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- java - Android 文件转字符串
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<form id="form1" runat="server">
<h1>Is it useful to distinguish between "web apps" and "web sites"?</h1>
<div id="doughnutChart" class="chart"></div>
title: "Nope, It's all just the web",
value: 4822,
color: "#f3e32b"
title: "Yep. They are different things with different concerns",
value: 12339,
color: "#35a8ff"
我需要将它链接到某些东西吗?或下载一些文件?我刚开始使用 codepen
您有 2 个问题。首先,您需要像这样包含 jQuery:
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
[编辑] 这是一些工作代码,但不是将 JS 放在 html 文件中,而是应该像 jQuery 一样包含它...
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<script type="application/javascript">
* jquery.drawDoughnutChart.js
* Version: 0.4(Beta)
* Inspired by Chart.js(http://www.chartjs.org/)
* Copyright 2014 hiro
* https://github.com/githiro/drawDoughnutChart
* Released under the MIT license.
;(function($, undefined) {
$.fn.drawDoughnutChart = function(data, options) {
var $this = this,
W = $this.width(),
H = $this.height(),
centerX = W/2,
centerY = H/2,
cos = Math.cos,
sin = Math.sin,
PI = Math.PI,
settings = $.extend({
segmentShowStroke : true,
segmentStrokeColor : "#0C1013",
segmentStrokeWidth : 1,
baseColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
baseOffset: 4,
edgeOffset : 10,//offset from edge of $this
percentageInnerCutout : 75,
animation : true,
animationSteps : 90,
animationEasing : "easeInOutExpo",
animateRotate : true,
tipOffsetX: -8,
tipOffsetY: -45,
showTip: true,
showLabel: false,
ratioFont: 1.5,
shortInt: false,
tipClass: "doughnutTip",
summaryClass: "doughnutSummary",
summaryTitle: "TOTAL:",
summaryTitleClass: "doughnutSummaryTitle",
summaryNumberClass: "doughnutSummaryNumber",
beforeDraw: function() { },
afterDrawed : function() { },
onPathEnter : function(e,data) { },
onPathLeave : function(e,data) { }
}, options),
animationOptions = {
linear : function (t) {
return t;
easeInOutExpo: function (t) {
var v = t<.5 ? 8*t*t*t*t : 1-8*(--t)*t*t*t;
return (v>1) ? 1 : v;
requestAnimFrame = function() {
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(callback) {
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
var $svg = $('<svg width="' + W + '" height="' + H + '" viewBox="0 0 ' + W + ' ' + H + '" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"></svg>').appendTo($this),
$paths = [],
easingFunction = animationOptions[settings.animationEasing],
doughnutRadius = Min([H / 2,W / 2]) - settings.edgeOffset,
cutoutRadius = doughnutRadius * (settings.percentageInnerCutout / 100),
segmentTotal = 0;
//Draw base doughnut
var baseDoughnutRadius = doughnutRadius + settings.baseOffset,
baseCutoutRadius = cutoutRadius - settings.baseOffset;
$(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'))
"d": getHollowCirclePath(baseDoughnutRadius, baseCutoutRadius),
"fill": settings.baseColor
//Set up pie segments wrapper
var $pathGroup = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'g'));
$pathGroup.attr({opacity: 0}).appendTo($svg);
//Set up tooltip
if (settings.showTip) {
var $tip = $('<div class="' + settings.tipClass + '" />').appendTo('body').hide(),
tipW = $tip.width(),
tipH = $tip.height();
//Set up center text area
var summarySize = (cutoutRadius - (doughnutRadius - cutoutRadius)) * 2,
$summary = $('<div class="' + settings.summaryClass + '" />')
width: summarySize + "px",
height: summarySize + "px",
"margin-left": -(summarySize / 2) + "px",
"margin-top": -(summarySize / 2) + "px"
var $summaryTitle = $('<p class="' + settings.summaryTitleClass + '">' + settings.summaryTitle + '</p>').appendTo($summary);
$summaryTitle.css('font-size', getScaleFontSize( $summaryTitle, settings.summaryTitle )); // In most of case useless
var $summaryNumber = $('<p class="' + settings.summaryNumberClass + '"></p>').appendTo($summary).css({opacity: 0});
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
segmentTotal += data[i].value;
$paths[i] = $(document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'))
"stroke-width": settings.segmentStrokeWidth,
"stroke": settings.segmentStrokeColor,
"fill": data[i].color,
"data-order": i
.on("mouseenter", pathMouseEnter)
.on("mouseleave", pathMouseLeave)
.on("mousemove", pathMouseMove)
.on("click", pathClick);
//Animation start
function getHollowCirclePath(doughnutRadius, cutoutRadius) {
//Calculate values for the path.
