- android - RelativeLayout 背景可绘制重叠内容
- android - 如何链接 cpufeatures lib 以获取 native android 库?
- java - OnItemClickListener 不起作用,但 OnLongItemClickListener 在自定义 ListView 中起作用
- java - Android 文件转字符串
我有几个运行 Win2k8R2 和 IIS 7.5 的 IIS 服务器。每当我打开 inetmgr 并展开服务器节点时,在我可以做任何事情之前都会有大约 2 分钟的延迟。一旦服务器节点扩展,我就可以正常执行所有任务。我还有其他具有类似设置的离线服务器,它们几乎可以立即扩展服务器节点。
在有问题的服务器上使用“netsh tracing set trace ...”运行跟踪后,我看到他们正在尝试访问 Microsoft CRL 文件,这显然会超时并导致缓慢。在良好的服务器上,没有网络痕迹。
15:32:17.684 ::>>>> WinHttp Version 6.0 Build 6.1.7601 >>>>Process InetMgr.exe [912 (0x390)] started at 15:32:17.684 10/07/2014
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpOpen("Microsoft-CryptoAPI/6.1", WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY (0), "", "", 0x0)
15:32:17.684 ::winhttp-dll added a reference to winhttp.dll (via LoadLibrary() call)
15:32:17.684 ::thread-pool created
15:32:17.684 ::thread pool initialized successfully
15:32:17.684 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 1
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpOpen() returning handle 0x1c921c60
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpSetTimeouts(0x1c921c60, 0, 60000, 60000, 60000)
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpSetTimeouts() returning TRUE
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpSetOption(0x1c921c60, WINHTTP_OPTION_CONFIGURE_PASSPORT_AUTH (83), 0x1c86f710 [0x0], 4)
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpCrackUrl("http://ctldl.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/disallowedcertstl.cab", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1c86f620)
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpCrackUrl() returning TRUE
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpConnect(0x1c921c60, "ctldl.windowsupdate.com", 80, 0x0)
15:32:17.684 ::Indicate Status 0x1c9e4380, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x1c86f358 [0x1c9e4380], 8
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpConnect() returning handle 0x1c9e4380
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpOpenRequest(0x1c9e4380, "", "/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/disallowedcertstl.cab?56b780acf368dee0", "", "", 0x1c86f6a0, 0x00000000)
15:32:17.684 ::Indicate Status 0x1ca06060, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x1c86f308 [0x1ca06060], 8
15:32:17.684 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x1c86f240, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1c86f308)
15:32:17.684 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL = (null), URL Length = 0
15:32:17.699 :: WinHttpCreateUrl: error 122 [ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER]
15:32:17.699 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning FALSE
15:32:17.699 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x1c86f240, 0x0, 0x1c94ce00, 0x1c86f308)
15:32:17.699 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL = http://ctldl.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/disallowe, URL Length = 109
15:32:17.699 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning TRUE
15:32:17.699 ::WinHttpOpenRequest() returning handle 0x1ca06060
15:32:17.699 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(0x1c86f408)
15:32:17.699 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 2
15:32:17.699 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:17.699 ::WPAD: Getting Gateway MACs from Adapter: {*****MASKED*****} ::NextHop.State: ***:**:**.** ::WPAD: Checking Gateway MAC {****MASKED*****}9 ::Identifying Network, using GWMac
15:32:17.699 ::SWPAD lookup key: 00-10-db-ff-10-02
15:32:17.699 ::SWPAD Decision: 2, (0) OFF, (1) ON, (2) UNKNOWN (3) OFF_NEED_BROWSE
15:32:17.699 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() returning TRUE
15:32:17.699 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(0x1c921c60, "http://ctldl.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/disallowedcertstl.cab", 0x1c86f428, 0x1c86f3e0)
15:32:17.699 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:17.699 ::_StartAutoProxyService: The AutoProxy service is already running
15:32:20.262 ::_CallClientGetProxyForUrl the service returned error 12180
15:32:20.262 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl() returning FALSE
15:32:20.262 :: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl: error 12180 [0x2f94]
15:32:20.262 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(0x1c86e298)
15:32:20.262 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 2
15:32:20.262 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:20.262 ::WPAD: Getting Gateway MACs from Adapter: {**MASKED**} ::NextHop.State: 515:32:20.262 ::WPAD: Checking Gateway {**MASKED**}::Identifying Network, using GWMac
15:32:20.262 ::SWPAD lookup key: 00-10-db-ff-10-02
