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我正在编写自己的管理,当然我正在使用 Smarty。现在,我想做的是添加一个与 {if} 标签非常相似的访问检查功能。
{userAccess module='MyModule' action='WriteMessage'}
Yeey.. I can write something. My name is {$myName}.
但我不知道该怎么做。有人可以指出我正确的方向吗?此外,如果可能的话,添加和 {else} 到它。所以代码将是:
{userAccess module='MyModule' action='WriteMessage'}
Yeey.. I can write something. My name is {$myName}.
Nooo.. :( I don't have access.
我解决了这个问题,为 smarty 创建了我自己的“内部”功能。这可能不是 Smarty 打算使用它的方式,但它确实适合我……这对我来说是最重要的。
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile UserAccess
* Compiles the {useraccess} {useraccesselse} {/useraccess} tags
* @package Smarty
* @subpackage Compiler
* @author Paul Peelen
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile useraccess Class
class Smarty_Internal_Compile_useraccess extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
// attribute definitions
public $required_attributes = array('module', 'action');
public $optional_attributes = array('userid'); // Not yet implemented
public $shorttag_order = array('module','action','userid');
* Compiles code for the {useraccess} tag
* @param array $args array with attributes module parser
* @param object $compiler compiler object
* @param array $parameter array with compilation parameter
* @return string compiled code
public function compile($args, $compiler, $parameter)
$this->compiler = $compiler;
$tpl = $compiler->template;
// check and get attributes
$_attr = $this->_get_attributes($args);
$module = $_attr['module'];
$action = $_attr['action'];
if (!is_string($module) || !is_string($action))
exit ("ERROR");
$this->_open_tag('useraccess', array('useraccess', $this->compiler->nocache, $module, $action));
$this->compiler->nocache = $this->compiler->nocache | $this->compiler->tag_nocache;
$output = "<?php ";
$output .= "\$oAuth = \$GLOBALS['oAuth'];\n";
$output .= " \$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars[$module] = new Smarty_Variable;\n";
$compiler->local_var[$module] = true;
$output .= " \$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars[$action] = new Smarty_Variable;\n";
$compiler->local_var[$action] = true;
$output .= "if (\$oAuth->getUserSubRights($action,$module)) {";
$output .= "?>";
return $output;
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile UserAccessElse Class
class Smarty_Internal_Compile_UserAccessElse extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
* Compiles code for the {useraccesselse} tag
* @param array $args array with attributes module parser
* @param object $compiler compiler object
* @param array $parameter array with compilation parameter
* @return string compiled code
public function compile($args, $compiler, $parameter)
$this->compiler = $compiler;
// check and get attributes
$_attr = $this->_get_attributes($args);
list($_open_tag, $nocache, $item, $key) = $this->_close_tag(array('useraccess'));
$this->_open_tag('useraccesselse', array('useraccesselse', $nocache, $item, $key));
return "<?php } else { ?>";
* Smarty Internal Plugin Compile UserAccessclose Class
class Smarty_Internal_Compile_UserAccessclose extends Smarty_Internal_CompileBase {
* Compiles code for the {/useraccess} tag
* @param array $args array with attributes module parser
* @param object $compiler compiler object
* @param array $parameter array with compilation parameter
* @return string compiled code
public function compile($args, $compiler, $parameter)
$this->compiler = $compiler;
// check and get attributes
$_attr = $this->_get_attributes($args);
// must endblock be nocache?
if ($this->compiler->nocache) {
$this->compiler->tag_nocache = true;
list($_open_tag, $this->compiler->nocache, $item, $key) = $this->_close_tag(array('useraccess', 'useraccesselse'));
if ($key != null) {
return "<?php } ?>";
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