//We needn't calculate startRadius, segmentAngle and endRadius, because base doughnut doesn't animate.
var startRadius = -1.570,// -Math.PI/2
segmentAngle = 6.2831,// 1 * ((99.9999/100) * (PI*2)),
endRadius = 4.7131,// startRadius + segmentAngle
startX = centerX + cos(startRadius) * doughnutRadius,
startY = centerY + sin(startRadius) * doughnutRadius,
endX2 = centerX + cos(startRadius) * cutoutRadius,
endY2 = centerY + sin(startRadius) * cutoutRadius,
endX = centerX + cos(endRadius) * doughnutRadius,
endY = centerY + sin(endRadius) * doughnutRadius,
startX2 = centerX + cos(endRadius) * cutoutRadius,
startY2 = centerY + sin(endRadius) * cutoutRadius;
var cmd = [
'M', startX, startY,
'A', doughnutRadius, doughnutRadius, 0, 1, 1, endX, endY,//Draw outer circle
'Z',//Close path
'M', startX2, startY2,//Move pointer
'A', cutoutRadius, cutoutRadius, 0, 1, 0, endX2, endY2,//Draw inner circle
cmd = cmd.join(' ');
return cmd;
function pathMouseEnter(e) {
var order = $(this).data().order;
if (settings.showTip) {
$tip.text(data[order].title + ": " + data[order].value)
if(settings.showLabel) {
$summaryTitle.text(data[order].title).css('font-size', getScaleFontSize( $summaryTitle, data[order].title));
var tmpNumber = settings.shortInt ? shortKInt(data[order].value) : data[order].value;
$summaryNumber.html(tmpNumber).css('font-size', getScaleFontSize( $summaryNumber, tmpNumber));
function pathMouseLeave(e) {
if (settings.showTip) $tip.hide();
if(settings.showLabel) {
$summaryTitle.text(settings.summaryTitle).css('font-size', getScaleFontSize( $summaryTitle, settings.summaryTitle));
var tmpNumber = settings.shortInt ? shortKInt(segmentTotal) : segmentTotal;
$summaryNumber.html(tmpNumber).css('font-size', getScaleFontSize( $summaryNumber, tmpNumber));
function pathMouseMove(e) {
if (settings.showTip) {
top: e.pageY + settings.tipOffsetY,
left: e.pageX - $tip.width() / 2 + settings.tipOffsetX
function pathClick(e){
var order = $(this).data().order;
if (typeof data[order].action != "undefined")
function drawPieSegments (animationDecimal) {
var startRadius = -PI / 2,//-90 degree
rotateAnimation = 1;
if (settings.animation && settings.animateRotate) rotateAnimation = animationDecimal;//count up between0~1
drawDoughnutText(animationDecimal, segmentTotal);
$pathGroup.attr("opacity", animationDecimal);
//If data have only one value, we draw hollow circle(#1).