15:32:20.262 ::SWPAD Decision: 2, (0) OFF, (1) ON, (2) UNKNOWN (3) OFF_NEED_BROWSE
15:32:20.262 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() returning TRUE
15:32:20.262 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(0x1c921c60, "http://ctldl.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/disallowedcertstl.cab", 0x1c86e2b8, 0x1c86e270)
15:32:22.824 ::_CallClientGetProxyForUrl the service returned error 12180
15:32:22.824 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl() returning FALSE
15:32:22.824 :: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl: error 12180 [0x2f94]
15:32:22.824 ::WinHttpSetOption(0x1ca06060, WINHTTP_OPTION_AUTOLOGON_POLICY (77), 0x1c86e398 [0x2], 4)
15:32:22.824 ::WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
15:32:22.824 ::WinHttpSendRequest(0x1ca06060, "", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0)
15:32:22.824 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 transitioning from state _READY to state _SENDING_RECVING
15:32:22.824 ::sys-req updates BytesToSend to 0
15:32:22.824 ::sys-req transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
15:32:22.824 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:22.824 ::sys-sender calling HttpSendHttpRequest(overlapped = 1C9D9350)
15:32:22.824 ::sys-sender transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
15:32:22.824 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 received OnDnsResolvingName callback
15:32:22.824 ::sys-req pends send-request
15:32:22.824 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 blocks waiting for async to complete...
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpOpen("Microsoft-CryptoAPI/6.1", WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY (0), "", "", 0x0)
15:32:32.637 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 2
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpOpen() returning handle 0x1c921ee0
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpSetTimeouts(0x1c921ee0, 0, 60000, 60000, 60000)
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpSetTimeouts() returning TRUE
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpSetOption(0x1c921ee0, WINHTTP_OPTION_CONFIGURE_PASSPORT_AUTH (83), 0x1d74f630 [0x0], 4)
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpCrackUrl("http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/microsoftrootcert.crl", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1d74f540)
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpCrackUrl() returning TRUE
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpConnect(0x1c921ee0, "crl.microsoft.com", 80, 0x0)
15:32:32.637 ::Indicate Status 0x1c9e44d0, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x1d74f278 [0x1c9e44d0], 8
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpConnect() returning handle 0x1c9e44d0
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpOpenRequest(0x1c9e44d0, "", "/pki/crl/products/microsoftrootcert.crl", "", "", 0x1d74f5c0, 0x00000000)
15:32:32.637 ::Indicate Status 0x1bf71e30, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x1d74f228 [0x1bf71e30], 8
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x1d74f160, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1d74f228)
15:32:32.637 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL = (null), URL Length = 0
15:32:32.637 :: WinHttpCreateUrl: error 122 [ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER]
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning FALSE
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x1d74f160, 0x0, 0x1c99fda0, 0x1d74f228)
15:32:32.637 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL = http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/microsoftrootcert.crl, URL Length = 63
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning TRUE
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpOpenRequest() returning handle 0x1bf71e30
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(0x1d74f328)
15:32:32.637 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 3
15:32:32.637 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:32.637 ::WPAD: Getting Gateway MACs from Adapter: {**MASKED**} ::Identifying Network, using GWMac
15:32:32.637 ::SWPAD lookup key: 00-1{**MASKED**}
15:32:32.637 ::SWPAD Decision: 2, (0) OFF, (1) ON, (2) UNKNOWN (3) OFF_NEED_BROWSE
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() returning TRUE
15:32:32.637 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(0x1c921ee0, "http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/microsoftrootcert.crl", 0x1d74f348, 0x1d74f300)
15:32:34.824 :: <c-b> an async I/O operation completes (overlapped = 1C9D9350, #bytes/info = 0, error = WSANO_DATA (11004))
