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1- 奖励列表 [EventID,#points]
2- 惩罚列表[EventID,#points]
必须能够将新的 [EventID, #points]
可以轻松检索 EventID
奖金:[ [122,10], [128,10], [133,5]]
惩罚:[ [22,10], [28,5], [13,1]]
· 用户#1 余额:(10+10+5)-(10+5+1) = 9
我正在使用 postgres + Redis。
例如User.find(10).bonus_events => {'122':'10','128':'10','133':'5'}
例如User.find(10).bonus_events =>
ZSET (Sorted Set) 可以这样使用。在您的问题中,eventId 和 points 是整数,因此 Redis 将以最大可能的有效性存储它们。
来自 datatypes intro :
Redis Sorted Sets are non repeating collections of Strings. The difference is that every member of a Sorted Set is associated with score, that is used in order to take the sorted set ordered, from the smallest to the greatest score. While members are unique, scores may be repeated.
With sorted sets you can add, remove, or update elements in a very fast way (in a time proportional to the logarithm of the number of elements). Since elements are taken in order and not ordered afterwards, you can also get ranges by score or by rank (position) in a very fast way. Accessing the middle of a sorted set is also very fast, so you can use Sorted Sets as a smart list of non repeating elements where you can quickly access everything you need: elements in order, fast existence test, fast access to elements in the middle!
是 ZSET 的分数。添加事件:
ZADD bonuses:1 10 122
ZADD penalization:1 10 22
function getBalance(userId) {
bonusKey = "bonuses:" + userId;
penalizationKey = "penalization:" + userIdl
bonuses = redis.call("ZRANGE", bonusKey, 0 -1, "WITHSCORES")
penalization = redis.call("ZRANGE", penalizationKey, 0 -1, "WITHSCORES")
//`bonuses` and `penalization` are array of eventId->points,
// so use index 1 to aceess just points
return bonuses.reduse(acc, element => acc + element[1]) +
penalization.reduse(acc, element => acc + element[1]);
Use this case only if you have unique eventId in each list
Redis 哈希是字符串字段和字符串值之间的映射,因此它们是表示对象的完美数据类型(例如,具有姓名、姓氏、年龄等多个字段的用户)。具有几个字段的哈希以占用很少空间的方式存储,因此您可以在一个小型 Redis 实例中存储数百万个对象。
是 HSET 的值。添加事件:
HSET bonuses:1 122 10
HSET penalization:1 22 10
function getBalance(userId) {
bonusKey = "bonuses:" + userId;
penalizationKey = "penalization:" + userIdl
bonuses = redis.call("HGETALL", bonusKey)
penalization = redis.call("HGETALL", penalizationKey)
//`bonuses` and `penalization` are array of eventId->points,
// so use index 1 to aceess just points
return bonuses.reduse(acc, element => acc + element[1]) +
penalization.reduse(acc, element => acc + element[1]);
HSET 案例更好更快地使用 RAM。如果您在每个列表中只有唯一的 eventId - 使用这种情况。
关于ruby-on-rails - 在 redis 中存储(唯一)键值数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34755998/
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