if (data.length === 1 && (4.7122 < (rotateAnimation * ((data[0].value / segmentTotal) * (PI * 2)) + startRadius))) {
$paths[0].attr("d", getHollowCirclePath(doughnutRadius, cutoutRadius));
for (var i = 0, len = data.length; i < len; i++) {
var segmentAngle = rotateAnimation * ((data[i].value / segmentTotal) * (PI * 2)),
endRadius = startRadius + segmentAngle,
largeArc = ((endRadius - startRadius) % (PI * 2)) > PI ? 1 : 0,
startX = centerX + cos(startRadius) * doughnutRadius,
startY = centerY + sin(startRadius) * doughnutRadius,
endX2 = centerX + cos(startRadius) * cutoutRadius,
endY2 = centerY + sin(startRadius) * cutoutRadius,
endX = centerX + cos(endRadius) * doughnutRadius,
endY = centerY + sin(endRadius) * doughnutRadius,
startX2 = centerX + cos(endRadius) * cutoutRadius,
startY2 = centerY + sin(endRadius) * cutoutRadius;
var cmd = [
'M', startX, startY,//Move pointer
'A', doughnutRadius, doughnutRadius, 0, largeArc, 1, endX, endY,//Draw outer arc path
'L', startX2, startY2,//Draw line path(this line connects outer and innner arc paths)
'A', cutoutRadius, cutoutRadius, 0, largeArc, 0, endX2, endY2,//Draw inner arc path
'Z'//Cloth path
$paths[i].attr("d", cmd.join(' '));
startRadius += segmentAngle;
function drawDoughnutText(animationDecimal, segmentTotal) {
.css({opacity: animationDecimal})
.text((segmentTotal * animationDecimal).toFixed(1));
var tmpNumber = settings.shortInt ? shortKInt(segmentTotal) : segmentTotal;
$summaryNumber.html(tmpNumber).css('font-size', getScaleFontSize( $summaryNumber, tmpNumber));
function animateFrame(cnt, drawData) {
var easeAdjustedAnimationPercent =(settings.animation)? CapValue(easingFunction(cnt), null, 0) : 1;
function animationLoop(drawData) {
var animFrameAmount = (settings.animation)? 1 / CapValue(settings.animationSteps, Number.MAX_VALUE, 1) : 1,
cnt =(settings.animation)? 0 : 1;
requestAnimFrame(function() {
cnt += animFrameAmount;
animateFrame(cnt, drawData);
if (cnt <= 1) {
} else {
function Max(arr) {
return Math.max.apply(null, arr);
function Min(arr) {
return Math.min.apply(null, arr);
function isNumber(n) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
function CapValue(valueToCap, maxValue, minValue) {
if (isNumber(maxValue) && valueToCap > maxValue) return maxValue;
if (isNumber(minValue) && valueToCap < minValue) return minValue;
return valueToCap;
function shortKInt (int) {
int = int.toString();
var strlen = int.length;
return int;
return '<span title="' + int + '">' + int.substring(0, strlen-3) + 'K</span>';
return '<span title="' + int + '">' + int.substring( 0, strlen-6) + 'M</span>';
function getScaleFontSize(block, newText) {
block.css('font-size', '');
newText = newText.toString().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
var newFontSize = block.width() / newText.length * settings.ratioFont;
// Not very good : http://stephensite.net/WordPressSS/2008/02/19/how-to-calculate-the-character-width-accross-fonts-and-points/
// But best quick way the 1.5 number is to affinate in function of the police