15:32:34.824 ::sys-sender processing HttpSendHttpRequest completion (error-cdoe = WSANO_DATA (0x2afc), #bytes = 0, overlapped = 1C9D9350)
15:32:34.824 ::sys-sender failed to a request; error = WSANO_DATA (11004)
15:32:34.824 ::sys-req shutting down; send-req encountered fatal error; error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007)
15:32:34.824 ::sys-req completing a send-request call (error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007))
15:32:34.824 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 received OnSendRequest callback; error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007)
15:32:34.824 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 releases sys-req 001C2150
15:32:34.824 ::sys-req failed to cancel the request; the object is already shutting down
15:32:34.824 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 transitioning from state _SENDING_RECVING to state _READY
15:32:34.824 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 signals sync caller 1C9843A0 (api = 5, error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007), # bytes = 0)
15:32:34.824 ::... async completed (result = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007)); usr-req unblocked
15:32:34.824 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 transitioning from state _READY to state _READY
15:32:34.824 :: WinHttpSendRequest: error 12007 [ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED]
15:32:34.824 ::WinHttpSendRequest() returning FALSE
15:32:34.824 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1ca06060)
15:32:34.824 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 is shutting down
15:32:34.824 ::Indicate Status 0x1ca06060, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x1c86f350 [0x1ca06060], 8
15:32:34.824 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
15:32:34.824 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1c9e4380)
15:32:34.824 ::Indicate Status 0x1c9e4380, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x1c86f350 [0x1c9e4380], 8
15:32:34.824 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
15:32:34.824 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1c921c60)
15:32:34.824 ::Indicate Status 0x1c921c60, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x1c86f5d0 [0x1c921c60], 8
15:32:34.824 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
15:32:35.215 ::_CallClientGetProxyForUrl the service returned error 12180
15:32:35.215 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl() returning FALSE
15:32:35.215 :: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl: error 12180 [0x2f94]
15:32:35.215 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(0x1d74e1b8)
15:32:35.215 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 2
15:32:35.215 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:35.215 ::WPAD: Getting Gateway MACs from Adapter: {**MASKED**} ::Identifying Network, using GWMac
15:32:35.215 ::SWPAD lookup key: 00-{**MASKED**}
15:32:35.215 ::SWPAD Decision: 2, (0) OFF, (1) ON, (2) UNKNOWN (3) OFF_NEED_BROWSE
15:32:35.215 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() returning TRUE
15:32:35.215 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(0x1c921ee0, "http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/microsoftrootcert.crl", 0x1d74e1d8, 0x1d74e190)
15:32:37.778 ::_CallClientGetProxyForUrl the service returned error 12180
15:32:37.778 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl() returning FALSE
15:32:37.778 :: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl: error 12180 [0x2f94]
15:32:37.778 ::WinHttpSetOption(0x1bf71e30, WINHTTP_OPTION_AUTOLOGON_POLICY (77), 0x1d74e2b8 [0x2], 4)
15:32:37.778 ::WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
15:32:37.778 ::WinHttpSendRequest(0x1bf71e30, "", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0)
15:32:37.778 ::usr-req 1CA0E790 transitioning from state _READY to state _SENDING_RECVING
15:32:37.778 ::sys-req updates BytesToSend to 0
15:32:37.778 ::sys-req transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
15:32:37.778 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:37.778 ::sys-sender calling HttpSendHttpRequest(overlapped = 1C9D9280)
15:32:37.778 ::sys-sender transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
15:32:37.778 ::usr-req 1CA0E790 received OnDnsResolvingName callback
15:32:37.778 ::sys-req pends send-request
15:32:37.778 ::usr-req 1CA0E790 blocks waiting for async to complete...
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpOpen("Microsoft-CryptoAPI/6.1", WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY (0), "", "", 0x0)
15:32:42.637 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 2
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpOpen() returning handle 0x1c921da0
