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r - Spark 错误 : No rows dropped by 'na.omit' call

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 15:55:51 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

当我尝试将 ml_decision_tree 或 ml_logistic_regresion 与 Sparklyr 包一起使用时,出现以下错误。我在 cloudera 集群上使用 spark2.1.0。

> No rows dropped by 'na.omit' call.  Error in
> stop(simpleError(sprintf(fmt, ...), if (call.)
> : bad error message



for (col in c(colnames(data_select)))
data_ft <-at%>%
ft_string_indexer(input.col =col, output.col = paste0(col,"_in"))%>%
ft_one_hot_encoder(input.col = paste0(col,"_in"), output.col = paste0(col,'_ohe'))
at <-data_ft

# create the features vectors
data_col<-colnames(data_ft) # get the colnames names of the aiom_ft table
gp<- grep("*ohe", data_col) # select only columns ended with ohe
features <-c(data_col[gp]) # get the names of those columns
features<-features[features!="target_ohe"] # remove the target variables from the features columns

# create the feactures vectors
data_feac<- ft_vector_assembler(data_ft, input.col = features , output.col ='FeacturesVectors' )

# create a aprtition
#parition the table
partitions<- data_feac %>%
sdf_partition(training = 0.6, test = 0.4, seed = 10099)
fit.dec<-partitions$training %>%
ml_decision_tree(data_feac, response= 'target_ohe', features='FeacturesVectors', type ="classification", ml_options(na.action = getOption("na.action", "na.pass")))

我试过 ml_options(na.action = getOption("na.action", "na.pass")) 和 ml_options(na.action = getOption("na.action", "na.omit"))和同样的错误信息


这是 sparklyr 的未决问题。看这个issue在 GitHub 上

关于r - Spark 错误 : No rows dropped by 'na.omit' call,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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