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想象一个经典的 OMP 任务:
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<double> v;
// generate some data
generate_n(back_inserter(v), 1ul << 18,
bind(uniform_real_distribution<double>(0,1.0), default_random_engine { random_device {}() }));
long double sum = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for(size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
sum += v[i];
std::cout << "Done: sum = " << sum << "\n";
我很难想出如何报告进度。毕竟,OMP 正在为我处理所有团队线程之间的协调,而我没有一 block 全局状态。
我可能会使用常规的 std::thread
在没有 native 原子支持(甚至有它们)的处理器上使用 #pragma omp atomic
出于这个原因,我通常只跟踪单个线程的进度并用它来估计总进度。这适用于每个线程具有相似工作负载的情况。由于您正在使用 #pragma omp parallel for
我已将此逻辑包装在类 ProgressBar
中,我通常将其包含在头文件中,连同它的辅助类 Timer
。该类使用 ANSI 控制信号来保持美观。
[====== ] (12% - 22.0s - 4 threads)
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <iomanip>
#include <stdexcept>
#ifdef _OPENMP
///Multi-threading - yay!
#include <omp.h>
///Macros used to disguise the fact that we do not have multithreading enabled.
#define omp_get_thread_num() 0
#define omp_get_num_threads() 1
///@brief Used to time how intervals in code.
///Such as how long it takes a given function to run, or how long I/O has taken.
class Timer{
typedef std::chrono::high_resolution_clock clock;
typedef std::chrono::duration<double, std::ratio<1> > second;
std::chrono::time_point<clock> start_time; ///< Last time the timer was started
double accumulated_time; ///< Accumulated running time since creation
bool running; ///< True when the timer is running
accumulated_time = 0;
running = false;
///Start the timer. Throws an exception if timer was already running.
void start(){
throw std::runtime_error("Timer was already started!");
start_time = clock::now();
///Stop the timer. Throws an exception if timer was already stopped.
///Calling this adds to the timer's accumulated time.
///@return The accumulated time in seconds.
double stop(){
throw std::runtime_error("Timer was already stopped!");
accumulated_time += lap();
running = false;
return accumulated_time;
///Returns the timer's accumulated time. Throws an exception if the timer is
double accumulated(){
throw std::runtime_error("Timer is still running!");
return accumulated_time;
///Returns the time between when the timer was started and the current
///moment. Throws an exception if the timer is not running.
double lap(){
throw std::runtime_error("Timer was not started!");
return std::chrono::duration_cast<second> (clock::now() - start_time).count();
///Stops the timer and resets its accumulated time. No exceptions are thrown
void reset(){
accumulated_time = 0;
running = false;
///@brief Manages a console-based progress bar to keep the user entertained.
///Defining the global `NOPROGRESS` will
///disable all progress operations, potentially speeding up a program. The look
///of the progress bar is shown in ProgressBar.hpp.
class ProgressBar{
uint32_t total_work; ///< Total work to be accomplished
uint32_t next_update; ///< Next point to update the visible progress bar
uint32_t call_diff; ///< Interval between updates in work units
uint32_t work_done;
uint16_t old_percent; ///< Old percentage value (aka: should we update the progress bar) TODO: Maybe that we do not need this
Timer timer; ///< Used for generating ETA
///Clear current line on console so a new progress bar can be written
void clearConsoleLine() const {
///@brief Start/reset the progress bar.
///@param total_work The amount of work to be completed, usually specified in cells.
void start(uint32_t total_work){
timer = Timer();
this->total_work = total_work;
next_update = 0;
call_diff = total_work/200;
old_percent = 0;
work_done = 0;
///@brief Update the visible progress bar, but only if enough work has been done.
///Define the global `NOPROGRESS` flag to prevent this from having an
///effect. Doing so may speed up the program's execution.
void update(uint32_t work_done0){
//Provide simple way of optimizing out progress updates
//Quick return if this isn't the main thread
//Update the amount of work done
work_done = work_done0;
//Quick return if insufficient progress has occurred
//Update the next time at which we'll do the expensive update stuff
next_update += call_diff;
//Use a uint16_t because using a uint8_t will cause the result to print as a
//character instead of a number
uint16_t percent = (uint8_t)(work_done*omp_get_num_threads()*100/total_work);
//Handle overflows
//In the case that there has been no update (which should never be the case,
//actually), skip the expensive screen print
//Update old_percent accordingly
//Print an update string which looks like this:
// [================================================ ] (96% - 1.0s - 4 threads)
<<std::string(percent/2, '=')<<std::string(50-percent/2, ' ')
<<"] ("
<<percent<<"% - "
<<"s - "
<<omp_get_num_threads()<< " threads)"<<std::flush;
///Increment by one the work done and update the progress bar
ProgressBar& operator++(){
//Quick return if this isn't the main thread
return *this;
return *this;
///Stop the progress bar. Throws an exception if it wasn't started.
///@return The number of seconds the progress bar was running.
double stop(){
return timer.accumulated();
///@return Return the time the progress bar ran for.
double time_it_took(){
return timer.accumulated();
uint32_t cellsProcessed() const {
return work_done;
int main(){
ProgressBar pg;
//You should use 'default(none)' by default: be specific about what you're
#pragma omp parallel for default(none) schedule(static) shared(pg)
for(int i=0;i<100;i++){
关于c++ - 我可以报告 openmp 任务的进度吗?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28050669/
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这是一个相当普遍的计算机科学问题,并不特定于任何操作系统或框架。 因此,我对与在线程池上切换任务相关的开销感到有些困惑。在许多情况下,给每个作业分配自己的特定线程是没有意义的(我们不想创建太多硬件线程
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如何更改 Ant 中的当前工作目录? Ant documentation没有 任务,在我看来,最好的做法是不要更改当前工作目录。 但让我们假设我们仍然想这样做——你会如何做到这一点?谢谢! 最佳答案
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