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpSetTimeouts(0x1c921da0, 0, 60000, 60000, 60000)
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpSetTimeouts() returning TRUE
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpSetOption(0x1c921da0, WINHTTP_OPTION_CONFIGURE_PASSPORT_AUTH (83), 0x1d86fc60 [0x0], 4)
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpCrackUrl("http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/CodeSigPCA.crl", 0x0, 0x0, 0x1d86fb70)
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpCrackUrl() returning TRUE
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpConnect(0x1c921da0, "crl.microsoft.com", 80, 0x0)
15:32:42.637 ::Indicate Status 0x1c9e4380, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x1d86f8a8 [0x1c9e4380], 8
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpConnect() returning handle 0x1c9e4380
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpOpenRequest(0x1c9e4380, "", "/pki/crl/products/CodeSigPCA.crl", "", "", 0x1d86fbf0, 0x00000000)
15:32:42.637 ::Indicate Status 0x1ca2e3d0, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CREATED (1024), 0x1d86f858 [0x1ca2e3d0], 8
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x1d86f790, 0x0, 0x0, 0x1d86f858)
15:32:42.637 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL = (null), URL Length = 0
15:32:42.637 :: WinHttpCreateUrl: error 122 [ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER]
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning FALSE
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpCreateUrl(0x1d86f790, 0x0, 0x1c9cba40, 0x1d86f858)
15:32:42.637 :: WinHttpCreateUrl(); URL = http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/CodeSigPCA.crl, URL Length = 56
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpCreateUrl() returning TRUE
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpOpenRequest() returning handle 0x1ca2e3d0
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(0x1d86f958)
15:32:42.637 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 3
15:32:42.637 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:42.637 ::WPAD: Getting Gateway MACs from Adapter: {**MASKED**} ::WPAD: Checking Gateway MAC 00-{**MASKED**} ::Identifying Network, using GWMac
15:32:42.637 ::SWPAD lookup key: 00-{**MASKED**}
15:32:42.637 ::SWPAD Decision: 2, (0) OFF, (1) ON, (2) UNKNOWN (3) OFF_NEED_BROWSE
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() returning TRUE
15:32:42.637 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(0x1c921da0, "http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/CodeSigPCA.crl", 0x1d86f978, 0x1d86f930)
15:32:45.199 ::_CallClientGetProxyForUrl the service returned error 12180
15:32:45.199 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl() returning FALSE
15:32:45.199 :: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl: error 12180 [0x2f94]
15:32:45.199 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser(0x1d86e7e8)
15:32:45.199 ::_SvcsStartup() succeeded; async-count = 3
15:32:45.199 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:45.199 ::WPAD: Getting Gateway MACs from Adapter: {**MASKED**} ::NextHop.State: 515:32:45.199 ::WPAD: Checking Gateway MAC 00-{**MASKED**} ::Identifying Network, using GWMac
15:32:45.199 ::SWPAD lookup key: 00-{**MASKED**}
15:32:45.199 ::SWPAD Decision: 2, (0) OFF, (1) ON, (2) UNKNOWN (3) OFF_NEED_BROWSE
15:32:45.199 ::WinHttpGetIEProxyConfigForCurrentUser() returning TRUE
15:32:45.199 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl(0x1c921da0, "http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/CodeSigPCA.crl", 0x1d86e808, 0x1d86e7c0)
15:32:47.762 ::_CallClientGetProxyForUrl the service returned error 12180
15:32:47.762 ::WinHttpGetProxyForUrl() returning FALSE
15:32:47.762 :: WinHttpGetProxyForUrl: error 12180 [0x2f94]
15:32:47.762 ::WinHttpSetOption(0x1ca2e3d0, WINHTTP_OPTION_AUTOLOGON_POLICY (77), 0x1d86e8e8 [0x2], 4)
15:32:47.762 ::WinHttpSetOption() returning TRUE
15:32:47.762 ::WinHttpSendRequest(0x1ca2e3d0, "", 0, 0x0, 0, 0, 0)
15:32:47.762 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 transitioning from state _READY to state _SENDING_RECVING
15:32:47.762 ::sys-req updates BytesToSend to 0
15:32:47.762 ::sys-req transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
15:32:47.762 ::current thread is not impersonating
15:32:47.762 ::sys-sender calling HttpSendHttpRequest(overlapped = 1C9D9760)
15:32:47.762 ::sys-sender transitioning from state _INIT to state _SENDING
15:32:47.762 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 received OnDnsResolvingName callback
15:32:47.762 ::sys-req pends send-request
15:32:47.762 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 blocks waiting for async to complete...
