just 'binary'
//if statement lower/higher query respective branch
if(PHealth > MHealth)
//re-do question for next branch. Player strength: Monster strength: Player strength is lower/higher
//if statement lower/higher query respective branch
if(PStrength > MStrength)
//recursive question for next branch. Player distance from base/monster.
if(DistanceFBase > DistanceFMonster)
//if statement?
// inside query output decision?
//cout << <<
void DecisionTree::Output()
//take repsective node
//Step 9
void DecisionTree::DisplayTree(TreeNodes* CurrentNode)
//if it doesn't exist, don't display of course
if(CurrentNode == NULL)
//need to make a string to display for each branch
cout << "Node ID " << CurrentNode->m_NodeID << "Decision Display: " << endl;
//go down branch 1
//go down branch 2
//Final step at least in this case. A way to Delete node from tree. Can't think of a way to use it yet but i know it's needed
void DecisionTree::RemoveNode(TreeNodes *node)
//could probably even make it to where you delete a specific node by using it's ID
if(node != NULL)
if(node->NewBranch1 != NULL)
if(node->NewBranch2 != NULL)
cout << "Deleting Node" << node->m_NodeID << endl;
//delete node from memory
delete node;
//reset node
node = NULL;
using namespace std;
//tree node class
class TreeNodes
//tree node functions
TreeNodes(int nodeID/*, string QA*/);
virtual ~TreeNodes();
int m_NodeID;
TreeNodes* NewBranch1;
TreeNodes* NewBranch2;
NewBranch1 = NULL;
NewBranch2 = NULL;
m_NodeID = 0;
{ }
//Step 3! Also step 7 hah!
TreeNodes::TreeNodes(int nodeID/*, string NQA*/)
//create tree node with a specific node ID
m_NodeID = nodeID;
//reset nodes/make sure! that they are null. I wont have any funny business #s -_-
NewBranch1 = NULL;
NewBranch2 = NULL;
如果我错了请纠正我,但从 http://dms.irb.hr/tutorial/tut_dtrees.php 的图片来看和 http://www.decisiontrees.net/?q=node/21实际的决策逻辑应该放在节点中,而不是树中。您可以通过使用多态节点对其进行建模,每个节点对应一个决策。对树结构进行一些更改并对决策委托(delegate)进行少量修改,您的代码应该没问题。
关于C++决策树实现问题: Think In Code,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5646120/
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