var maxCharForDefaultFont = block.width() - newText.length * block.css('font-size').replace(/px/, '') / settings.ratioFont;
return newFontSize+'px';
return '';
function getScaleFontSize(block, newText) {
block.css('font-size', '');
newText = newText.toString().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"");
var newFontSize = block.width() / newText.length;
if(newFontSize<block.css('font-size').replace(/px/, ''))
return newFontSize+'px';
return '';
return $this;
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<h1>Is it useful to distinguish between "web apps" and "web sites"?</h1>
<div id="doughnutChart" class="chart"></div>
title: "Nope, It's all just the web",
value: 4822,
color: "#f3e32b"
title: "Yep. They are different things with different concerns",
value: 12339,
color: "#35a8ff"
[编辑2]此外,使用您的浏览器开发人员工具(通常是 F12)查看出现的错误消息......在您的第一个示例中,错误是 $ is undefined
或其他内容,这通常意味着需要 jQuery .之后它说 drawDoughnutChart()
关于javascript - 直接从 codepen 复制的 donut 代码不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28793723/
我一直致力于使用 highcharts 复制此图表设计。 我一直在玩 jsfiddle 试图获得想要的结果,但问题是我无法设法获得百分比未填充的白色区域,也无法获得条形之间的间隙。 使用 highch
我正在使用 Steema.TeeChart for .Net(用 C# 编码) 有人知道如何在圆环图的饼图内做标签吗? 它应该看起来像: http://www.steema.com/uploads/g
当点击内部 donut 时,我试图将内部和其他 donut 滑出。在下面的链接中,只切掉了内部 donut 。 http://jsfiddle.net/bvL0r6tq/ 我试图通过点选择选择外部切片
我正在尝试将内部 donut 名称设置为 highchart 中外部 donut 工具提示的标题。任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题。在示例中,内部饼图上显示的链接镶边应显示为外部 donut 工具提示中所
我正在使用 jqplot 设置一个具有两个级别的圆环图,但有两个问题,我偷偷怀疑它们是相关的。 当我将设置保留为默认设置时,它会正确显示,但一旦我开始设置直径、内径等。尺寸适用于内部和外部图表,并且它
我想制作一个 donut 风格的饼图,在特定的 donut 扇区带有弯曲的标签,就像这个: 在此模型中,用户单击了“Raphael.js”扇区。现在对于单击的扇区,还应该有一个事件处理程序,负责在饼图
我是编程新手,如果问题很愚蠢,我很抱歉。我正在用 chart.js 做一些图形. 我已经成功地通过 onclick 事件在另一个内部创建了一个 donut ,我遇到的问题是它为每次点击生成一个 don
您好,我想实现一个像这样的 donut 菜单 http://dribbble.com/shots/610433-Wheel-Nav我知道有一种在 css3 中制作 donut 的简单方法。 .doug
我创建了一个带有 highcharts 的饼图,效果很好。现在我想做的是当我悬停一个区域时,我想突出显示它的 parent 和 child ,并在工具提示中显示他们的所有数据。 这是我的图表: htt
我正在尝试增加圆环图的内半径,并且还能够在圆环图内写入。 $scope.donut = new RGraph.Pie('myDonut', $scope.donutData) .
我有一个简单的 SVG donut ,其中使用 stroke-dashoffset="xx"放置了 5 个相等的切片。 donut 本身看起来不错,但是当我尝试为每个切片添加一些悬停更改时,例如,简单
板级: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import
请帮我修改代码。我使用 D3 v5.7.0 并尝试绘制 donut 。 现场演示 is here. 我的代码在这里: const dataset = [ [ 5, 3 ] ]; const s
我使用 highchart 库开发了一个圆环图。我需要在 donut 的内部添加一个标签。 预期结果: JS: $(function () { $('#container8').highcha
我在 Highcharts 中对 donut 中的馅饼很感兴趣,但我似乎无法显示图例或共享工具提示。工作正常with non-shared tooltips : tooltip: {
我创建了一个圆环图,如下所示: 我生成的 donut chart 应采用以下方式: 我的问题是,我怎样才能用图像实现线条(它们在第二个屏幕截图中四舍五入) 供引用,这是我编写的代码: public c
我有一个 2D map ,它在边缘处环绕。因此,如果您离开右边缘,您将重新出现在 map 的左侧。其他三个边也是如此。 这是我用来在点范围内查找元素的 KDTree 的可继承问题。通常,您会检查超球体
我正在使用 Plotly 来绘制 Donut Plot。下面你可以看到我的数据 df1% plot_ly(labels = ~manuf, values = ~count) fig % add_pie
我正在尝试为圆圈内的点生成一个分布,其中有更多的点朝向中心,但对于 donut 形状 我可以制作一个均匀分布的 donut 形状 (1),或者一个有更多点朝向中心的圆圈 (2),但不能制作一个有这么多
http://www.mediafire.com/view/z8ad4pedqr7twbl/donut.png 我想像那个图像一样绘制这个 donut 。我已经使用 raphaeljs 来绘制它。但是