15:32:49.778 :: <c-b> an async I/O operation completes (overlapped = 1C9D9280, #bytes/info = 0, error = WSANO_DATA (11004))
15:32:49.778 ::sys-sender processing HttpSendHttpRequest completion (error-cdoe = WSANO_DATA (0x2afc), #bytes = 0, overlapped = 1C9D9280)
15:32:49.778 ::sys-sender failed to a request; error = WSANO_DATA (11004)
15:32:49.778 ::sys-req shutting down; send-req encountered fatal error; error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007)
15:32:49.778 ::sys-req completing a send-request call (error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007))
15:32:49.778 ::usr-req 1CA0E790 received OnSendRequest callback; error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007)
15:32:49.778 ::usr-req 1CA0E790 releases sys-req 1CA52CB0
15:32:49.778 ::sys-req failed to cancel the request; the object is already shutting down
15:32:49.778 ::usr-req 1CA0E790 transitioning from state _SENDING_RECVING to state _READY
15:32:49.778 ::usr-req 1CA0E790 signals sync caller 1C984460 (api = 5, error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007), # bytes = 0)
15:32:49.778 ::... async completed (result = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007)); usr-req unblocked
15:32:49.778 ::usr-req 1CA0E790 transitioning from state _READY to state _READY
15:32:49.778 :: WinHttpSendRequest: error 12007 [ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED]
15:32:49.778 ::WinHttpSendRequest() returning FALSE
15:32:49.778 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1bf71e30)
15:32:49.778 ::usr-req 1CA0E790 is shutting down
15:32:49.778 ::Indicate Status 0x1bf71e30, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x1d74f270 [0x1bf71e30], 8
15:32:49.778 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
15:32:49.778 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1c9e44d0)
15:32:49.778 ::Indicate Status 0x1c9e44d0, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x1d74f270 [0x1c9e44d0], 8
15:32:49.778 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
15:32:49.778 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1c921ee0)
15:32:49.778 ::Indicate Status 0x1c921ee0, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x1d74f4f0 [0x1c921ee0], 8
15:32:49.778 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
15:32:59.762 :: <c-b> an async I/O operation completes (overlapped = 1C9D9760, #bytes/info = 0, error = WSANO_DATA (11004))
15:32:59.762 ::sys-sender processing HttpSendHttpRequest completion (error-cdoe = WSANO_DATA (0x2afc), #bytes = 0, overlapped = 1C9D9760)
15:32:59.762 ::sys-sender failed to a request; error = WSANO_DATA (11004)
15:32:59.762 ::sys-req shutting down; send-req encountered fatal error; error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007)
15:32:59.762 ::sys-req completing a send-request call (error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007))
15:32:59.762 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 received OnSendRequest callback; error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007)
15:32:59.762 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 releases sys-req 1CA53130
15:32:59.762 ::sys-req failed to cancel the request; the object is already shutting down
15:32:59.762 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 transitioning from state _SENDING_RECVING to state _READY
15:32:59.762 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 signals sync caller 1C9852A0 (api = 5, error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007), # bytes = 0)
15:32:59.762 ::... async completed (result = ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED (12007)); usr-req unblocked
15:32:59.762 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 transitioning from state _READY to state _READY
15:32:59.762 :: WinHttpSendRequest: error 12007 [ERROR_WINHTTP_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED]
15:32:59.762 ::WinHttpSendRequest() returning FALSE
15:32:59.762 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1ca2e3d0)
15:32:59.762 ::usr-req 1CA083E0 is shutting down
15:32:59.762 ::Indicate Status 0x1ca2e3d0, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x1d86f8a0 [0x1ca2e3d0], 8
15:32:59.762 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
15:32:59.762 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1c9e4380)
15:32:59.762 ::Indicate Status 0x1c9e4380, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x1d86f8a0 [0x1c9e4380], 8
15:32:59.762 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
15:32:59.762 ::WinHttpCloseHandle(0x1c921da0)
15:32:59.762 ::winhttp-dll is shutting down
15:32:59.762 ::Indicate Status 0x1c921da0, 0x0, WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_HANDLE_CLOSING (2048), 0x1d86fb20 [0x1c921da0], 8
15:32:59.762 ::WinHttpCloseHandle() returning TRUE
15:33:59.762 ::thread pool is shutting down
15:33:59.762 ::thread pool closed
15:33:59.762 ::thread pool destroyed
15:33:59.762 ::winhttp-dll object released its reference to winhttp.dll via FreeLibrary()
这与我在此处描述的问题相同: http://forums.iis.net/t/1222164.aspx?IIS+manager+slow+node+opening
在我的例子中,服务器阻止了所有传出流量,因此它无法到达 crl 服务器。
使用 Internet 选项/连接/LAN 设置部分修复了它,我打开了(为您的 LAN 使用代理服务器)-> localhost:9000。这样请求会更快超时。
IIS 管理器中的节点打开速度更快。 (7-10 秒)之前(20-30 秒)。
关于windows - 离线 IIS Inetmgr 扩展服务器节点缓慢(2 分钟)...,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26247966/
我有几个运行 Win2k8R2 和 IIS 7.5 的 IIS 服务器。每当我打开 inetmgr 并展开服务器节点时,在我可以做任何事情之前都会有大约 2 分钟的延迟。一旦服务器节点扩展,我就可以正
是否可以使用我的 IIS 管理器远程连接到在 Windows 上运行的 Azure 应用服务? 根据 this 这似乎是可能的通过单击 IIS 管理器文件 -> 连接到站点来查看博客文章。 最佳答案