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c# - xaml 中带有集合的嵌套对象似乎会泄漏到相邻的集合中

转载 作者:可可西里 更新时间:2023-11-01 11:51:12 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


<Graph2:NestedObjectTest x:Key="nestedTest">
<Point X="0" Y="0"/>
<Point X="10" Y="10"/>
<Point X="20" Y="20"/>
<Point X="1" Y="0"/>
<Point X="11" Y="10"/>
<Point X="21" Y="20"/>
<Point X="2" Y="0"/>
<Point X="12" Y="10"/>
<Point X="22" Y="20"/>

每个 ChildNestedObjectTest 对象都获得所有九个 Point 对象,而不是每个对象都获得它们看起来应该拥有的三个对象。这是为什么?


namespace Graph2
public class NestedObjectTest : DependencyObject
public static readonly DependencyProperty ChildrenProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Children", typeof(List<ChildNestedObjectTest>), typeof(NestedObjectTest), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new List<ChildNestedObjectTest>()));
public List<ChildNestedObjectTest> Children
get { return (List<ChildNestedObjectTest>)GetValue(ChildrenProperty); }
set { SetValue(ChildrenProperty, value); }
public class ChildNestedObjectTest : DependencyObject
public static readonly DependencyProperty ChildrenProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Children", typeof(List<Point>), typeof(ChildNestedObjectTest), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new List<Point>()));
public List<Point> Children
get { return (List<Point>)GetValue(ChildrenProperty); }
set { SetValue(ChildrenProperty, value); }

我通过将 xaml 作为资源添加到窗口进行测试,然后使用:

Graph2.NestedObjectTest test = (Graph2.NestedObjectTest)this.Resources["nestedTest"];


Collection-Type Dependency Properties


If your property is a reference type, the default value specified in dependency property metadata is not a default value per instance; instead it is a default value that applies to all instances of the type.


 new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(new List<Point>(),
---- This

无论何时都被重新使用,封闭的泛型是另一个 DependencyObject/Freezable


To correct this problem, you must reset the collection dependency property value to a unique instance, as part of the class constructor call. Because the property is a read-only dependency property, you use the SetValue(DependencyPropertyKey, Object) method to set it, using the DependencyPropertyKey that is only accessible within the class.

public NestedObjectTest() : base()
SetValue(ChildrenProperty, new List<ChildNestedObjectTest>());

public ChildNestedObjectTest() : base()
SetValue(ChildrenProperty, new List<Point>());

关于c# - xaml 中带有集合的嵌套对象似乎会泄漏到相邻的集合中,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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